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Work flows better with WalkMe.

Common Report Builder Fields

Brief Overview

This article contains a list of commonly used measures and dimensions that are available as fields in the Report Builder. Learn more about the Report Builder. 

Common Template Fields

Field name Folder Description Type
Accounts Account Info The number of accounts Measure
Account name Account Info The account name as defined in Insights Account Based Analytics settings Dimension
Action Clicks ShoutOut Metrics The number of clicks on a ShoutOut action Measure
Action ID ShoutOut Info & Metrics The unique ID of a ShoutOut action Dimension
Action Item ID Search Info & Metrics The unique ID of a WalkMe item that was clicked out of the search results Dimension
Action Item Name Search Info & Metrics The name of a WalkMe item that was clicked out of the search results Dimension
Action Item Type Search Info & Metrics The type of a WalkMe item that was clicked out of the search results Dimension
Action Name ShoutOut Info & Metrics The name of a ShoutOut action Dimension
Action Triggered Component ID Event Item Triggered The unique ID of a WalkMe component that was triggered by the event - Example: Walk-Thru as an action triggered by a ShoutOut Dimension
Action Triggered Component Name Event Item Triggered The name of a WalkMe component that was triggered by the event - Example: Walk-Thru as an action triggered by a ShoutOut Dimension
Action Triggered Component Type Event Item Triggered The type of a WalkMe component that was triggered by the event - Example: Walk-Thru as an action triggered by a ShoutOut Dimension
Action Type Search Info & Metrics The type of action clicked by a user - Example: WalkMe, Google, Bing, Desk, ZenDesk, SalesForce Dimension
Action Type ShoutOut Info & Metrics The type of a ShoutOut action Dimension
Analytics Property Info Analytics Properties The value of the analytical variable <Info> defined in the Editor that was captured at event time Dimension
Analytics Property Name Analytics Properties The value of the analytical variable <Name> defined in the Editor that was captured at event time Dimension
Analytics Property Role Analytics Properties The value of the analytical variable <Role> defined in the Editor that was captured at event time Dimension
Analytics Property Status Analytics Properties The value of the analytical variable <Status> defined in the Editor that was captured at event time Dimension
Analytics Property Type Analytics Properties The value of the analytical variable <Type> defined in the Editor that was captured at event time Dimension
Average Session Duration (hours) Session Info & Metrics The average duration between sessions in hours Measure
Average Session Duration (minutes) Session Info & Metrics The average session duration in minutes Measure
Average Survey Duration (seconds) Survey Info & Metrics The average duration, in seconds, for submitting a survey Measure
Average Walk-Thru Duration Walk-Thru Info The average amount of time, in seconds, users spent on a specific Walk-Thru Measure
Browser Name Browser Info The user's browser type captured in the last event of the session. Example: Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Edge Dimension
Browser Version Browser Info The user's browser version captured in the last event of the session Dimension
City Location The user's city based on their IP address as captured in the last event of the session - Example: Los Angeles Dimension
Closes by Action Button ShoutOut Info & Metrics The number of times a ShoutOut was closed by the <Action> button Measure
Closes by Close Button ShoutOut Info & Metrics The number of times a ShoutOut was closed by the <Close> button Measure
Closes By X Button ShoutOut Info & Metrics The number of times a ShoutOut was closed by the <X> button Measure
Country Location The user's country based on the IP address as captured in the last event of the session - Example: United States Dimension
Course ID Course Info & Metrics The unique ID of a course Dimension
Course Item ID Course Step Info & Metrics The unique ID of a course child item Dimension
Course Item Name Course Step Info & Metrics The name of a course child item Dimension
Course Item Type Course Step Info & Metrics The type of a course child item - Example: Smart Walk-Thru, Resource, Quiz Dimension
Course Last Change Date Course Info & Metrics The date when an item was last published or changed - Example: 2021-06-29 Dimension
Course Name Course Info & Metrics The name of a course Dimension
Course Progress Update (Yes/No) Course Info & Metrics A flag that tells if the event marks an update of a course progress for a specific user Dimension
Course Segments The segments applied to a WalkMe item Dimension
Courses Completed Course Info & Metrics The number of completed courses Measure
Courses Started Course Info & Metrics The number of started courses Measure
Custom Variable 1 Custom Variables The value of custom variable 1 that was defined in the Editor and captured at the time of the event Dimension
