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Workday®: Best Practices for Getting Started Right

Best Practices for Getting Started Right

  1. Go over the solution, make sure it's structured according to WalkMe best practices for Workday®.
  2. Make sure you have the credentials for all the user whose accounts you need access to.
  3. Whenever you capture an element in Workday® make sure the precision is strong. If it is unreliable use the Workday® Logger ("_walkmeInternals.workdayLogger.enable()"). The elements you capture should all be higher than 9/9.
  4. Use WorkDay® variables for Segmentation, Start Points and Wait For conditions:
    1. walkMeWorkday.segmentation.flow.forms: The most specific variables, these indicate specific sections on the page.
    2. walkMeWorkday.segmentation.flow.subPage: This rule type should always be used in combination with a page rule. Connect the two rules using AND.
    3. walkMeWorkday.segmentation.flow.page: Usually very general variables, these apply to all of the pages under a certain Worklet.
  5. Make sure the implementation is as light as can be.

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