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Mobile: What Is the Campaign Wizard Editor and How Is It Used?


There are currently two versions of the WYSIWYG editor: The legacy WYSIWYG, which only applies for end-users with a version of your app containing the WalkMe Mobile SDK v1.13.0 and below, and the new WYSIWYG, which is applicable if you have app-users who have upgraded to an app version containing the WalkMe Mobile SDK v1.13.1+.

We feel the functionality of the new WYSIWYG is far superior to the Legacy WYSIWYG, so we strongly recommend you urging your app-users to upgrade to a version of your app containing the new SDK as soon as possible.

Brief Overview

The Campaign Wizard is the content creation and editing tool for your WalkMe Mobile solution.

Located in the MY CAMPAIGNS tab in the Mobile Console, the Campaign Wizard is where you create your LaunchersShoutOuts, and Surveys, either using one of several out-of-the-box templates, or from scratch.

You can also customize, edit, and preview your Launchers, ShoutOuts, Surveys, and Walk-Thrus; because effective Walk-Thru design depends on each app's structure, Walk-Thrus are not created in the Campaign Wizard; instead, create Walk-Thrus are created in your app itself using WalkMe Mobile's Power Mode

Use Cases

The Campaign Wizard's use cases include the following:

  • Create, customize and edit campaigns;
  • Set triggers and impressions limits for your campaigns per your use cases;
  • Set which end-users will be exposed to which campaigns and when.

Ready to create a campaign? Get started with How To Use the New Visual Editor (Mobile SDK v1.13.1+ Only).

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