Mobile: How To Install the iOS WalkMe Mobile SDK Manually
Last Updated September 14, 2022
Steps For Installation
- Navigate to{SDK_VERSION}.zip where {SDK_VERSION) is the version number you want to integrate
- For example:
- Download the repository as a .zip file and extract it
- Copy WalkMeSDK.xcframework to your Xcode project
- In case you can't use frameworks on your project, use the static library option and copy libABBISDK.a and all headers under the "include/ABBISDK" folder to your Xcode project
- Make sure to add the following frameworks to your target:
- AudioToolbox.framework
- WebKit.framework
- SystemConfiguration.framework
- StoreKit.framework
- UIKit.framework
- CoreMotion.framework
- Social.framework
- UserNotifications.framework
- AddressBook.framework
- CoreLocation.framework
- AVFoundation.framework
- ImageIO.framework
- LocalAuthentication.framework
- After installation, add the following to your
#import <WalkMeSDK/WalkMeSDK.h>
- In
(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary*)launchOptions
, add the following:
[ABBI start:@"YOUR_APP_KEY" withSecretKey:@"YOUR_SECRET_KEY"];
- WalkMeSDK.framework is precompiled with i386 and x86_64 architectures, before uploading your app to the iTunes Connect, you must slice these architectures
- Navigate to{SDK_VERSION}.zip where {SDK_VERSION) is the version number you want to integrate
💡 Pro-Tip: Verify the integration by looking at ABBI SDK
and the current version of the SDK and the app ID you are using in your logs.
Complete the integration by entering Power Mode in the app:
Launch the app with WalkMe SDK integrated and press and hold 5 fingers on the screen for 5 seconds until the login popup displays. This is the default setting and can be configured at any time in the console.

Log in to Power Mode with your mobile console credentials to complete the sync.
That's it, you are all done!
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