Custom Variable 2 Custom Variables The value of custom variable 2 that was defined in the Editor and captured at the time of the event Dimension
Custom Variable 3 Custom Variables The value of custom variable 3 that was defined in the Editor and captured at the time of the event Dimension
Custom Variable 4 Custom Variables The value of custom variable 4 that was defined in the Editor and captured at the time of the event Dimension
Custom Variable 5 Custom Variables The value of custom variable 5 that was defined in the Editor and captured at the time of the event Dimension
Date Events Time The date when a WalkMe session ended - Example: 2021-06-12 Dimension
Days Since All-Time First Seen User All-Time Info The number of days since the first event of the user was captured by WalkMe, regardless of filters set Dimension
Deleted Goal (Yes/No) Goal Info Specifies if a goal is deleted Dimension
Deleted Item (Yes/No) Item Info Specifies if an item was deleted Dimension
Deleted Item Component (Yes/No) Item Component Info Specifies if an item component was deleted Dimension
Device Screen Height Device Info The height of the users window size, in pixels, captured in the last event of the session Dimension
Device Screen Width Device Info The width of the users window size, in pixels, captured in the last event of the session Dimension
Device Type Device Info The device type of the user, defined as: Desktop, Mobile, or Unknown Dimension
Duration From Previous Session (hours) Session Info & Metrics The duration in hours between a session start time and the end time of the previous session for the same user Dimension
Event Time Event Time The date and time, including seconds, when a WalkMe event occurred - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 Dimension
Event Type Event Info & Metrics The type of event, which may vary for each item component type - Example: play, click, complete, goalReach Dimension
Events Event Info & Metrics The number of events Measure
Exposed to WalkMe (Yes/No) Event Info & Metrics Specifies if a user was exposed to WalkMe content Dimension
Exposures Event Info & Metrics The number of times users were exposed to WalkMe content Measure
First Course Completed Time Course Info & Metrics The date and time, including seconds, when a course was first completed Measure
First Course Started Time Course Info & Metrics The date and time, including seconds, when a course was first started Measure
First Date Session Info & Metrics The date of the first session - Example: 2021-06-29 Measure
First Event Time Event Time The date and time, including seconds, of the first event - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 Measure
First Session Start Time Session Info & Metrics The date and time, including seconds, when the first session of the user has started - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 Measure
First Step Completed Time Course Info & Metrics The date and time, including seconds, when a course step was first completed Measure
First Step Started Time Course Info & Metrics The date and time, including seconds, when a course step was first started Measure
Free Text Answer Survey Info & Metrics The free text answer submitted in a Survey Dimension
Goal ID Goal Info The unique ID of a goal that was completed Dimension
Goal Name Goal Info The name of a goal that was completed Dimension
Goals Completed Goal Info The number of times a goal was completed Measure
Highest Completed Tasks Task Info & Metrics The highest number of completed tasks, by user, up until the end of the selected date range Measure
Highest Completion Percentage of All Tasks Task Info & Metrics The highest completion percentage, by user, of all tasks in the system, up until the end of the selected date range Measure
Highest Published Tasks Task Info & Metrics The highest number of published tasks in the system, regardless of segments applied, up until the end of the selected date range Measure
Interacted with WalkMe (Yes/No) Event Info & Metrics Specifies if a user interacted with WalkMe content Dimension
Interactions Event Info & MetricsI The number of times users interacted with WalkMe content Measure
IP Address Device Info The IP address of the user captured in the last event of the session Dimension
Is Separate UI Action (Yes/No) ShoutOut Info & Metrics Specifies if an action is defined as a separate inner component of the ShoutOut Dimension
Item Component Action Type Item Component Action Type The type of action that can be triggered by an item component - Example: Smart-WalkThru as the action type of a Task component Dimension
Item Component Creator ID Item Component Action Type The unique ID of the user which created an item component Dimension
Item Component ID Event Item Info The unique ID of a WalkMe item component for which the event occurred - Example: Smart Walk-Thru Step, Survey Question Dimension
Item Component ID Item Component Action Type The unique ID of an item component - Example: Smart Walk-Thru Step, Survey Question Dimension
Item Component Last Change Date Event Item Info The date when an item component was last published or changed Dimension
