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Insights Data Availability

Last Updated February 22, 2024

Brief Overview

This article provides details about data availability in Insights dashboards and reports.

There are dashboards in Insights that display data updated in real time and there are reports and features which display data with some latency.

The data retention policy in Insights allows data to be accessible for a period of up to one year.

Data Availability

App pages

  • WalkMe app pages data is updated in real time
  • These pages rely on various WalkMe engagement analytics events, which are logged in insights immediately
  • Export data is not updated in real-time, it updates daily at 9:00 AM (UTC)

Systems Overview

  • The Systems Overview metrics are updated when the user's session ends, which occurs after 30 minutes of inactivity

Users page

  • The users list shows users once their session has ended, which is after 30 minutes of inactivity
  • Users metrics (last seen, first seen, etc.) are an all-time calculated attribute that is updated at the end of each end user session
  • Export data is not updated in real-time, it updates daily at 9:00 AM (UTC)

Session Playback

  • Sessions are added to the list once they have ended, after 30 minutes of inactivity

Tracked Events

  • All the events types that are displayed in the tracked events analytics dashboard are being updated in real time

Session Stream

  • All the event types displayed in the Session Stream dashboard are being updated in real time (notice the “live sessions” toggle)


  • Funnels data is not real-time

  • It updates daily at 9:00AM (UTC) - funnels generated before this time will not include full data for the day before

  • For accounts with Engagement Analytics level and no Engaged Elements, funnel data populates only after the creation of the first funnel
  • For accounts with Engaged Elements or Digital Experience Analytics (DXA) enabled, funnels data is populated from the day Engaged Elements or Digital Experience Analytics (DXA) was enabled


  • Report data is not real-time
  • It updates daily beginning at 9AM UTC - time should be allowed before exporting to include full data for the previous day

Technical Notes

  • Real-time dashboards and reports in Insights pull data from different sources, which can result in a 0-2% discrepancy between the number of users or events shown
  • A 2-3% error range is possible when viewing data that includes the last 24 hours due to the Insights algorithm used

The error range may be higher if the metric number being calculated is below 10,000.

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