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ShoutOuts to Notifications Converter

Brief Overview

With the ShoutOut to Notification Converter, WalkMe Editor users can toggle a Visual Editor ShoutOut between ShoutOut and a Workstation notification in the Engagement settings or Notification audience-engagement settings.

Enabling this feature:

If you are interested in this feature, contact your WalkMe representative to enable for your account.

Use Case

  • If you have downloaded a Solutions Gallery ShoutOut Template for Workstation, but want to use this ShoutOut as a Notification.

How it Works

  1. Create/edit a ShoutOut or Notification, which has been created using the Visual Editor.
  2. Enter the Visual Editor
  3. Click the Settings (gear icon) to launch the ShoutOut/Notifications Engagement settings.
  4. From the Engagement tab, click the dropdown labeled ShoutOut or Notification.
  5. Select ShoutOut or Notification from the dropdown list to set the ShoutOut or Notification type.
  6. Selecting ShoutOut or Notification will change the Engagement settings depending on the selected type
  7. Configure the selected type's engagement settings
  8. Click “Done”

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