Item Component Last Change Time Item Component Action Type The date and time, including seconds, when an item component was last published or changed - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 Dimension
Item Component Name Event Item Info The name of a WalkMe item component for which the event occurred - Example: Smart Walk-Thru Step, Survey Question Dimension
Item Component Name Item Component Action Type The name of an item component - Example: Smart Walk-Thru Step, Survey Question Dimension
Item Component Object Type Item Component Action Type The type of object for an item component - Example: FreeText, RadioButtons for a Survey Question Dimension
Item Component Order Item Component Action Type The order of a component within the parent item Dimension
Item Component Publish Status Item Component Action Type The publish status of an item component. Ex: New, Published, Deleted. Dimension
Item Component Type Event Item Info The type of a WalkMe item component for which the event occurred - Example: Smart Walk-Thru Step, Survey Question Dimension
Item Component Type Item Component Action Type The type of an item component - Example: Smart Walk-Thru Step, Survey Question Dimension
Item Components Event Item Info The number of WalkMe item components Measure
Item Components Item Component Action Type The number of components in an item - Example: The number of steps in a Smart Walk-Thru Dimension
Item Creation Date Event Item Info The date when an item was created - Example: 2021-06-29 Dimension
Item Creation Time Item Info The date and time, including seconds, when an item was created - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 Dimension
Item Creator ID Item Info The unique ID of the user which created an item Dimension
Item ID Item Info The unique ID of a WalkMe item - Example: Smart Walk-Thru, Survey Dimension
Item Last Change Time Item Info The date and time, including seconds, when an item was last published or changed - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 Dimension
Item Name Item Info The name of a WalkMe item - Example: Smart Walk-Thru, Survey Dimension
Item Publish Status Item Info The publish status of an item. Ex: New, Published, Deleted. Dimension
Item Segments Item Info The segments applied to an item Dimension
Item Type Item Info The type of a WalkMe item - Example: Smart Walk-Thru, Survey Dimension
Items Event Item Info The number of WalkMe items Measure
Language User Info & Metrics The user's input language captured in the last event of the session Dimension
Last Course Completion Ratio Course Info & Metrics The last completion ratio of a course for a specific user Measure
Last Date Session Info & Metrics The date of the last session - Example: 2021-06-29 Measure
Last Event Time Event Time The date and time, including seconds, of the last event - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 Measure
Last Global Completion Ratio Course Info & Metrics The last global completion ratio of all courses for a specific user Measure
Last Played Step (Yes/No) Event Info & Metrics Specifies if a step was the last played within a Walk-Thru interaction Dimension
Last Session End Time Session Info& Metrics The date and time, including seconds, when the last session of the user has ended - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 Measure
Launcher Clicks Launcher Info & Metrics The number of clicks on a Launcher Measure
Launcher ID Launcher Info & Metrics The unique ID of a Launcher Dimension
Launcher Name Launcher Info & Metrics The name of a Launcher Dimension
Launcher Plays Launcher Info & Metrics The number of Launcher plays Measure
Main Goal (Yes/No) Goal Info Specifies if a goal is the main goal set for an item Dimension
Main Goals Completed Goal Info The number of times a main goal was completed Measure
Menu Interactions Menu Interactions Metrics The number of menu searches and clicks Measure
Menu Opens Menu Interactions Metrics The number of menu opens Measure
Menu Searches Menu Interactions Metrics The number of submitted searches Measure
Menu Searches Resulted in Action Menu Interactions Metrics The number of submitted searches that resulted in user clicking an item Measure
Milestone Goals Completed Goal Info The number of times a milestone goal was completed Measure
Mobile Event (Yes/No) Device Info Specifies if the event occurred on a mobile device Dimension
Month Event Time The month and year when a WalkMe session ended - Example: 2023-01 Dimension
New Step Play (Yes/No) Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics Specifies if the event is the first registered for a step play Dimension
Operating System Device Info The operating system of the user captured in the last event of the session Dimension
Operating System version Device Info The operating system version of the user captured in the last event of the session Dimension
Platform System Info The platform where the session occurred - Example: Desktop web, Mobile web, Desktop Mac Dimension
Play ID Event Info & Metrics The unique ID of an interaction with an item Dimension
Play Initiator Activity Type

