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Work flows better with WalkMe.

Action Bar

Last Updated September 26, 2024

Brief Overview

The Action Bar console application is a new app where builders and other DAP professionals can configure and customize the WalkMeX Action Bar experience for end-users. Here users can determine when and where the Action Bar is available and decide which actions will appear to users based on conditional logic.

The Action Bar offers out-of-the-box launchers and the option to make custom launchers, with user-friendly setup for effortless utilization of our AI features.

Please reach out to your WalkMe Customer Success Manager to get the Action Bar app


To access the Action Bar page, navigate to it by clicking on the Action Bar tab in the console navigation or use a direct link to the page:

Getting Started

The Action Bar app features a welcome screen upon first opening. This screen includes an informational video about the app and its features.

Click Let's go to continue.

Action Bar Setup

The first setup screen is where you can gather more information about how Action Bar works, how it appears to users, and discover our out-of-the-box features.

  • Locations: Click Select Action Bar Locations to define where you want the Action Bar to appear to users
  • Appearance: The Action Bar widget is replacing the original WalkMe Widget that opened the WalkMe Menu.
    • Click the Widget and Menu toggles to view the appearance changes
  • Predefined Actions: Out-of-the-box launchers will be available after you set your locations
List of out-of-the-box-launchers...

Writing tool launchers

  1. Improve Writing: Provides alternative text with improved grammar, wording, and structure

  2. Change Tone: Adjusts the text tone according to the tone options menu

    • Sound neutral

    • Sound formal

    • Sound casual

    • Sound engaging

  3. Make Shorter: Provides an alternative text that make the highlighted/captured text more concise

  4. Make Longer: Provides an alternative text that expands on the highlighted/captured text

  5. Change Format: Adjusts the text format according to the format options menu

    • Write in bullet list

    • Write in numbered list

    • Write as paragraph

    • Write as email

Reading tool launchers

  1. Summarize: Summarizes text into a shorter version retaining key points

  2. Translate: Translates text according to the select languages available in the language options menu

    • Translate to English

    • Translate to French

    • Translate to German

    • Translate to Spanish

    • Translate to Japanese

    • Translate to Hebrew

After clicking Select Action Bar Locations, you'll find a list of all your existing locations in your account.

  1. Select which locations you would like the Action Bar to appear
    1. Click Select All for Action Bar to appear on all locations
  2. Click Save Action Bar Locations
  3. Done!

Remove Action Bar from a location

To remove the Action Bar from a location, you'll need to select a different menu for the system in the editor

  1. Open the WalkMe Editor
  2. Select the system
  3. Click Settings
  4. Click Customize content style
  5. Select a menu that's not the Pro menu

Action Bar Page Overview

The Action Bar page is a central hub for creating, managing, and previewing all of the launchers that you have created.

1. Launchers table

The Launchers table displays a list of all of the launchers you've created. The list includes three tabs for organization:

  • All Launchers: A full list of published and unpublished launchers

  • Published: A list of all published and active launchers

  • Drafts: A list of all unpublished and saved launchers

  • Archived: A list of archived launchers

You'll find a few pre-defined launchers for the WalkMe(X) experience that are readily available in the table upon opening the app. They will appear as drafts and can be published immediately for quick use.

Table Columns

  • Launcher: The name of the launcher

  • Action Type: The action the AI will perform once initiated

  • Visibility Type: If the launcher was made for Multiple Locations or Single Location

  • Creation Date: Date the launcher was created

  • Creator: User who created the launcher

  • Locations: List of systems where the launcher will appear in the Action Bar

  • Sub Launchers: List of sub-launchers within this launcher

  • Display Conditions: List of conditions made in the condition builder for this launcher


  • Yellow: Draft

  • Green: Published

  • Green stroke: Published and modified

Table icons

Manage Columns

Remove or add columns from the table.

  1. Click the Manage columns icon

  2. Select which columns you'd like to have in the table

  3. Click Apply

Create Launcher

Click the create icon to create new launchers.

  • Learn more in the Launchers section

3. Page buttons

Action Bar Locations

Click the Action Bar Locations button to edit the locations where the Action Bar will appear.


  1. Click the Preview button to view how your launchers will appear and behave in a specific location

  2. Select a location

  3. Enter a URL destination where you want to test the launcher

  4. Click See Preview

You will be redirected to the URL destination to test the available launchers in the selected location.


How to create a launcher

  1. Click the create icon from the Action Bar page

  2. The 'Create a launcher' side panel will open

  3. Select a launcher availability type to determine where your launcher will be located

    • Multiple Locations: A launcher that will appear on multiple locations

      • Launchers made for multiple locations will not appear in the WalkMe Editor

      • No capturing abilities or condition builder (On our roadmap for the future)

    • Single Location: A launcher that will appear only on one specific location

      • Select a system like in the WalkMe Editor

      • Launchers built for single location will appear in the editor's list

      • Ability to use capture and use condition builder

  4. Select a location from a list of your account systems if you selection Single Location

  5. Click Next

Launcher types and templates

  1. Select a launcher type or template to create

  1. Enter all of the launcher settings

    • Learn more in the Setup Launcher Settings section

  2. Click Save Draft


Types are the various launcher formats available with the ai prompts and setup left empty, allowing you to create unique launchers that cater to your specific needs.

