Common Report Builder Fields
Brief Overview
This article contains a list of commonly used measures and dimensions that are available as fields in the Report Builder. Learn more about the Report Builder.
Common Template Fields
Field name | Folder | Description | Type |
Accounts | Account Info | The number of accounts | Measure |
Account name | Account Info | The account name as defined in Insights Account Based Analytics settings | Dimension |
Action Clicks | ShoutOut Metrics | The number of clicks on a ShoutOut action | Measure |
Action ID | ShoutOut Info & Metrics | The unique ID of a ShoutOut action | Dimension |
Action Item ID | Search Info & Metrics | The unique ID of a WalkMe item that was clicked out of the search results | Dimension |
Action Item Name | Search Info & Metrics | The name of a WalkMe item that was clicked out of the search results | Dimension |
Action Item Type | Search Info & Metrics | The type of a WalkMe item that was clicked out of the search results | Dimension |
Action Name | ShoutOut Info & Metrics | The name of a ShoutOut action | Dimension |
Action Triggered Component ID | Event Item Triggered | The unique ID of a WalkMe component that was triggered by the event - Example: Walk-Thru as an action triggered by a ShoutOut | Dimension |
Action Triggered Component Name | Event Item Triggered | The name of a WalkMe component that was triggered by the event - Example: Walk-Thru as an action triggered by a ShoutOut | Dimension |
Action Triggered Component Type | Event Item Triggered | The type of a WalkMe component that was triggered by the event - Example: Walk-Thru as an action triggered by a ShoutOut | Dimension |
Action Type | Search Info & Metrics | The type of action clicked by a user - Example: WalkMe, Google, Bing, Desk, ZenDesk, SalesForce | Dimension |
Action Type | ShoutOut Info & Metrics | The type of a ShoutOut action | Dimension |
Analytics Property Info | Analytics Properties | The value of the analytical variable <Info> defined in the Editor that was captured at event time | Dimension |
Analytics Property Name | Analytics Properties | The value of the analytical variable <Name> defined in the Editor that was captured at event time | Dimension |
Analytics Property Role | Analytics Properties | The value of the analytical variable <Role> defined in the Editor that was captured at event time | Dimension |
Analytics Property Status | Analytics Properties | The value of the analytical variable <Status> defined in the Editor that was captured at event time | Dimension |
Analytics Property Type | Analytics Properties | The value of the analytical variable <Type> defined in the Editor that was captured at event time | Dimension |
Average Session Duration (hours) | Session Info & Metrics | The average duration between sessions in hours | Measure |
Average Session Duration (minutes) | Session Info & Metrics | The average session duration in minutes | Measure |
Average Survey Duration (seconds) | Survey Info & Metrics | The average duration, in seconds, for submitting a survey | Measure |
Average Walk-Thru Duration | Walk-Thru Info | The average amount of time, in seconds, users spent on a specific Walk-Thru | Measure |
Browser Name | Browser Info | The user's browser type captured in the last event of the session. Example: Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Edge | Dimension |
Browser Version | Browser Info | The user's browser version captured in the last event of the session | Dimension |
City | Location | The user's city based on their IP address as captured in the last event of the session - Example: Los Angeles | Dimension |
Closes by Action Button | ShoutOut Info & Metrics | The number of times a ShoutOut was closed by the <Action> button | Measure |
Closes by Close Button | ShoutOut Info & Metrics | The number of times a ShoutOut was closed by the <Close> button | Measure |
Closes By X Button | ShoutOut Info & Metrics | The number of times a ShoutOut was closed by the <X> button | Measure |
Country | Location | The user's country based on the IP address as captured in the last event of the session - Example: United States | Dimension |
Course ID | Course Info & Metrics | The unique ID of a course | Dimension |
Course Item ID | Course Step Info & Metrics | The unique ID of a course child item | Dimension |
