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Mobile: Element, Screen Segmentation and Tracked Event Options

Last Updated March 13, 2023

Segment and Rule Based Tracked Event Modifiers for Elements

Elements can be used in segments with the following modifiers:

  • Element is/is not currently shown - element's current visibility to the naked eye
  • Element was/was not seen in current session - element's visibility during the current session
  • Element was/was not interacted in current session - element tapped during the current session
  • Element is interacted - element is currently being tapped
  • Element exists/does not exist - element exists but is not visible due to an overlay/dialog

Segment and Rule Based Tracked Event Modifiers for Screens

  • Screen is/is not currently shown - screen's visibility to the naked eye
  • Screen was/was not visited - screen's visibility during the current session
    • This segment will refer to the current user session.

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