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Dynamic Layout – Frame

Brief Overview

Frame is a designated space on the Visual Designer ShoutOut canvas which can be moved around and designed. Widgets can be added inside the frame.

How to Use


  • Corner radius, border width, fill color, and border color can be changed from the Styling tab


  • The frame can be resized horizontally in relation to another frame. To do so, drag the frame you want to resize.
  • You can resize frames only from the side which is shared with another frame
  • The frame size is based on percentage of the canvas size. The frame width is displayed in percentage.
  • The frame can't be smaller than the content in the frame

Vertical Alignment
  • On the frame level, elements can be aligned horizontally or vertically
  • This option is available when the element is inside a frame that's next to another frame which has more content

Widget Spacing
  • Adjust default vertical spacing between the widgets in the frame
  • It is also possible to set different spacing for a specific widget on a widget level

Adding Frames
  • Frames can be added by duplicating existing ones, or clicking on the plus sign which appears in the highlighted area when hovering on the outside area of the canvas
  • Up to four frames can be added in one row
  • There is no limit for number of vertical frames
  • When new frames are created (or deleted), the canvas size will be divided by the number of frames so all frames are the same size
  • The minimum size of a frame is 10% of the canvas

Moving Frames
  • Frames can be moved by dragging and dropping - horizontally or vertically

Inner Spacing
  • The distance from the sides of the frame to the widgets can be adjusted in the property bag
  • Select the frame and set the default distance for all the sides, or click on the borders icon - and control each side individually
  • If you have an image that's the same size as it's frame and you need to select the frame - use the breadcrumbs to switch between the widget and the frame

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