ShoutOut Initiator

SmartTip Initiator

The type of activity that initiated other items - Example: Branching, Autostart, Smart Walk-Thru, Launcher, None (Visual element on screen)

Note: A SmartTip consists of two layers: the visual icon and the actual tooltip text. The tooltips are auto-started by hovering over them, while the visual part is initiated passively, showing the initiator as none.

Play Initiator Component Type

ShoutOut Initiator

Shuttle Initiator

SmartTip Initiator

Survey Initiator

Walk-Thru Initiator

Event initiator Info

Event Item Initiator

Launcher Initiator

The type of a WalkMe component that initiated activities for other items - Example: Launcher as initiator of a Smart Walk-Thru Dimension
Play Initiator Component Type

Task Initiator

Resource Initiator

The type of a WalkMe component that initiated activities for other items Dimension
Play Initiator ID

ShoutOut Initiator

Shuttle Initiator

SmartTip Initiator

Survey Initiator

Walk-Thru Initiator

Event initiator Info

Event Item Initiator

Launcher Initiator

Task Initiator

Resource Initiator

The unique ID of a WalkMe component that initiated activities for other items - Example: Launcher as initiator of a Smart Walk-Thru Dimension
Play Initiator Name

ShoutOut Initiator

Shuttle Initiator

SmartTip Initiator

Survey Initiator

Walk-Thru Initiator

Event initiator Info

Event Item Initiator

Launcher Initiator

The name of a WalkMe component that initiated activities for other items - Example: Launcher as initiator of a Smart Walk-Thru Dimension
Play Initiator Name

