Insights Apps Tabs
Brief Overview
The Apps tabs in Insights allow you to view a detailed analysis of your WalkMe items, with a dashboard available for each app type within a specific system overview.
There you can find important information to help you understand how users engage with WalkMe on a daily basis and how an existing solution can be improved for better results.
While many of the app dashboards are similar, there are some differences to be aware of, such as the ability to drill down deeper into certain subjects, including Smart Walk-Thrus, ShoutOuts, and Surveys.
Navigate to the Systems Overview page in the console
Select a system from the Monitored Systems widget
Select an apps tab
Get to Know & Use
Active Users
The Active users tab gives you valuable insights into the user activity on your website. It provides a comprehensive list of users who visited your site while WalkMe was active, regardless of whether they interacted with a WalkMe item.
General SmartTips Metrics
Users viewed SmartTips: The total count of unique users who viewed any SmartTip message, and the percentage of users WalkMe was available to
Guidance views: The total count of times a SmartTip Guidance message was viewed (including multiple views by the same user)
Validation checks: The total count of times a SmartTip Validation rule was checked, and the total number of users who were prompted with a Validation message
SmartTips Summary
Name: The name the content creator gave to each SmartTip they created
SmartTips Set: The name the content creator gave to each SmartTip Set
Status: The color of the icon indicates its publish status:
Green - Published
Grey - Archived
Red - Deleted
Orange - Draft
Users Viewed: The total count of users who viewed a specific SmartTip
Guidance Views: The total count of times a specific Smart Tip Guidance message was viewed (including multiple views by the same user)
Validation Checks: The total count of times a SmartTip Validation rule evaluation resulted in a Validation message being displayed (including multiple views by the same user)
Creator: User who created the SmartTip
Last Published: The last date on which a specific SmartTip was published
Smart Walk-Thrus
General Smart Walk-Thrus Metrics
Users played Smart Walk-Thrus: The total count of unique users who played any Smart Walk-Thru, and the percentage of users WalkMe was available to
Smart Walk-Thru Plays: The total count of times any Smart Walk-Thru was played (including multiple plays by the same user), and the average number of plays per user
Plays that include more than one Smart Walk-Thru (e.g., via branching or Connect to Smart Walk-Thru) are counted as a single play
Goals Reached: The total count of main Goals reached throughout all the Smart Walk-Thru plays, and the percentage of plays resulting in a user reaching a Goal
This counts only main Goals, not milestone Goals
Smart Walk-Thrus Summary
Name: The name the content creator gave each Smart Walk-Thru
Status: The color of the icon indicates its publish status:
Green - Published
Grey - Archived
Red - Deleted
Orange - Draft
Users played: The total count of users who played the specific Smart Walk-Thru
SWT plays: The total count of times a specific Smart Walk-Thru was played (including multiple plays by the same user)
Goals reached (of Smart Walk-Thru Plays): The total count of main Goals that were reached when users played a specific Smart Walk-Thru
Creator: User who created the SWT
Last published
The last date on which a specific Smart Walk-Thru was published
General Resources Metrics
Users viewed Resources: The total count of unique users who viewed any Resource, and the percentage of users WalkMe was available to
Resource views: The total count of times any Resource was viewed (including multiple views by the same user), and the average number of Resource views per user
Main goal completed: The total count of main Goals reached throughout all the Resource views, and the percentage of views resulting in a user reaching a Goal
Resources Summary
Name: The name the content creator gave each Resource
Status: The color of the icon indicates its publish status
Green - Published
Grey - Archived
Red - Deleted
Orange - Draft
Users viewed: The total count of users who viewed a specific Resource
Resource views: The total count of times a specific Resource was viewed (including multiple views by the same user)
Goals reached (of resource views): The total count of WalkMe Goals that were reached when users viewed a specific Resource
Creator: User who created the resource
Last Published: The last date on which a specific Resource was published
General Launchers Metrics
Users clicked Launchers: The total count of unique users who clicked any Launcher, and the percentage of users WalkMe was available to
Launcher clicks: The total count of times a Launcher was clicked, including multiple clicks by the same user
Launchers Summary
Name: The name the content creator gave each Launcher
Status: The color of the icon indicates its publish status:
Green - Published
Grey - Archived
Red - Deleted
Orange - Draft
Users clicked: The total count of users who clicked a specific Launcher
Launcher clicks: The total count of times a specific Launcher was clicked
Creator: User who created the launcher
Last published: The last date on which a specific Launcher was published