Course Item Name | Course Step Info & Metrics | The name of a course child item | Dimension |
Course Item Type | Course Step Info & Metrics | The type of a course child item - Example: Smart Walk-Thru, Resource, Quiz | Dimension |
Course Last Change Date | Course Info & Metrics | The date when an item was last published or changed - Example: 2021-06-29 | Dimension |
Course Name | Course Info & Metrics | The name of a course | Dimension |
Course Progress Update (Yes/No) | Course Info & Metrics | A flag that tells if the event marks an update of a course progress for a specific user | Dimension |
Course Segments | The segments applied to a WalkMe item | Dimension | |
Courses Completed | Course Info & Metrics | The number of completed courses | Measure |
Courses Started | Course Info & Metrics | The number of started courses | Measure |
Custom Variable 1 | Custom Variables | The value of custom variable 1 that was defined in the Editor and captured at the time of the event | Dimension |
Custom Variable 2 | Custom Variables | The value of custom variable 2 that was defined in the Editor and captured at the time of the event | Dimension |
Custom Variable 3 | Custom Variables | The value of custom variable 3 that was defined in the Editor and captured at the time of the event | Dimension |
Custom Variable 4 | Custom Variables | The value of custom variable 4 that was defined in the Editor and captured at the time of the event | Dimension |
Custom Variable 5 | Custom Variables | The value of custom variable 5 that was defined in the Editor and captured at the time of the event | Dimension |
Date | Events Time | The date when a WalkMe session ended - Example: 2021-06-12 | Dimension |
Days Since All-Time First Seen | User All-Time Info | The number of days since the first event of the user was captured by WalkMe, regardless of filters set | Dimension |
Deleted Goal (Yes/No) | Goal Info | Specifies if a goal is deleted | Dimension |
Deleted Item (Yes/No) | Item Info | Specifies if an item was deleted | Dimension |
Deleted Item Component (Yes/No) | Item Component Info | Specifies if an item component was deleted | Dimension |
Device Screen Height | Device Info | The height of the users window size, in pixels, captured in the last event of the session | Dimension |
Device Screen Width | Device Info | The width of the users window size, in pixels, captured in the last event of the session | Dimension |
Device Type | Device Info | The device type of the user, defined as: Desktop, Mobile, or Unknown | Dimension |
Duration From Previous Session (hours) | Session Info & Metrics | The duration in hours between a session start time and the end time of the previous session for the same user | Dimension |
Event Time | Event Time | The date and time, including seconds, when a WalkMe event occurred - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 | Dimension |
Event Type | Event Info & Metrics | The type of event, which may vary for each item component type - Example: play, click, complete, goalReach | Dimension |
Events | Event Info & Metrics | The number of events | Measure |
Exposed to WalkMe (Yes/No) | Event Info & Metrics | Specifies if a user was exposed to WalkMe content | Dimension |
Exposures | Event Info & Metrics | The number of times users were exposed to WalkMe content | Measure |
First Course Completed Time | Course Info & Metrics | The date and time, including seconds, when a course was first completed | Measure |
First Course Started Time | Course Info & Metrics | The date and time, including seconds, when a course was first started | Measure |
First Date | Session Info & Metrics | The date of the first session - Example: 2021-06-29 | Measure |
First Event Time | Event Time | The date and time, including seconds, of the first event - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 | Measure |
First Session Start Time | Session Info & Metrics | The date and time, including seconds, when the first session of the user has started - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 | Measure |
First Step Completed Time | Course Info & Metrics | The date and time, including seconds, when a course step was first completed | Measure |
First Step Started Time | Course Info & Metrics | The date and time, including seconds, when a course step was first started | Measure |
