“Play” option in the editor’s mode selector was renamed to “Published”. This name better reflects that this mode allows you to preview content as it appears to your users, without leaving the editor.
The following general settings are now available from the Admin Center only. A link to the Admin Center was added for each:
Data Collection level
Screenshot settings
Session timeout settings
Dynamic text attributes were removed from general settings and can be accessed via Editor > Settings menu > Dynamic text attributes
December 24EditorFeature upgradeDecemberGA (general availability)USEUFedRampCanada
Experience an updated launcher preview, easily manage your Action Bar settings from a new Settings page, and add launcher display conditions—all from the console
November 18WalkMe(X)Feature upgradeQuarterly releaseNovemberGA (general availability)USEU
The WalkMe Solutions Gallery app is moving to the console, providing users with a centralized platform to create, manage, and share digital adoption templates
November 18Solutions GalleryConsoleFeature upgradeQuarterly releaseNovemberGA (general availability)USEU
Background layers allow you to create layered designs using colors and images, boosting creativity with customizable options like rotation, opacity, zoom, and more
Note: Canada and FedRAMP updates will become available in the following weeks.
November 18EditorFeature upgradeQuarterly releaseNovemberGA (general availability)USEUFedRampCanada
WalkMe items (ShoutOuts, pop-up steps, articles, videos, and surveys) can now be configured in the editor with drag-and-drop functionality, enabling easier repositioning
Note: Canada and FedRAMP updates will become available in the following weeks.
November 18EditorFeature upgradeQuarterly releaseNovemberGA (general availability)USEUFedRampCanada
The multi-language detector allows admins to configure settings that enable automatic detection and recognition of the site’s language without external assistance
Note: Canada and FedRAMP updates will become available in the following weeks.
November 18Admin CenterMulti-languageFeature upgradeQuarterly releaseNovemberGA (general availability)USEUFedRampCanada
A new analytics dashboard in WalkMe Insights provides valuable data on AI adoption rates and usage patterns, and enables tracking of user interactions with key AI features: AI Answers, AI Action Bar, AI SmartTips, and AI Rules
November 18InsightsAI AnswersAI SmartTipsWalkMe(X)New releaseQuarterly releaseNovemberGA (general availability)USEU
Enhancements to the Action Bar UX include a streamlined onboarding process, expanded customization options, and new resize functionality for optimal user experience
November 18WalkMe(X)Feature upgradeQuarterly releaseNovemberGA (general availability)USEU
Get ready to fall in love with our new capabilities — including improved building experiences in the editor, easier DAP collaboration with the new Stories app, and the latest set of enhancements to our copilot, WalkMe(X) — as we fly toward the future of DAP
The new WalkMe Stories app enables you to document, share, and collaborate on any workflow by automatically converting processes into step-by-step guides, paving the way for enhancing these workflows with WalkMe
November 11StoriesNew releaseQuarterly releaseNovemberGA (general availability)USEU
Experience seamless integration within the editor, with improved performance and enhanced management capabilities, including: managing files, utilizing folders, understanding storage indications, and accessing "My Favorites"
August 19EditorFeature upgradeQuarterly releaseAugustGA (general availability)US
You can now expand folders by default and increase the number of tabs displayed (currently only 1 task tab is allowed, 3 tabs total, and now you can have 1 tasks tab and up to 4 help tabs)
August 19WorkstationFeature upgradeQuarterly releaseAugustGA (general availability)US
New in-product help menu experience is available in the Console that aggregates support and educational resources in one place, including key support channels such as chat, ticket creation, knowledge articles, DAI courses, and more
August 19ConsoleNew releaseQuarterly releaseAugustGA (general availability)US
The Event management and visualization page offers a global list of Tracked Events (TE) and Engaged Elements (EE), as well as the ability to create new Events via custom setup from the editor
Events visualization enables customers to monitor and visualize events across multiple systems
August 19InsightsNew releaseQuarterly releaseAugustGA (general availability)US
The Users tab, now available in the Console, offers in-depth data on end users using the app or site, including behavioral traits like recent session details and average session duration, alongside custom end user attributes based on data integrations
August 19InsightsFeature upgradeQuarterly releaseAugustGA (general availability)US
You can now easily select which locations are included in the WalkMeX experience and conveniently create and manage generative AI actions across multiple systems from the console
August 19WalkMe(X)New releaseQuarterly releaseAugustGA (general availability)US
In order to display CRM Dynamics Integration objects in search, but disable the “My Tasks” widget from the homepage, use the toggle on the CRM Dynamics setup in the console
July 29WorkstationNew releaseJulyGA (general availability)USVersion 1.33
We improved SharePoint Integration search result by adding more context parameters to the display, beyond just the result type: Site, folder, modified time (appears as the relative time)
July 29WorkstationNew releaseJulyGA (general availability)USVersion 1.33
Improves the usability of Discovery by saving user progress when sorting, filtering and navigating between the apps, licenses, users and departments dashboards
July 21DiscoveryFeature upgradeJulyGA (general availability)US
In the Workstation App, we currently have the option to highlight specific Resources by pinning them to the top of the Homepage. Now, it will be possible to pin more than 2 items in the Menu Organizer
End-users will still see up to 2 items in their homepage, but they will be displayed based on segmentation
June 17WorkstationNew releaseJuneGA (general availability)US
The WalkMe for ServiceNow plugin has been updated from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1. This new version brings an updated version of the shadow dom plugin (2.2.0) which resolves element selection issues on a small number of uncommon ServiceNow pages
June 10Web apps / InstallationFeature upgradeJuneGA (general availability)US
This feature aims to enhance the functionality of the Workflow Business View by implementing an automated “Easy Build” tagging system to enhance the Builder’s experience by highlighting when a Task contains an associated/nested Accelerator template
June 10WorkflowsNew releaseJuneGA (general availability)USEU
This feature aims to enhance the functionality of the Workflow Business View by implementing an automated “New” tagging system that highlights newly added content in the Workflows catalog
June 10WorkflowsNew releaseJuneGradual releaseUSEU
In the tasks screen (“Onboarding”), hovering over a folder will display a Reset Checklist button that will allow unchecking all of that category of tasks at once
June 10WorkstationNew releaseJuneGA (general availability)USEUVersion 1.31.0
We've implemented enhanced security measures by using an encrypted key stored locally on the device for accessing integrations, so that now when a user logs in to Workstation using a new device, they will be taken directly to the application
They can then connect their previous device at a later time, improving the user experience and streamlining the login process
May 21Workstation mobileFeature upgradeQuarterly releaseMayGA (general availability)USEU
New ability to tag content items by business domain and workflow via the Editor and Console, improving content management and enabling domain-specific analytics in Insights dashboards
May 21WorkflowsNew releaseQuarterly releaseMayGA (general availability)USEU
A fresh approach to involve DAP leaders and business stakeholders in exploring workflows, requesting services from builders or WalkMe professionals with a smooth ordering, monitoring and communication process
May 21WorkflowsNew releaseQuarterly releaseMayGA (general availability)USEU