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Workday®: Best Practices for Building With The End-User Journey in Mind

Starting the Process

There are three primary ways that users start processes in Workday®:

  1. From the Search Box (preferred method)
  2. From the homepage
  3. From the Inbox (not recommended)

Pro-Tip: We recommend starting processes from the Search Box when possible.

Error Looping

Workday® has great error handling, so you do not need to add complex logic to handle errors. Instead, you can use a Wait For condition to assess when the user reaches the next page.

Note: in rare cases it might make the balloon to disappear. In that case we do use an Error Handling Group.

Twins Method — Forms

Forms in Workday® have two modes:

  1. View mode
  2. Edit mode

You can identify their mode according to a page identifier - walkMeWorkday.segmentation.flow.edit

This is a variable we use to identify whether a form is in Edit mode or View mode. This is how we use it:  

Pro-Tip: Elements in a form change according to the forms' mode. For this reason, we usually try to avoid building balloons in a form, and opt to use SmartTips instead.

If you have to build inside a form, please use the following best practice, dubbed by WalkMe as the "Twins Method:"

  1. Capture the outer element (the element you select without entering the form), and define it as follows:
    1. Enable Lock To Element by toggling it from OFF to ON:

    2. Set the precision to High:
    3. Don't enable "Strong Pin."
  2. Capture the inner element (the element present after clicking the form) and define it as follows:
    1. Capture the input element along with the name of the field:

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