Free Text Answer | Survey Info & Metrics | The free text answer submitted in a Survey | Dimension |
Goal ID | Goal Info | The unique ID of a goal that was completed | Dimension |
Goal Name | Goal Info | The name of a goal that was completed | Dimension |
Goals Completed | Goal Info | The number of times a goal was completed | Measure |
Highest Completed Tasks | Task Info & Metrics | The highest number of completed tasks, by user, up until the end of the selected date range | Measure |
Highest Completion Percentage of All Tasks | Task Info & Metrics | The highest completion percentage, by user, of all tasks in the system, up until the end of the selected date range | Measure |
Highest Published Tasks | Task Info & Metrics | The highest number of published tasks in the system, regardless of segments applied, up until the end of the selected date range | Measure |
Interacted with WalkMe (Yes/No) | Event Info & Metrics | Specifies if a user interacted with WalkMe content | Dimension |
Interactions | Event Info & MetricsI | The number of times users interacted with WalkMe content | Measure |
IP Address | Device Info | The IP address of the user captured in the last event of the session | Dimension |
Is Separate UI Action (Yes/No) | ShoutOut Info & Metrics | Specifies if an action is defined as a separate inner component of the ShoutOut | Dimension |
Item Component Action Type | Item Component Action Type | The type of action that can be triggered by an item component - Example: Smart-WalkThru as the action type of a Task component | Dimension |
Item Component Creator ID | Item Component Action Type | The unique ID of the user which created an item component | Dimension |
Item Component ID | Event Item Info | The unique ID of a WalkMe item component for which the event occurred - Example: Smart Walk-Thru Step, Survey Question | Dimension |
Item Component ID | Item Component Action Type | The unique ID of an item component - Example: Smart Walk-Thru Step, Survey Question | Dimension |
Item Component Last Change Date | Event Item Info | The date when an item component was last published or changed | Dimension |
Item Component Last Change Time | Item Component Action Type | The date and time, including seconds, when an item component was last published or changed - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 | Dimension |
Item Component Name | Event Item Info | The name of a WalkMe item component for which the event occurred - Example: Smart Walk-Thru Step, Survey Question | Dimension |
Item Component Name | Item Component Action Type | The name of an item component - Example: Smart Walk-Thru Step, Survey Question | Dimension |
Item Component Object Type | Item Component Action Type | The type of object for an item component - Example: FreeText, RadioButtons for a Survey Question | Dimension |
Item Component Order | Item Component Action Type | The order of a component within the parent item | Dimension |
Item Component Publish Status | Item Component Action Type | The publish status of an item component. Ex: New, Published, Deleted. | Dimension |
Item Component Type | Event Item Info | The type of a WalkMe item component for which the event occurred - Example: Smart Walk-Thru Step, Survey Question | Dimension |
Item Component Type | Item Component Action Type | The type of an item component - Example: Smart Walk-Thru Step, Survey Question | Dimension |
Item Components | Event Item Info | The number of WalkMe item components | Measure |
Item Components | Item Component Action Type | The number of components in an item - Example: The number of steps in a Smart Walk-Thru | Dimension |
Item Creation Date | Event Item Info | The date when an item was created - Example: 2021-06-29 | Dimension |
Item Creation Time | Item Info | The date and time, including seconds, when an item was created - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 | Dimension |
Item Creator ID | Item Info | The unique ID of the user which created an item | Dimension |
Item ID | Item Info | The unique ID of a WalkMe item - Example: Smart Walk-Thru, Survey | Dimension |
Item Last Change Time | Item Info | The date and time, including seconds, when an item was last published or changed - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 | Dimension |