General Shuttles Metrics
Users clicked Shuttles: The total count of unique users who clicked any Shuttle, and the percentage of users WalkMe was available to
Shuttle clicks: The total count of times a Shuttle was clicked, including multiple clicks by the same user
Main goals reached: The total count of WalkMe Goals reached throughout all the Shuttle clicks, and the percentage of Shuttle clicks resulting in a user reaching a Goal
Shuttles Summary
Name: The name the content creator gave to each Shuttle they built
Status: The color of the icon indicates its publish status:
Green - Published
Grey - Archived
Red - Deleted
Orange - Draft
Users clicked: The total count of users who clicked a specific Shuttle
Shuttle clicks: The total count of times a specific Shuttle was clicked
Goals reached (of shuttle plays): The total count of main Goals that were reached when users played a specific Shuttle
Creator: User who created the shuttle
Last published: The last date on which a specific Shuttle was published
General ShoutOuts Metrics
Users viewed ShoutOuts: The total count of unique users who viewed any ShoutOut, and the percentage of users WalkMe was available to
ShoutOut views: The total count of times any ShoutOut was viewed (including multiple views by the same user), and the average number of views per user
ShoutOut clicks: The total count of action buttons users clicked throughout all ShoutOut views, and the percentage of ShoutOut views resulting in an action button click
ShoutOuts Summary
Name: The name the content creator gave each ShoutOut
Status: The color of the icon indicates its publish status:
Green - Published
Grey - Archived
Red - Deleted
Orange - Draft
Users viewed: The total count of users who viewed a specific ShoutOut
ShoutOut views: The total count of times a specific ShoutOut was viewed (including multiple views by the same user)
ShoutOut clicks (of ShoutOut Views): The total count of times a specific ShoutOut action button was clicked, and the click rate out of total views
Creator: User who created the ShoutOut
Last Published: The last date on which a specific ShoutOut was published
Onboarding Tasks
General Onboarding Metrics
Users completed a task: The total count of unique users who completed any Task, and the percentage of users WalkMe was available to
Total task completions: The total count of times a Task was completed, including multiple completions by the same user
Onboarding Tasks Summary
Name: The name the content creator gave each Task
Status: The color of the icon indicates its publish status:
Green - Published
Grey - Archived
Red - Deleted
Orange - Draft
Users completed (Of total users): The total count of unique users who completed a specific task
Creator: User who created the onboarding task
Last published: The last date on which a specific Task was published
General Surveys Metrics
Users viewed surveys: The total count of unique users who viewed any Survey, and the percentage of users WalkMe was available to
Survey views: The total count of times any Survey was viewed (including multiple views by the same user), and the average number of Survey views per user
Survey submissions: The total count of Survey submissions, and the percentage of views resulting in a user submitting a survey
Surveys Summary
Name: The name the content creator gave to each Survey they built
Status: The color of the icon indicates its publish status:
Green - Published
Grey - Archived
Red - Deleted
Orange - Draft
Users viewed: The total count of users who viewed a specific Survey
Survey views: The total count of times a specific Survey was viewed (including multiple views by the same user)
Creator: User who created the survey
Survey submissions: The total count of times a specific Survey was submitted out of the total count of users who viewed that Survey
Menu & Search
General Menu & Search Metrics
Users opened menu: The total count of unique users who opened the WalkMe Menu, and the percentage of users WalkMe was available to
Total menu opens: The total count of times the WalkMe Menu was opened, and the average number of Menu opens per user
Searches resulted in action: The total count of Menu searches that resulted in action, and the percentage of all searches that number represents
URL: URL of a specific page where users opened the Menu
Users opened menu: The total count of unique users who opened the WalkMe Menu from a specific URL
Menu opens: The count of times the Menu was opened from a specific URL
Menu actions: The total count of times a Menu opened on a specific URL resulted in an action
"What users search for?" tab summary
Name: Name of a specific search term entered into the Menu search by a user
Menu searches: The count of times a particular search term was search in the Menu
Resulted in action: The total count of times a search for a specific search term resulted in an action
Not resulted in action: The total count of times a search for a specific search term did not result in an action
AI Dashboards
The AI Dashboards in the Insights Console provide comprehensive visibility into the usage and adoption of AI products within your workflow. These dashboards feature up to four tabs, each dedicated to a specific WalkMe AI product: AI Answers, AI Action Bar, AI SmartTips, and AI Conditions. The tabs you receive depend on your AI package.