Task Initiator

Resource Initiator

The name of a WalkMe component that initiated activities for other items Dimension
Question Survey Info & Metrics The question answered by the end user Dimension
Question Answer Type Survey Info & Metrics The type of the answer that must be submitted for a question - Example: FreeText, Nps, CheckBoxes, Message, RadioButtons Dimension
Question ID Survey Info & Metrics The unique ID of a survey question answered by the end user Dimension
Quiz Fails Course Quiz Info & Metrics The number of times a quiz was failed Measure
Quiz ID Course Quiz Info & Metrics The unique ID of a quiz Dimension
Quiz Name Course Quiz Info & Metrics The name of a quiz Dimension
Quiz Passes Course Quiz Info & Metrics The number of times a quiz was passed Measure
Quiz Passmark Score Course Quiz Info & Metrics The minimum score that a user needs to pass a quiz Dimension
Quiz Plays Course Quiz Info & Metrics The number of times a quiz was played Measure
Quiz Question Course Quiz Info & Metrics The quiz question submitted Dimension
Quiz Question Score Course Quiz Info & Metrics The score assigned to a question Dimension
Quiz Score Course Quiz Info & Metrics The score obtained for a quiz that was submitted Dimension
Quiz Submitted (Yes/No) Course Quiz Info & Metrics Specifies if a quiz was submitted by a user Dimension
Rating Answer Survey Info & Metrics The rating answer submitted in a Survey Dimension
Resource ID Resource Info & Metrics The unique ID of a Resource Dimension
Resource Name Resource Info & Metrics The name of a Resource Dimension
Resource Type Resource Info & Metrics The type of a Resource - Example: Article, Video Dimension
Resource Views Resource Info & Metrics The number of Resource plays/views Measure
Resulted Action Search Info & Metrics The action clicked out of the search results Dimension
Resulted Actions Search Info & Metrics A list of resulted actions, separated by commas Measure
Resulted in Action (Yes/No) Search Info & Metrics Specifies if a search resulted in user clicking an item Dimension
Search Term Search Info & Metrics The term searched by the user in the menu Dimension
Session Session Info & Metrics The number of sessions Measure
Session Duration (minutes) Session Info & Metrics The duration of a session in minutes Dimension
Session End Time Session Info & Metrics The date and time, including seconds, when a session ended - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 Dimension
Session ID Session Info & Metrics The unique ID of a user's session Dimension
Session Start Time Session Info & Metrics The date and time, including seconds, when a session started - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 Dimension
ShoutOut Closes ShoutOut Info & Metrics The number of times a ShoutOut was closed Measure
ShoutOut ID ShoutOut Info & Metrics The unique ID of a ShoutOut Dimension
ShoutOut Name ShoutOut Info & Metrics The name of a ShoutOut Dimension
ShoutOut Views ShoutOut Info & Metrics The number of ShoutOut plays/views Measure
Shuttle Clicks Shuttle Info & Metrics The number of Shuttle plays/clicks Measure
Shuttle ID Shuttle Info & Metrics The unique ID of a Shuttle Dimension
Shuttle Name Shuttle Info & Metrics The name of a Shuttle Dimension
SmartTip Guidance Views SmartTip Info & Metrics The number of SmartTip guidance views Measure
SmartTip ID SmartTip Info & Metrics The unique ID of a SmartTip Dimension
SmartTip Name SmartTip Info & Metrics The name of a SmartTip Dimension
SmartTip Set ID SmartTip Info & Metrics The unique ID of a SmartTips Set Dimension
SmartTip Set Name SmartTip Info & Metrics The name of a SmartTips Set Dimension
SmartTip UI Text SmartTip Info & Metrics The UI text of a SmartTip Dimension
SmartTip Validation Checks SmartTip Info & Metrics The number of SmartTip validation checks Measure
State Location The user's state or region based on the IP address as captured in the last event of the session - Example: California Dimension
Step Action Performed Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics The popup action chosen by the user, applicable when the step contains a branching action Dimension
Step Completed (Yes/No) Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics Specifies if a step was completed successfully Dimension
Step Exited (Yes/No) Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics Specifies if a step has been abandoned by the user Dimension
Step ID Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics The unique ID of a Walk-Thru step Dimension
Step Interrupted By New Flow (Yes/No) Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics Specifies if a step has been interrupted by a new Walk-Thru flow Dimension
Step Name Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics The name of a Walk-Thru step Dimension
Step Play Status Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics The status that was received by a step during it's play:
  • 0. SupposedToShow - When a UI step starts playing
  • 1. Shown - For an action step, when it starts playing, for a UI step, after it was shown
  • 2. Performed - After the step was triggered
  • 3. SkippedNotFound - After a skippable step was skipped
  • 4. SkippedByCondition - Only applies to Walk-Thrus
  • 5. MovedBack - After clicking the "Back" button
  • 6. Exited - After clicking the "X" button
  • 7. FakeFound - Only applies to Walk-Thrus
  • 8. SkippedByTutorialCondition - Only applies to Walk-Thrus
  • 9. SkippedStartedFromBiggerStep - Only applies to Walk-Thrus
  • 10. NonValidActionStep - Only applies to Walk-Thrus
  • 11. NonValidActionStep - Only applies to Walk-Thrus
  • 12. Completed - The Smart Walk-Thru finished playing
  • 13. Aborted - Smart Walk-Thru was interrupted by another Smart Walk-Thru
Step Play Successful (Yes/No) Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics Specifies if a step was played successfully Dimension
Step Play Time Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics The time, including seconds, when a step was played - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 Dimension
Step Plays Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics The number of times a step was played Measure
Step Plays Exited Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics The number of times a step was abandoned Measure
Step Plays Interrupted by Other Walkthru Plays Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics The number of times a step was interrupted by the user starting a new flow Measure
Step Plays That Completed Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics The number of times a step was completed successfully Measure
Step Plays That Failed Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics The number of times a step has failed to display Measure
Step Plays That Started Successfully Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics The number of times a step was played successfully Measure
Steps Completed Course Step Info & Metrics The number of course steps completed Measure
Steps Started Course Step Info & Metrics The number of course steps started Measure
Submitted Answer Course Quiz Info & Metrics The answer submitted for a quiz question Dimension
Survey Drop Offs Survey Info & Metrics The number of times a user played a Survey but did not complete it Measure
Survey Duration (seconds) Survey Info & Metrics The duration, in seconds, for submitting a survey Dimension
Survey ID Survey Info & Metrics The unique ID of a survey Dimension
Survey Name Survey Info & Metrics The name of a survey Dimension
Survey Play Time Survey Info & Metrics The date and time, including seconds, when a survey was played - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 Dimension
Survey Question Count Survey Info & Metrics The number of questions defined as components of a survey Dimension
Survey Segments Survey Info & Metrics The segments assigned to a survey Dimension
Survey Submissions Survey Info & Metrics The number of times a Survey was submitted Measure
Survey Views Survey Info & Metrics The number of times a Survey was played/viewed Measure
System ID Survey Info & Metrics The unique ID of a system where WalkMe content is published Dimension
System Name System Info The name of a system where WalkMe content is published Dimension
Task Completions