Item Name | Item Info | The name of a WalkMe item - Example: Smart Walk-Thru, Survey | Dimension |
Item Publish Status | Item Info | The publish status of an item. Ex: New, Published, Deleted. | Dimension |
Item Segments | Item Info | The segments applied to an item | Dimension |
Item Type | Item Info | The type of a WalkMe item - Example: Smart Walk-Thru, Survey | Dimension |
Items | Event Item Info | The number of WalkMe items | Measure |
Language | User Info & Metrics | The user's input language captured in the last event of the session | Dimension |
Last Course Completion Ratio | Course Info & Metrics | The last completion ratio of a course for a specific user | Measure |
Last Date | Session Info & Metrics | The date of the last session - Example: 2021-06-29 | Measure |
Last Event Time | Event Time | The date and time, including seconds, of the last event - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 | Measure |
Last Global Completion Ratio | Course Info & Metrics | The last global completion ratio of all courses for a specific user | Measure |
Last Played Step (Yes/No) | Event Info & Metrics | Specifies if a step was the last played within a Walk-Thru interaction | Dimension |
Last Session End Time | Session Info& Metrics | The date and time, including seconds, when the last session of the user has ended - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 | Measure |
Launcher Clicks | Launcher Info & Metrics | The number of clicks on a Launcher | Measure |
Launcher ID | Launcher Info & Metrics | The unique ID of a Launcher | Dimension |
Launcher Name | Launcher Info & Metrics | The name of a Launcher | Dimension |
Launcher Plays | Launcher Info & Metrics | The number of Launcher plays | Measure |
Main Goal (Yes/No) | Goal Info | Specifies if a goal is the main goal set for an item | Dimension |
Main Goals Completed | Goal Info | The number of times a main goal was completed | Measure |
Menu Interactions | Menu Interactions Metrics | The number of menu searches and clicks | Measure |
Menu Opens | Menu Interactions Metrics | The number of menu opens | Measure |
Menu Searches | Menu Interactions Metrics | The number of submitted searches | Measure |
Menu Searches Resulted in Action | Menu Interactions Metrics | The number of submitted searches that resulted in user clicking an item | Measure |
Milestone Goals Completed | Goal Info | The number of times a milestone goal was completed | Measure |
Mobile Event (Yes/No) | Device Info | Specifies if the event occurred on a mobile device | Dimension |
Month | Event Time | The month and year when a WalkMe session ended - Example: 2023-01 | Dimension |
New Step Play (Yes/No) | Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics | Specifies if the event is the first registered for a step play | Dimension |
Operating System | Device Info | The operating system of the user captured in the last event of the session | Dimension |
Operating System version | Device Info | The operating system version of the user captured in the last event of the session | Dimension |
Platform | System Info | The platform where the session occurred - Example: Desktop web, Mobile web, Desktop Mac | Dimension |
Play ID | Event Info & Metrics | The unique ID of an interaction with an item | Dimension |
Play Initiator Activity Type |
ShoutOut Initiator SmartTip Initiator |
The type of activity that initiated other items - Example: Branching, Autostart, Smart Walk-Thru, Launcher, None (Visual element on screen) Note: A SmartTip consists of two layers: the visual icon and the actual tooltip text. The tooltips are auto-started by hovering over them, while the visual part is initiated passively, showing the initiator as none. |
Dimension |
Play Initiator Component Type |
ShoutOut Initiator Shuttle Initiator SmartTip Initiator Survey Initiator Walk-Thru Initiator Event initiator Info Event Item Initiator Launcher Initiator |
The type of a WalkMe component that initiated activities for other items - Example: Launcher as initiator of a Smart Walk-Thru | Dimension |
Play Initiator Component Type |
Task Initiator Resource Initiator |
The type of a WalkMe component that initiated activities for other items | Dimension |
Play Initiator ID |
ShoutOut Initiator Shuttle Initiator SmartTip Initiator Survey Initiator Walk-Thru Initiator Event initiator Info Event Item Initiator Launcher Initiator Task Initiator Resource Initiator |
