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Mobile: How To Add API Based Tracked Events (previously Goals)


API Based Tracked Events must both be added in the Mobile Console and your developers must add them to the app's code using the WalkMe Mobile SDK API.

Steps For Adding API Based Tracked Events in the Mobile Console

  1. In the Mobile Console, click TRACKED EVENTS;
  2. Click the + TRACKED EVENT button;
  3. Click API based tracked event;
  4. Enter a name in the Event Name field;
  5. Click ADD ATTRIBUTE once for each attribute you'd like to add;
  6. Give each attribute a name and type (options are Text, Number and Boolean);
  7. The Event and attribute names should match exactly those that your developers set in the API call to the WalkMe Mobile SDK.

Steps For Adding the Event API in the Android WalkMe Mobile SDK

See the below usage example:

ABBI.sendGoal("Bought a blue sword", null)
ABBI.sendGoal("Bought a blue sword", new HashMap()<String, String{
put("item_name", "unlimited_calls")

Adding the Event API in the iOS WalkMe Mobile SDK

See the below usage example:

[ABBI sendTrackedEvent:@"Bought a blue sword" withProperites:nil]
[ABBI sendTrackedEvent:@"Bought a blue sword" withProperites:@{@"item_name", @"unlimited_calls"}]

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