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Analyzing Funnel Reports in Insights

Last Updated May 19, 2023

Brief Overview

This article explains how to analyze the funnel dashboard data that appears on your Insights Funnels page.

Analyzing the Funnels Dashboard

Analyzing a Single Funnel Filter

  1. Sign into your Insights account at
  2. Open the Funnels page
  3. Select a funnel from the drop-down menu
  4. Choose which saved filters and date-range you want to use to examine the funnel
    • The default filters are All Sessions in Last 7 Days
  5. The results will be shown on a bar graph where the x-axis represents the steps of the funnel and their respective drop-off rates, and the y-axis the percentage of users in each step
  6. Use the Export button to further examine your funnel
    • The export will provide a detailed list of all end users and sessions in which the funnel process was attempted
    • For each end-user and session, you will see the last step of the funnel that was reached and the funnel duration time, meaning the time it took for the end-user to reach that step in that session

Tip: Session Playback customers can click on a bar to view the actual sessions of users who completed that step and all preceding steps, or the DROPPED icon to view the sessions of users who completed all steps prior to the drop-off point.

Steps For Comparing Funnel Filters

  1. Open the Funnels page in Insights
  2. Select a funnel from the drop-down menu
  3. Choose a funnel filter on the left side of the vs. and a funnel filter on the right side to compare
  4. The results will be shown on the dashboard

Tip: Try comparing different filters using the same date range, for example, to compare the behavior of users from different countries. Or the same filters using different date ranges, for example, to analyze the effectiveness of before and after a new WalkMe solution being implemented.

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