The unique ID of a WalkMe component that initiated activities for other items - Example: Launcher as initiator of a Smart Walk-Thru | Dimension |
Play Initiator Name |
ShoutOut Initiator Shuttle Initiator SmartTip Initiator Survey Initiator Walk-Thru Initiator Event initiator Info Event Item Initiator Launcher Initiator |
The name of a WalkMe component that initiated activities for other items - Example: Launcher as initiator of a Smart Walk-Thru | Dimension |
Play Initiator Name |
Task Initiator Resource Initiator |
The name of a WalkMe component that initiated activities for other items | Dimension |
Question | Survey Info & Metrics | The question answered by the end user | Dimension |
Question Answer Type | Survey Info & Metrics | The type of the answer that must be submitted for a question - Example: FreeText, Nps, CheckBoxes, Message, RadioButtons | Dimension |
Question ID | Survey Info & Metrics | The unique ID of a survey question answered by the end user | Dimension |
Quiz Fails | Course Quiz Info & Metrics | The number of times a quiz was failed | Measure |
Quiz ID | Course Quiz Info & Metrics | The unique ID of a quiz | Dimension |
Quiz Name | Course Quiz Info & Metrics | The name of a quiz | Dimension |
Quiz Passes | Course Quiz Info & Metrics | The number of times a quiz was passed | Measure |
Quiz Passmark Score | Course Quiz Info & Metrics | The minimum score that a user needs to pass a quiz | Dimension |
Quiz Plays | Course Quiz Info & Metrics | The number of times a quiz was played | Measure |
Quiz Question | Course Quiz Info & Metrics | The quiz question submitted | Dimension |
Quiz Question Score | Course Quiz Info & Metrics | The score assigned to a question | Dimension |
Quiz Score | Course Quiz Info & Metrics | The score obtained for a quiz that was submitted | Dimension |
Quiz Submitted (Yes/No) | Course Quiz Info & Metrics | Specifies if a quiz was submitted by a user | Dimension |
Rating Answer | Survey Info & Metrics | The rating answer submitted in a Survey | Dimension |
Resource ID | Resource Info & Metrics | The unique ID of a Resource | Dimension |
Resource Name | Resource Info & Metrics | The name of a Resource | Dimension |
Resource Type | Resource Info & Metrics | The type of a Resource - Example: Article, Video | Dimension |
Resource Views | Resource Info & Metrics | The number of Resource plays/views | Measure |
Resulted Action | Search Info & Metrics | The action clicked out of the search results | Dimension |
Resulted Actions | Search Info & Metrics | A list of resulted actions, separated by commas | Measure |
Resulted in Action (Yes/No) | Search Info & Metrics | Specifies if a search resulted in user clicking an item | Dimension |
Search Term | Search Info & Metrics | The term searched by the user in the menu | Dimension |
Session | Session Info & Metrics | The number of sessions | Measure |
Session Duration (minutes) | Session Info & Metrics | The duration of a session in minutes | Dimension |
Session End Time | Session Info & Metrics | The date and time, including seconds, when a session ended - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 | Dimension |
Session ID | Session Info & Metrics | The unique ID of a user's session | Dimension |
Session Start Time | Session Info & Metrics | The date and time, including seconds, when a session started - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 | Dimension |
ShoutOut Closes | ShoutOut Info & Metrics | The number of times a ShoutOut was closed | Measure |
ShoutOut ID | ShoutOut Info & Metrics | The unique ID of a ShoutOut | Dimension |
ShoutOut Name | ShoutOut Info & Metrics | The name of a ShoutOut | Dimension |
ShoutOut Views | ShoutOut Info & Metrics | The number of ShoutOut plays/views | Measure |
Shuttle Clicks | Shuttle Info & Metrics | The number of Shuttle plays/clicks | Measure |
Shuttle ID | Shuttle Info & Metrics | The unique ID of a Shuttle | Dimension |
Shuttle Name | Shuttle Info & Metrics | The name of a Shuttle | Dimension |
SmartTip Guidance Views | SmartTip Info & Metrics | The number of SmartTip guidance views | Measure |
SmartTip ID | SmartTip Info & Metrics | The unique ID of a SmartTip | Dimension |
SmartTip Name | SmartTip Info & Metrics | The name of a SmartTip | Dimension |