Onboarding Task Metrics

Task Info & Metrics

The number of times a Task was completed Measure
Task ID Task Info & Metrics The unique ID of a Task Dimension
Task Name Task Info & Metrics The name of a Task Dimension
Task Views Task Info & Metrics The number of times a Task was played/viewed Measure
Timezone User Info & Metrics The user's timezone Dimension
Total Session Duration (hours) Session Info & Metrics The duration in hours of all sessions Measure
Total Session Duration (minutes) Session Info & Metrics The duration in minutes of all sessions Measure
Total Walk-Thru Duration Walk-Thru Info The total amount of time, in seconds, users spent on a specific Walk-Thru Measure
Tracked Event ID Tracked Event Info The unique ID of a tracked event Dimension
Tracked Event Name Tracked Event Info The name of a tracked event Dimension
Tracked Event Type Tracked Event Info The type of a tracked event Dimension
URL URL Info The URL where the event occurred Dimension
URL (without query string) URL Info The URL where the event occurred, without the query string Dimension
URL Domain URL Info The name of the website in the URL Dimension
URL Referrer URL Info The referrer URL from where the user was redirected Dimension
User All-Time Average Duration Between Session (hours) User All-Time Info The average time between sessions for a user, in hours, across the entire life time activity Dimension
User All-Time Average Session Duration (minutes) User All-Time Info The average session duration for a user, in minutes, across the entire life time activity Dimension
User All-Time First Seen User All-Time Info The date and time, including seconds, of the first event of the user as captured by WalkMe, regardless of filters set - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 Dimension
User All-Time Last Seen User All-Time Info The date and time, including seconds, of the last event of the user as captured by WalkMe, regardless of filters set - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 Dimension
User All-Time Number of Session User All-Time Info The total number of sessions for a user across the entire life time activity Dimension
User Engaged WM Content During Session (Yes/No) Session Info & Metrics Specifies if user has engaged with WalkMe content at least once during the session Dimension
User Exposed WM Content During Session (Yes/No) Session Info & Metrics Specifies if user was exposed to WalkMe content at least once during the session Dimension
User ID User Info & Metrics The unique ID of a user as defined in the UUID settings Dimension
User Sessions User Info & Metrics The number of sessions for a specific user Dimension
User Failed Quiz Course Quiz Info & Metrics The number of users who failed a quiz Measure
Users User Info & Metrics The number of users Measure
Users Clicked Action

ShoutOut Info & Metrics

ShoutOut Metrics

The number of users who clicked on a ShoutOut action Measure
Users Clicked Launcher

Launcher Info & Metrics

Launcher Initiator

The number of users who clicked on a Launcher Measure
Users Clicked Shuttle

Shuttle Info & Metrics

Shuttle Metrics

The number of users who played/clicked a Shuttle Measure
Users Closed ShoutOut

ShoutOut Metrics & Info

ShoutOut Metrics

The number of users who closed a ShoutOut Measure
Users Completed Course

TeachMe Course Metrics

Course Info & Metrics

The number of users who completed a course Measure
Users Completed Goals Goal Info The number of unique users who completed goals Measure
Users Completed Main Goals Goal Info The number of unique users who completed main goals Measure
Users Completed Milestone Goals Goal Info The number of unique users who completed milestone goals Measure
Users Completed Step Course Step Info & Metrics The number of users who completed a course step Measure
Users Completed Task