  • Action: A user-created function that follows a custom prompt

  • Tags Summary: Scans a text to determine if conditions are true or false. It will also include quotes from the text to explain why it was tagged a certain color

    • For single location only 

  • Structured Summary: Creates an organized summary based on a defined structure and specified tags to sort the information

    • For single location only 
  • Menu: A menu of assigned launchers organized into folders


Templates are pre-designed launcher types that already have the ai prompts and setup completed for quick use. They can also be easily customized to fit your needs.

  • Summarize: Summarizes text into a shorter version retaining key points

  • Translate: Translates text according to the select languages available in the language options menu

  • Change Tone: Adjusts text tone according to the tone options menu

  • Change Format: Adjusts text format according to the format options menu

  • Make Longer: Provides an alternative text that expands on the highlighted/captured text

  • Make Shorter: Provides an alternative text that make the highlighted/captured text more concise

  • Spell Check: Corrects any spelling mistakes in a text

Single Location Only

“Single Location Only” launchers will only appear if Single Location was selected in the previous step because capturing is required.

Launcher types setup

 Here is a list of the three main launcher setup types and the corresponding launchers associated with each template:

  1. Action Types: Summarize, Make Longer, Make Shorter, Spell Check, and Action

  2. Menu Types: Menu, Translate, Change Tone, Change Format

  3. Tags Types: Structured Summary, Tags Summary

Action Types

  1. Select a Text Source

    1. Highlighted Text: The launcher will appear when text was highlighted by the end-user and will perform AI text processing on the selected text

    2. Element on Screen: The launcher will appear when a specific element appears on the screen and will perform AI text processing on the selected element

      1. By default WalkMe captures the full page body element

      2. Recapturing specific elements is supported with single location launchers only

  2. Select a Launcher Icon to appear in the Action Bar

    1. Enter a prompt to instruct the AI what task to perform

    2. Click Next

    Assign to Locations setup

    1. Select an Environment you wish the save/publish to

    2. Optional: Click Set up Conditions to use the WalkMe Condition Builder to set rules that must be met for the launcher to appear in the Action Bar

    3. Select locations to assign the launcher to, if Multiple Locations was chosen as the visibility type

    4. Click Save Draft

Action Type How-To Video

  1. Optional: Enter a description for the action

  2. Select a Launcher Icon to appear in the Action Bar

  3. Click the Create button to add items to your menu tree

    1. Add a Folder: Adds an additional folder to your tree that can holder another list of launchers

    2. Select a Launcher: Choose from a list of launchers that you've already made

    3. Create a New Launcher: Opens a new modal that allows you to create a launcher via prompt
      • Example: Adding an additional tone to the "Change Tone" template
        1. Click the Create icon in the menu tree
        2. Select Create a New Launcher
        3. Enter a name for the new launcher (Ex: Casual)
        4. Enter the instructions prompt (Ex: Change the tone of this text to casual)
        5. Optional: Click the Prompt playground to enter a piece of text and see how the AI will change it to a more casual tone
        6. Click Save
    4. Click Next
    5. Follow the Assign to locations setup

Launcher item actions

  • Edit: Opens the launcher prompt setup where you can make changes

    • If you edit a menu launcher in one place, it will edit all other instances of the launcher

  • Delete: Removes the launcher from the menu

    • If you delete a menu launcher, a warning will appear informing you that the children sub-launchers within that item will also be deleted


Anything you create within the menu is considered a sub-launcher, and will only be visible in the menu and not in the Action Bar table.

Menu Type How-To Video

Tags Types

  1. Optional: Enter a description for the action

  2. Capture an on screen element

    • The launcher will appear when a specific element appears on the screen and will perform AI text processing on the selected element

  3. Structured Summary Only: Select a structure type:

    • Short

    • Full

  4. Select a Launcher Icon to appear in the Action Bar

  5. Define Tags

    1. Enter a name for the tag

    2. Enter a prompt:

      1. For Tags Summary: Instruct the AI what criteria to scan for to present whether the tag will appear to users as “true” or “false”

      2. For Structured Summary: Instruct the AI what specific information should go under this section in the summary

  6. Click Add Tag to continue adding tags to the tags list

  7. Click Next

  8. Follow the Assign to locations setup

Structured Summary How-To Video

Tags Summary How-To Video

Technical Notes


  • Customers must purchase WalkMe[X]

  • Editor access for capturing on-screen elements for element-based AI actions

  • Action Bar console app supports extension deployments, not snippet-only implementations

    • Multi-location launchers require the extension and are not supported with snippet-only implementations

    • The Action Bar console app requires an extension implementation. Single-location launchers (AI Actions) will still be available via the editor only


  • A system that was configured to use the Action Bar cannot be unselected from the console

    • This must be done in the editor

  • A launcher cannot be changed from a single system to a multi system or vice versa

  • Assistive reading launchers (tag summary & structured summary) are only supported in single system launchers since they require a captured element

  • For text source = Element captured WalkMe uses the entire body of a page as the default element

    • Recapture is available through the editor to focus on specific elements

  • Multi-location launchers are not supported with snippet-only implementations (Extension is mandatory)

  • Multi-location launchers do not appear in the editor

  • A single location Menu can only contain single location launchers, and only of the same location

  • A multi-location Menu can only contain multi-location launchers

  • Adding or updating launchers in menus inherit the locations of the parent menu launcher

  • Unlinking a published nested launcher converts the sub-launcher to a regular launcher and archives it

  • Adding a sub-launcher to a published menu launcher requires the menu launcher to be re-published in order to publish the new sub-launcher

  • Deleted launchers can only be restored via the WalkMe Editor

  • Markdown formatting (headings, bullet lists, etc) is not supported in outputs from action bar launchers

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