SmartTip Set ID | SmartTip Info & Metrics | The unique ID of a SmartTips Set | Dimension |
SmartTip Set Name | SmartTip Info & Metrics | The name of a SmartTips Set | Dimension |
SmartTip UI Text | SmartTip Info & Metrics | The UI text of a SmartTip | Dimension |
SmartTip Validation Checks | SmartTip Info & Metrics | The number of SmartTip validation checks | Measure |
State | Location | The user's state or region based on the IP address as captured in the last event of the session - Example: California | Dimension |
Step Action Performed | Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics | The popup action chosen by the user, applicable when the step contains a branching action | Dimension |
Step Completed (Yes/No) | Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics | Specifies if a step was completed successfully | Dimension |
Step Exited (Yes/No) | Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics | Specifies if a step has been abandoned by the user | Dimension |
Step ID | Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics | The unique ID of a Walk-Thru step | Dimension |
Step Interrupted By New Flow (Yes/No) | Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics | Specifies if a step has been interrupted by a new Walk-Thru flow | Dimension |
Step Name | Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics | The name of a Walk-Thru step | Dimension |
Step Play Status | Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics | The status that was received by a step during it's play:
Dimension |
Step Play Successful (Yes/No) | Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics | Specifies if a step was played successfully | Dimension |
Step Play Time | Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics | The time, including seconds, when a step was played - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 | Dimension |
Step Plays | Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics | The number of times a step was played | Measure |
Step Plays Exited | Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics | The number of times a step was abandoned | Measure |
Step Plays Interrupted by Other Walkthru Plays | Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics | The number of times a step was interrupted by the user starting a new flow | Measure |
Step Plays That Completed | Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics | The number of times a step was completed successfully | Measure |
Step Plays That Failed | Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics | The number of times a step has failed to display | Measure |
Step Plays That Started Successfully | Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics | The number of times a step was played successfully | Measure |
Steps Completed | Course Step Info & Metrics | The number of course steps completed | Measure |
Steps Started | Course Step Info & Metrics | The number of course steps started | Measure |
Submitted Answer | Course Quiz Info & Metrics | The answer submitted for a quiz question | Dimension |
Survey Drop Offs | Survey Info & Metrics | The number of times a user played a Survey but did not complete it | Measure |
Survey Duration (seconds) | Survey Info & Metrics | The duration, in seconds, for submitting a survey | Dimension |
Survey ID | Survey Info & Metrics | The unique ID of a survey | Dimension |
Survey Name | Survey Info & Metrics | The name of a survey | Dimension |
Survey Play Time | Survey Info & Metrics | The date and time, including seconds, when a survey was played - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 | Dimension |
Survey Question Count | Survey Info & Metrics | The number of questions defined as components of a survey | Dimension |
Survey Segments | Survey Info & Metrics | The segments assigned to a survey | Dimension |
Survey Submissions | Survey Info & Metrics | The number of times a Survey was submitted | Measure |
Survey Views | Survey Info & Metrics | The number of times a Survey was played/viewed | Measure |
System ID | Survey Info & Metrics | The unique ID of a system where WalkMe content is published | Dimension |
System Name | System Info | The name of a system where WalkMe content is published | Dimension |
Task Completions |
Onboarding Task Metrics Task Info & Metrics |
The number of times a Task was completed | Measure |
