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Mobile: How To Integrate the WalkMe Mobile SDK with Cordova Plugin

The WalkMe SDK supports integration with all WebView-based hybrid apps. WalkMe provides its logic and user interface at the native level, so there's no risk of performance issues or need for code changes in the host app.

This article explains how to integrate the WalkMe SDK with a hybrid app using Cordova plugin.

Steps For Integration

Installation using CLI

$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-walkme-sdk

Or from git:

$ cordova plugin add https://github.com/abbiio/cordova-plugin-walkme-sdk.git

Manual installation


  1. Add the following xml to your config.xml in the root directory of your www folder:
    <feature name="WalkMeSDK">
    <param name="android-package" value="cordova.plugin.walkme.sdk.WalkMeSDK" />
  2. Copy WalkMeSDK.js to www/js/plugins and reference it in index.html:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/plugins/WalkMeSDK.js"></script>
  3. Download the source files and copy them to your project.
    • WalkMeSDK.java


  1. Add the following xml to your config.xml in the root directory of your www folder:
    <feature name="WalkMeSDK">
    <param name="ios-package" value="WalkMeSDK" />
  2. Copy WalkMeSDK.js to www/js/plugins and reference it in index.html:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/plugins/WalkMeSDK.js"></script>
  3. Download the source files and copy them to your project.
    • WalkMeSDK.h
    • WalkMeSDK.m
    • WalkMeSDK.framework


For Ionic

this.platform.ready().then(() => {
  window.cordova.plugins['WalkMeSDK'].start('<App-Key>', '<App-Secret>');

For Cordova

document.addEventListener("deviceready", function() {
  window.cordova.plugins['WalkMeSDK'].start('<App-Key>', '<App-Secret>');
}, false);
Complete the integration by entering Power Mode in the app:
Launch the app with WalkMe SDK integrated and press and hold 5 fingers on the screen for 5 seconds until the login popup displays. This is the default setting and can be configured at any time in the console.
Log in to Power Mode with your mobile console credentials to complete the sync.

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