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Work flows better with WalkMe.

About Insights Classic Tracked Events

Brief Overview

With Tracked Events, you can easily track any meaningful event on your website or application, such as end-users signing up for your service or upgrading to a new plan.

Once defined, Tracked Events will be identified in all subsequent sessions. Tracked Events are re-usable and help you to filter sessions more effectively and create better Funnels to track end-user engagement with your website.

Unlike WalkMe Events and Smart Walk-Thru goals, Tracked Events enable you to follow end-user completion of processes with or without the presence of WalkMe items on your website. By tracking before and after WalkMe, you can gauge the effectiveness of your WalkMe solution.

Digital Adoption Institute

Use Cases

Tracked Events use cases include the following:

  • Keep tabs on when and how many end-users view a signup page, and how many ultimately sign up
  • Track when end-users complete a purchase
  • Keep track of when end-users enable an advanced feature
  • Easily filter sessions by a wide range of end-user actions
  • Create more effective Funnels, better aligned to your business goals

Creating a Tracked Event

To create a Tracked Event, follow the instructions in the Creating Tracked Events in Insights Classic article.

You can also learn more about Tracked Events by watching the Community Webinar below.

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Question Answer
What is the maximum number of tracked events we can use? Users can have an unlimited number of tracked events.
Can using tracked events slow down the performance of an environment? Based on investigations it has been concluded that WalkMe is not the root cause of the performance issues.


There are character limits for Tracked Event classes and IDs in a selector.

  • Classes are limited to 35 characters per class
  • IDs are limited to 40 characters per ID
  • If the character limit is exceeded, the tracked event will return 0
    • Note: This only applies to individual classes and not for multiple classes
    • Example: [class='btn btn_otherclass button_enable_specific_button superlongclassthatissupposedtobethislongtoreachthelimit]
    • The classes "btn btn_otherclass button_enable_specific_button" will be collected but the class "superlongclassthatissupposedtobethislongtoreachthelimit" will not be collected
  • Copying tracked events between environments requires support intervention
  • Data capture or collection for elements that begin with a number is not supported. For example: #1av345-d345

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