Task ID | Task Info & Metrics | The unique ID of a Task | Dimension |
Task Name | Task Info & Metrics | The name of a Task | Dimension |
Task Views | Task Info & Metrics | The number of times a Task was played/viewed | Measure |
Timezone | User Info & Metrics | The user's timezone | Dimension |
Total Session Duration (hours) | Session Info & Metrics | The duration in hours of all sessions | Measure |
Total Session Duration (minutes) | Session Info & Metrics | The duration in minutes of all sessions | Measure |
Total Walk-Thru Duration | Walk-Thru Info | The total amount of time, in seconds, users spent on a specific Walk-Thru | Measure |
Tracked Event ID | Tracked Event Info | The unique ID of a tracked event | Dimension |
Tracked Event Name | Tracked Event Info | The name of a tracked event | Dimension |
Tracked Event Type | Tracked Event Info | The type of a tracked event | Dimension |
URL | URL Info | The URL where the event occurred | Dimension |
URL (without query string) | URL Info | The URL where the event occurred, without the query string | Dimension |
URL Domain | URL Info | The name of the website in the URL | Dimension |
URL Referrer | URL Info | The referrer URL from where the user was redirected | Dimension |
User All-Time Average Duration Between Session (hours) | User All-Time Info | The average time between sessions for a user, in hours, across the entire life time activity | Dimension |
User All-Time Average Session Duration (minutes) | User All-Time Info | The average session duration for a user, in minutes, across the entire life time activity | Dimension |
User All-Time First Seen | User All-Time Info | The date and time, including seconds, of the first event of the user as captured by WalkMe, regardless of filters set - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 | Dimension |
User All-Time Last Seen | User All-Time Info | The date and time, including seconds, of the last event of the user as captured by WalkMe, regardless of filters set - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 | Dimension |
User All-Time Number of Session | User All-Time Info | The total number of sessions for a user across the entire life time activity | Dimension |
User Engaged WM Content During Session (Yes/No) | Session Info & Metrics | Specifies if user has engaged with WalkMe content at least once during the session | Dimension |
User Exposed WM Content During Session (Yes/No) | Session Info & Metrics | Specifies if user was exposed to WalkMe content at least once during the session | Dimension |
User ID | User Info & Metrics | The unique ID of a user as defined in the UUID settings | Dimension |
User Sessions | User Info & Metrics | The number of sessions for a specific user | Dimension |
User Failed Quiz | Course Quiz Info & Metrics | The number of users who failed a quiz | Measure |
Users | User Info & Metrics | The number of users | Measure |
Users Clicked Action |
ShoutOut Info & Metrics ShoutOut Metrics |
The number of users who clicked on a ShoutOut action | Measure |
Users Clicked Launcher |
Launcher Info & Metrics Launcher Initiator |
The number of users who clicked on a Launcher | Measure |
Users Clicked Shuttle |
Shuttle Info & Metrics Shuttle Metrics |
The number of users who played/clicked a Shuttle | Measure |
Users Closed ShoutOut |
ShoutOut Metrics & Info ShoutOut Metrics |
The number of users who closed a ShoutOut | Measure |
Users Completed Course |
TeachMe Course Metrics Course Info & Metrics |
The number of users who completed a course | Measure |
Users Completed Goals | Goal Info | The number of unique users who completed goals | Measure |
Users Completed Main Goals | Goal Info | The number of unique users who completed main goals | Measure |
Users Completed Milestone Goals | Goal Info | The number of unique users who completed milestone goals | Measure |
Users Completed Step | Course Step Info & Metrics | The number of users who completed a course step | Measure |
Users Completed Task |
Onboarding Task Metrics Task Info & Metrics |
The number of users who completed a Task | Measure |
Users Exposed to WalkMe | User Info & Metrics | The number of unique users that were exposed to WalkMe content | Measure |
Users Interacted from Users Exposed (%) | User Info & Metrics | The percentage of interacted users, out of exposed users | Measure |
