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Create Solution in Content Manager

Brief Overview

This article is a guide to creating a solution in the Content Manager, which will appear in the My Solutions tab in the console Solutions Gallery.

Step-by-step guide

Create a solution

  1. Click the Options Menu in the item line

  2. Select Create Solution from the menu

  3. A popup will appear with steps for:

    1. Settings
    2. Content


You can only create one solution per folder


  1. Enter a Title for your solution,
    • This will be the title displayed in the templates tile in the my solutions page

  2. Enter a Description for your solution

    • This will be the description displayed in the template tile in the my solutions page

  3. Adjust solution settings by enabling or disabling these specific preferences:

    1. Set as private solution: This solution can only be accessed in My Solutions and not the Shared Solution catalog.

    2. Enable copyright protection: This restricts downloaded items from being used in new templates.

    3. Exclude screenshots & URLs: Screenshots and URLs won't be included in the solution during the building process.

    4. Include Multi-language: Allow the solution to support multiple languages.

    5. Include segments: To reach the right audience, include segments that control when and where your solution appears.

  4. Click Next


  1. Optional: Upload visuals to your solution:

    1. Drag and drop files into the folder

    2. Click Upload and select from the dropdown:

      1. My computer

      2. Assets library: A repository of digital assets to enhance content in digital solution


        Upload at least two visuals

  2. Enter additional details to help explain your solution in the How it Works field

  3. Click Done

  • You can locate the newly created solution under the My Solutions tab in the Solutions Gallery in the Console.

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