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Smart Walk-Thru Steps Analysis

Last Updated April 3, 2024

Brief Overview

The Smart Walk-Thru steps analysis provides important information related to your Smart Walk-Thru.

In order to make data-driven decisions while building content, builders can now view the steps analysis from the Editor.

You will be able to view the same data that appears in Insights, providing builders a quick and contextual view of step analytics while they are building with a simple click of a button.

Steps analysis mode presents an analysis of published content for the last 30 days.

How to Access

  • Access steps analysis mode by clicking the "Steps Analysis" icon while viewing a Smart Walk-Thru in the Editor

Steps analysis is only available to builders with Read permissions on Insights.

  • Hover over each step to view the analysis

  • Click "Exit Steps Analysis" icon to switch back to Edit mode

How to Use

  • Each bubble is represented by blue shading:
    • The higher the percentage of the play number, the more of the bubble will be shaded in blue
  • Hover over the bubble to see the step name, step type, and the percentage of the time this step was played of all the times this Smart Walk-Thru was played.
  • The analysis will show a flow diagram of each step, including branches, of this Smart Walk-Thru.
  • The flow diagram, including names of steps and their position in the flow, reflects the last published state of the Smart Walk-Thru - any changes that were not published won't show up in this usage analysis.
  • Numerical step-play indicator:
    • The number in this bubble represents the number of times this step was played of all the times this Smart Walk-Thru was played
    • Note: The step analysis map counts distinct plays. For example, if a step was played again using the Restart option, the step plays counter would only represent the first play of this step in the unique Smart Walk-Thru play, and the counter would not be increased when using Restart.
  • Possible reasons for step plays drops between steps:
    • User does not click on any of the actions of the Smart Walk-Thru balloon - closes the browser, user closes the Smart Walk-Thru, clicks on any other element in the site.
    • The following step is not played due to the element not being found on the screen.
    • Steps were created and added in the middle of a flow, so there won't be as many plays as the older steps

Technical Notes

  • Unsaved changes and unpublished steps will not be reflected in steps analysis mode
  • Steps analysis is not supported for Smart Walk-Thrus designed for Mobile web
  • Presents an analysis of published content for the last 30 days only
  • Steps analysis is only available to builders with Read permissions on Insights

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