Onboarding Task Metrics

Task Info & Metrics

The number of users who completed a Task Measure
Users Exposed to WalkMe User Info & Metrics The number of unique users that were exposed to WalkMe content Measure
Users Interacted from Users Exposed (%) User Info & Metrics The percentage of interacted users, out of exposed users Measure
Users Interacted With WalkMe User Info & Metrics The number of unique users who interacted with WalkMe content Measure
Users Opened Menu Menu Interactions Metrics The number of users who opened the menu Measure
Users Passed Quiz Course Quiz Info & Metrics The number of users who passed a quiz Measure
Users Played Launcher

Launcher Info & Metrics

Launcher initiator

The number of users who played a Launcher Measure
Users Played Quiz Course Quiz Info & Metrics The number of users who played a quiz Measure
Users Played Walk-Thru

Walk-Thru Info

Walk-Thru Metrics

The number of unique users that played a Walk-Thru Measure
Users Received Validation Check

SmartTip Info & Metrics

SmartTip Metrics

The number of users who received a validation check Measure
Users Searched Term

Menu Interaction Metrics

Search Info & Metrics

The number of users that performed a search Measure
Users Started Course

TeachMe Course Metrics

Course Info & Metrics

The number of users who started a course Measure
Users Started Step Course Step Info & Metrics The number of users who started a course step Measure
Users Submitted Surveys

Survey Info & Metrics

Survey Metrics

The number of users who submitted a Survey Measure
Users That Played Step Walk-Thru Step Info & Metrics The number of unique users that played a step Measure
Users Viewed Resource

Resource Info & Metrics

Resource Metrics

The number of users who played/viewed a Resource Measure
Users Viewed ShoutOut

ShoutOut Info & Metrics

ShoutOut Metrics

The number of users who played/viewed a ShoutOut Measure
Users Viewed SmartTip

SmartTip Info & Metrics

SmartTip Metrics

The number of users who viewed a SmartTip Measure
Users Viewed Surveys

Survey Info & Metrics

Survey Metrics

The number of users who played/viewed a Survey Measure
Users Viewed Task

Onboarding Task Metrics

Task Info & Metrics

The number of users who played/viewed a Task Measure
Users Who Completed Walk-Thru Walk-Thru Info The number of unique users that completed a Walk-Thru Measure
Walk-Thru Completions Walk-Thru Info The number of times a Walk-Thru was completed Measure
Walk-Thru Drop Offs Walk-Thru Info The number of times a Walk-Thru was not fully completed Measure
Walk-Thru Duration Walk-Thru Info The duration, in seconds, for a user to reach the last step in a Walk-Thru interaction Dimension
Walk-Thru ID Walk-Thru Info The unique ID of a Walk-Thru Dimension
Walk-Thru Name Walk-Thru Info The name of a Walk-Thru Dimension
Walk-Thru Play Failures Walk-Thru Info The number of times a Walk-Thru has failed to play Measure
Walk-Thru Play Time Walk-Thru Info The time, including seconds, when a Walk-Thru was played - Example: 2021-06-29 23:59:59 Dimension
Walk-Thru Plays Walk-Thru Info The number of times a Walk-Thru was played Measure
Walk-Thru Plays (exclude branching) Walk-Thru Info The number of times a Walk-Thru was played, excluding branching Measure
Walk-Thru Segments Walk-Thru Info The segments applied to a Walk-Thru Dimension
Walk-Thru Step Count Walk-Thru Info Number of steps defined in a Walk-Thru Dimension
Walk-Thru Type Walk-Thru Info The type of a Walk-Thru - Example: Smart Walk-Thru, Walk-Thru Dimension
WalkMe Environment System Info The numerical identifier of the WalkMe environment: 0=PROD, 3=TEST Dimension
Week Event Time The week when a WalkMe session ended, represented by the date of Monday that week. Example - an event that occurred on a day within the week of 2023-12-11 to 2023-12-17, will be represented as 2023-12-11, (=Monday of the same week) Dimension
Week Number Event Time The week when a WalkMe session ended, represented by the number of the week out of 52 weeks a year. Example - an event that occurred on the week of January 9th, 2023, will be represented as 2, as it occurred on the second week of the year Dimension
Weekly Usage Per User Session Info & Metrics The average session duration in hours of an active user during a week Measure
Year Event Time The year when a WalkMe session ended - Example: 2022 Dimension

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