Jira Integration Capabilities
Brief Overview
Jira is a proprietary issue tracking product developed by Atlassian, that allows bug tracking and agile project management.
Use Cases
There are two main capabilities - search and widget. In both “issues” are displayed.
Search for Jira issues
'My Jira Open Issues' widget displays two states - issues assigned to the users, and issues reported by users (created by them)
Copy ticket ID (copy icon appears on hover)
Customize the Jira Tabs
You can have up to 2 custom tabs, and 4 tabs total. Choose which 2 you want to display on the homepage widget and change them anytime. If you already have 2 custom tabs, you'll have to delete one in order to make another one.

To edit your Jira tabs:
- Go to the Jira widget on your homepage
- Click the pencil icon to edit the widget
- Toggle on up to two tabs
- Drag and drop to reorder the tabs
- Click the trash can icon next to the tab to permanently delete it
To create a custom tab:
- Go to the Jira widget on your homepage
- Click the pencil icon to edit the widget
- Click the plus icon to add a new tab
- Name the tab
- Enter the JQL expression found on Jira
To get a JQL expression:
- From Jira, click the Filters dropdown
- Find and click the filter you want to add or create a new one
- Click Switch to JQL
- Copy what's in the field
- Paste it into the JQL expression field in Workstation
Learn about JQL and how to construct one (from Jira support)