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Work flows better with WalkMe.

How To Use the Solution Summary Report

Brief Overview

You might be wondering: “what does good look like?”, “how can I find ways to improve my solutions?”, or “how can I see what features I could be using better to get more value?”.

WalkMe created a benchmark to help, which is based on our analysis of customer data to identify a correlation between specific WalkMe feature utilization and likelihood of optimizing return on investment. According to this research, customers are more likely to see increased user engagement and business impact when certain features are used over a certain threshold per feature. For example, we see a positive trend happen when a system has not just one Smart Walk-Thru, but over six Smart Walk-Thrus.

This article helps you to understand how to run the report, analyze the results, and create an action plan for your system based on that data compared to the WalkMe suggested thresholds for value. 

How to Run the Report

The report you will be using is called “Solution Summary” and is located in the Reports page in Insights. You can find it using the following steps:

  1. Log into Insights, accessible at insights.walkme.com
  2. Open the system of choice
  3. Go to the Reports page using the navigation on the left
  4. Search for “Solution Summary” or scroll through the reports alphabetically until you find the desired report
  5. Generate the report
No filters or date modification are needed.

How to Analyze & Take Action Based on the Report

The report will provide you with the various WalkMe features, the WalkMe benchmark threshold, and your utilization based on your production data in the System.

To check how you compare to the WalkMe recommended thresholds for each category, compare your data results to the table below. For anything that is below the threshold, review the suggested next steps for possible action items to include in your next project phase.

Report Field Name Threshold for Success Suggestion if Under Threshold
Smart Walk-Thrus 6 Smart Walk-Thrus are most commonly used for user guidance but have other use cases such as quick navigation guides, new feature announcements, page shortcuts, and more! Just be sure that you're following the best practices for Smart Walk-Thrus no matter the use case. 
Smart Walk-Thrus with Goals Attached 2 Nearly all Smart Walk-Thrus should have a Goal associated to track the outcomes of the process completed by the user.
Smart Walk-Thrus with Start Point 6 Any Smart Walk-Thru that spans multiple pages should have one Start Point per page to ensure that when a user engages the Smart Walk-Thru it starts on the relevant page for an optimal and effective user experience. 
Smart Walk-Thrus with Page Action 1

Page Actions - used to automatically perform an action on behalf of a user during the flow of a Smart Walk-Thru, such as:

Redirect - redirects are most commonly used in scenarios where the user needs to navigate to a new page; for example if the process continues in a new application, or if the process is best in another area of the site.

Play ShoutOut- using a ShoutOut during the flow of a Smart Walk-Thru allows you to provide a critical message during the process or even a ShoutOut with one or more buttons in the cases of branching processes for the user to choose from.

Smart Walk-Thrus with Auto-Step Click 2 Add Auto-Click to your Smart Walk-Thrus to improve the overall efficiency and experience of your end users. Automation doesn't have to be the entire process, WalkMe data shows that even automating a few steps makes a big impact.
Smart Walk-Thrus with Auto-Step Fill 2 Add Auto-Fills to improve the overall accuracy and experience of your end users. Auto-fills are most commonly used to automate the insertion of repetitive data on behalf of the user or to input a template in free-text fields for users to complete for data consistency and accuracy.
Smart Walk-Thrus with Wait For Step 5 For optimal user experience, logic steps are often needed, such as Wait For Steps. These logic steps allow you to tailor the Smart Walk-Thru with logic or other criteria prior to proceeding to the next step. 
Smart Walk-Thrus with Split Step 5 Any workflow that has a possible variation in the process should use Splits to account for the differences in a user journey
Smart Walk-Thrus with Error Handling 6 Error Handling allows you to create additional steps that will appear when a user encounters an error during a Smart Walk-Thru. These are common on form submission pages that have built in conditional logic.
Smart Walk-Thrus with Connect to Smart Walk-Thru 5 Connect to Steps allows you to connect Smart Walk-Thrus that can be separate processes but often done in sequential order to optimize the user experience and workflow completion rates.
Launchers 5 Consider creating Launchers or mini-menus on relevant pages to help users find the relevant help they need quickly.
ShoutOuts 6 Consider ShoutOuts to alert users to important updates in the system rather than via email or other notification methods.
SmartTips 7 Use SmartTips to provide users with contextual information, field validation, or templates, based on the appropriate use case.
Incoming Integrations Used 1 Incoming and outgoing integrations provide customers with valuable data to action off of. For incoming integrations, the most common use case is to segment content based on data not available in the underlying system or to trigger content based on data from another system.
Behavior Based Segments Used 1 With WalkMe Behavior Based Segmentation, you can leverage all of your WalkMe analytics data to accurately target your WalkMe content to users and display the right content at the right time.
Segments 5 Segmentation allows you to decide when to display your WalkMe content to your users using different "use cases". You can push items to specific users, or remove items from a user's view according to the segmentation rules you define.
Funnels 1 Consider Funnels to track adoption, process completion, and time to completion if that is not possible with the system or other business data.
Tracked Events 3 Consider Tracked Events track user engagement and adoption of pages or on screen elements.

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