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Work flows better with WalkMe
Work flows better with WalkMe.

Product Updates: November, 2015

Last Updated January 29, 2022

November '15 release, WalkMe delivers updates to improve your experience.

How to Use the Product Updates

  • The release notes give you brief, high-level descriptions of new and updated WalkMe features.

How will the new update become available?

  • Our new updates will be available on Nov. 15th. Once our updates have been released, you can log into the Editor where you will be prompted to upgrade your software. Your current Implementation will not be affected by the update until you publish them again. For customers that run WalkMe on their local servers, contact your Customer Success Manager,, to learn how you can gain these new features.

Feature Updates

Capture Mode

Capture Mode reduces production time, by allowing you to capture an entire Walk-Thru process without reopening the Editor. You'll also be able to create individual steps more quickly using our intelligent Title creation and Trigger selection features.

  • Capture Steps more quickly
    • Automatic Title creation for Steps
    • Automatic Trigger selection for Steps
    • Add internal notes while creating Steps
  • Add multiple Steps without reopening the WalkMe Editor
  • Switch between Capture Mode and Navigation Mode by pressing the Control key on your keyboard. Navigation Mode allows you interactive your website/application normally.

Screenshots Feature

The new Screenshots features is designed to make it easier for you to share your work with your team members.

  • View and download screenshots for individual Walk-Thru Steps, Launchers, or Rules that use On Screen Elements.
  • Screenshots include
    • Screenshot image
    • Original URL
    • Internal notes created
    • Editor account used to capture element for Step, Launcher or Rule
  • Hover over the screenshot icon to view screenshots
  • Download Screenshot as PDFs for entire Walk-Thrus. Download as PDF is located in the Pen options menu viewable while hovering over your Walk-Thru
  • Blur background option for screenshots.
  • Delete individual screenshots or all saved screenshots

Note: Screenshots must be manually enabled. Enable screenshots in the Setting Menu located in the Admin Bar or use WalkMe for WalkMe to help you find it!

Learn more about Screenshots.

New Rich Text Editor

The new Rich Text Editor has been rebuilt and now includes an improved user interface. Customers also now have options to embed additional media into balloons and format text using bullet points.

  • Rebuilt for improved performance
  • Add bullet points to format text
  • Add Wistia or Flash videos (Vimeo and Youtube are still available)
  • Add iFrame content

Learn more about the Rich Text Editor

Rule Engine Current Value Filler

The Rule Engine can now intelligently fill in values for select Types

  • Autofill Current or Referrer URLs
  • Autofill javascript and cookies when using the User Data Type
  • Autofill Salesforce and Workday® Pages

Learn More about the Rule Engine

WalkMe's Improved Salesforce Search will instantly save you time and effort. Once installed into your Salesforce environment it turns Salesforce search into a “Google-Like” experience.

  • View instant results for any field within your records including contact information or even ACV
  • Intelligently autocompletes search requests as you type and shows dynamic results
  • Designed to replace Salesforce's default search tool

Contact your CSM to learn more about our improved Salesforce Search and how to enable it in your implementation.

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