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About the Workstation Notification Center

Brief Overview

The Notification Center lets you create a list of Notifications (ShoutOuts) to be displayed for your users.

  • Notifications will be displayed as a priority on screen, this means that it will not be overlapped by other applications open on the Desktop, but will be displayed on the topmost layer
  • Notifications can be segmented per user type, department, etc.
  • Notifications can also contain action buttons such as read confirmation and start a Smart Walk-Thru
  • Activation rules can set the Notification to repeat periodically until a certain action is performed
Please note:

  • Notifications won't appear in preview mode
  • When adding images make sure that the resolution does not exceed 1920X1280

The active Notification list appears in the Desktop Widget in a separate tab from your other Walk-Thrus, Resources, and Shuttles.

Access it by clicking on the bell icon in the top right-hand corner:-

Use Cases

Put important notifications right on the employee's desktop.


  • Announce events and office schedules
  • Promote new features, events, or premium services
  • Prompt employees to complete assigned tasks
  • Announce (and ask confirmation of) company policies (e.g. yearly 'open enrollment')


  • Remind trial users of time remaining in their free trial account

Inform Users:

  • Direct users to the support portal
  • Inform users of upcoming site maintenance or downtime

Adding Notifications to the Notification Center

  1. Notifications are a type of ShoutOut. To create a new one, select ShoutOuts from the Main Editor page
  2. Alternatively, click the orange plus icon, then select ShoutOuts
  3. Select Notification
  4. Select Theme from the gallery:
  5. Edit your Notification using the Visual Editor and then click Next:
  6. In the Notification Settings, you are able to adjust segmentation if needed and set the appearance rate:
    • Immediately - Notification expires 30 days after being published
    • Custom - The Notification will display according to your custom settings
  7. Click on the green Send button at the bottom right of the screen and publish to the desired environment:

To Edit your widget colors and style see the article What is the Desktop Widget and how is it used

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