Users Interacted With WalkMe | User Info & Metrics | The number of unique users who interacted with WalkMe content | Measure |
Users Opened Menu | Menu Interactions Metrics | The number of users who opened the menu | Measure |
Users Passed Quiz | Course Quiz Info & Metrics | The number of users who passed a quiz | Measure |
Users Played Launcher |
Launcher Info & Metrics Launcher initiator |
The number of users who played a Launcher | Measure |
Users Played Quiz | Course Quiz Info & Metrics | The number of users who played a quiz | Measure |
Users Played Walk-Thru |
Walk-Thru Info Walk-Thru Metrics |
The number of unique users that played a Walk-Thru | Measure |
Users Received Validation Check |
SmartTip Info & Metrics SmartTip Metrics |
The number of users who received a validation check | Measure |
Users Searched Term |
Menu Interaction Metrics Search Info & Metrics |
The number of users that performed a search | Measure |
Users Started Course |
TeachMe Course Metrics Course Info & Metrics |
The number of users who started a course | Measure |
Users Started Step | Course Step Info & Metrics | The number of users who started a course step | Measure |
Users Submitted Surveys |
Survey Info & Metrics Survey Metrics |
The number of users who submitted a Survey | Measure |
Users That Played Step | Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics | The number of unique users that played a step | Measure |
Users Viewed Resource |
Resource Info & Metrics Resource Metrics |
The number of users who played/viewed a Resource | Measure |
Users Viewed ShoutOut |
ShoutOut Info & Metrics ShoutOut Metrics |
The number of users who played/viewed a ShoutOut | Measure |
Users Viewed SmartTip |
SmartTip Info & Metrics SmartTip Metrics |
The number of users who viewed a SmartTip | Measure |
Users Viewed Surveys |
Survey Info & Metrics Survey Metrics |
The number of users who played/viewed a Survey | Measure |
Users Viewed Task |
Onboarding Task Metrics Task Info & Metrics |
The number of users who played/viewed a Task | Measure |
Users Who Completed Walk-Thru | Walk-Thru Info | The number of unique users that completed a Walk-Thru | Measure |
Walk-Thru Completions | Walk-Thru Info | The number of times a Walk-Thru was completed | Measure |
Walk-Thru Drop Offs | Walk-Thru Info | The number of times a Walk-Thru was not fully completed | Measure |
Walk-Thru Duration | Walk-Thru Info | The duration, in seconds, for a user to reach the last step in a Walk-Thru interaction | Dimension |
Walk-Thru ID | Walk-Thru Info | The unique ID of a Walk-Thru | Dimension |
Walk-Thru Name | Walk-Thru Info | The name of a Walk-Thru | Dimension |
Walk-Thru Play Failures | Walk-Thru Info | The number of times a Walk-Thru has failed to play | Measure |
Walk-Thru Play Time | Walk-Thru Info | The time, including seconds, when a Walk-Thru was played - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 | Dimension |
Walk-Thru Plays | Walk-Thru Info | The number of times a Walk-Thru was played | Measure |
Walk-Thru Plays (exclude branching) | Walk-Thru Info | The number of times a Walk-Thru was played, excluding branching | Measure |
Walk-Thru Segments | Walk-Thru Info | The segments applied to a Walk-Thru | Dimension |
Walk-Thru Step Count | Walk-Thru Info | Number of steps defined in a Walk-Thru | Dimension |
Walk-Thru Type | Walk-Thru Info | The type of a Walk-Thru - Example: Smart Walk-Thru, Walk-Thru | Dimension |
WalkMe Environment | System Info | The numerical identifier of the WalkMe environment: 0=PROD, 3=TEST | Dimension |
Week | Event Time | The week when a WalkMe session ended, represented by the date of Monday that week. Example - an event that occurred on a day within the week of 2023-12-11 to 2023-12-17, will be represented as 2023-12-11, (=Monday of the same week) | Dimension |
Week Number | Event Time | The week when a WalkMe session ended, represented by the number of the week out of 52 weeks a year. Example - an event that occurred on the week of January 9th, 2023, will be represented as 2, as it occurred on the second week of the year | Dimension |
Weekly Usage Per User | Session Info & Metrics | The average session duration in hours of an active user during a week | Measure |
Year | Event Time | The year when a WalkMe session ended - Example: 2022 | Dimension |