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Work flows better with WalkMe
Work flows better with WalkMe.

Customization (3)

  • Last Update April 25, 2023

    Character Limits for WalkMe Items

    Here you can find the character limits for WalkMe items that may be necessary when building.

  • Last Update July 21, 2020

    What Types of BBcode Does WalkMe Support?

    Brief Overview WalkMe supports the following types of BBcode in WalkMe balloons: BBCode Element Supported Attributes table title, border, cellspacing, cellpadding, style, class, id, tabindex, aria-label, aria-live, role tr title, style, class, id, tabindex,...

  • Last Update August 28, 2023

    Why Do Some Steps Have a “Back” Button and Others Don’t?

    Issue I have noticed that some of my steps have a back button that allows the user to go back to the previous step in the Smart Walk-Thru. How can I apply this to...