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Work flows better with WalkMe.

Insights Common Reports

Brief Overview

This page contains a list of ready-to-go reports that are available for each account in insights console by default.

Report name Metrics Description
Active Users List User ID; User All-Time First Seen; User All-Time Last Seen; Interactions A list of all users who visited your site while WalkMe was loaded, regardless of whether they interacted with a WalkMe item, including their first and last seen information, and the total number of interactions.
Engagement By Item Item Type; Item Name; Item Segments;  Active Users; Users who Interacted with WalkMe; Users Interacted from Active Users (%) = Interactions A comprehensive breakdown of WalkMe items by type, name, and segments, including the percentage of users who interacted with each item out of all active users, and the total number of interactions.
Goal Completions Goal Name; Main Goal (Yes/No); Item Type; Item Name; Users Completed Goal A detailed overview of user goal completion, broken down by goal name, whether it is a main goal, the type and name of the item associated with the goal, and the number of users who completed each goal.
User Help Desk Usage Log User ID; Event Time; URL A list of User IDs who clicked on a link leading to the customer help desk, along with the URL from which the event was triggered.
User Search Log User ID; Event Time; URL; Search Term; Action Type; Resulted Action; Action Item ID; Action Item Name; Action Item Type A detailed record of user search activities, capturing information such as User ID, Event Time, URL, Search Term, Action Type, whether the search resulted in an action, and details of the Action Item including its ID, Name, and Type.
User SmartTip Usage Log User ID; Event Time; SmartTips Set Name; SmartTip Name; SmartTip Guidance Views; SmartTip Validation Checks; SmartTip Validations Passed; SmartTip Validations Failed A comprehensive breakdown of user interaction with WalkMe SmartTips, including the event time, SmartTip Set and individual SmartTip names, along with the number of SmartTip guidance views, validation checks, validation passed, and validation failed.
TeachMe Quiz Submission Log User ID; Event Time; Course Name; Quiz Question; Quiz Question Score; Submitted Answer; Quiz Score; Quiz Passmark Score; Quiz Result A comprehensive overview of each user performance on TeachMe Course quizzes, detailing the event time, quiz question, submitted answer, question score, total quiz score, passmark score, and overall quiz result.
Walk-Thru Activity Walk-Thru Name; Walk-Thru Step Count; Walk-Thru Segments; Walk-Thru Plays; Walk-Thru Plays (exclude branching); Walk-Thru Completions; Users Played Walk-Thru; Users Who Completed Walk-Thru A comprehensive breakdown of Walk-Thru activity, including the Walk-Thru step count and segments, number of Walk-Thru plays with and without branching, Walk-Thru completions, and the number of users that played and completed a Walk-Thru.
Walk-Thru Step Activity Walk-Thru Name; Step Name; Step ID; Step Index; Step Type; Step Action Type; Step Plays; Users That Played Step A comprehensive breakdown of Walk-Thru step analysis, including the step name, ID, index, type, and action type, along with the number of step plays and the total number of users that played this step.
Walk-Thru Last Steps Reached User ID; Date; Walk-Thru Name; Last Reached Step Name; Last Reached Step ID; Last Reached Step Index; Step Plays as Last in Walk-Thru A detailed record of each user and the last step they reached in a Walk-Thru, broken down by the date, Walk-Thru name, and the last step name, ID, and index, along with the number of step plays and Walk-Thru plays.
Walk-Thru Step Failures Walk-Thru ID; Walk-Thru Name; Walk-Thru Total Plays; Step ID; Step Name; Step Index; Step Type; Step Total Plays; Step Failure Reason; Step Failures A comprehensive data set on Walk-Thru step failures, including the Walk-Thru ID, name, type, and the total number of steps, along with information on the specific step failure including the step name, index, type, total plays, the failure reason, and the number of failures.
All WalkMe Items Item ID; Item Name; Item Type; Item Component Name; Item Component Type; Item Segments; Item Publish Status; Item Creation Time; Item Last Change Time A list of all WalkMe items available on this system, along with their ID, name, type, component name and type, segments, publish status, creation time, and last change time, regardless of the date range selected when exporting this report.

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