Workstation Analytics
Workstation analytics in the apps tabs provides enhanced control and deeper insights into Workstation usage data for Workstation builders and DAP professionals. This section outlines any differences for the Workstation system in Insights.
The Overview tab is not supported for Workstation systems
The Surveys tab is not supported for Workstation systems
AI Dashboards
The AI Dashboard tabs are not supported for Workstation systems
Smart Walk-Thrus
The Main goal completion widget is not supported in the general widgets
Goal reached is not supported in the Smart Walk-Thru Summary table
Number of main goal completions is not supported in the deep dive side panel
Menu & Search
The Menu & Search tab is renamed Workstation Search
3 metric widgets will be displayed: Users searched, Total searches, Searches resulted in action
Workstation Search Summary table:
In the first phase, only the following columns will be displayed in the Workstation Search Summary table: Search term, Searches, and Users searched
Active Users
The Active Users tab is renamed Users
The Users table is be divided into two tabs: 'Connected Users' and 'Active Users'
Connected Users = Users who have signed into Workstation on one or more devices, but have not opened it on any device within the selected date range
Active Users = Users who have opened Workstation at least once on any device and have at least one of the following event types - entSearchClick, Widgetitemclick, WidgetActionClick, WMContentClick.
Each Users table will contain the following information about users: User ID, First seen, Last seen, Integration attributes (IDP)
The Main goal completion widget is not supported in the general widgets
Goal reached is not supported in the Shuttles Summary table
The ShoutOut clicks widget is not supported in the general widgets
ShoutOuts clicks (% of ShoutOuts views) and Goals reached (% of ShoutOut views) is not supported in the Shuttles Summary table
Total number of ShoutOut clicks and information about goal completion is not supported in the deep dive panel
The Main goal completion widget is not supported in the general widgets
Goal reached is not supported in the Resources Summary table
Resources include articles and videos only
The Validation checks widget is not supported in the general widgets
Validation checks is not supported in the SmartTips Summary table
WalkMe Available vs. WalkMe Interaction Definitions
Insights distinguishes between end users who had WalkMe visible and end users who actually interacted with WalkMe's apps. Here is the detailed definition of the two different metrics by WalkMe App Type:
App | WalkMe Interaction Definition | WalkMe Available Definition |
Onboarding (task) | A task was played or completed | A task was played, completed, or visible |
Smart Walk-Thru | A Smart Walk-Thru was played (this metric does not count individual SWT steps and SWT plays initiated by branching) | A Smart Walk-Thru or Smart Walk-Thru step was been played |
Menu (player) | The menu was opened | The menu was open or visible (including the WalkMe widget) |
SmartTip |
Resources | A Resource was played | A Resource was played |
Launchers | A Launcher was clicked | A Launcher was played or clicked |
Walk-Thrus | A Walk-Thru was played | A Walk-Thru was played |
ShoutOuts | A ShoutOut was clicked on (only action click, shoutout dismissed is not counted as an interaction) | A ShoutOut was shown |
Shuttles | A Shuttle was played | A Shuttle was played |
Surveys | A Survey was submitted | A Survey was played, submitted, or dismissed |
TeachMe | TeachMe course or lesson item was started or TeachMe course was submitted | TeachMe was visible |
Search | User searched or clicked on an item in the search results | User searched or clicked on an item in the search results |
Live Chat | User clicked on the live chat option | User clicked on the live chat option |
Help Desk | “Open a ticket” link clicked | “Open a ticket” link clicked |
ActionBot | User opened the ActionBot | User opened the ActionBot |
Technical Notes
- All general metrics show data pulled for published content only
- In cases where there are more than 500 segments defined, app page loading time will be negatively impacted
- The percentage of "Users WalkMe was available to" is calculated by the following formula: Users WalkMe was available/All Users
- The All Users metric counts Users on sessions that ended in the date range
- In rare cases, this percentage could be higher than 100% if there are many Users still live on sessions that didn't end yet
- In most cases, this happens when the date range includes "Today"
- The "Where users open the menu" section of the Menu & Search page will not display URL parts such as Query and Hash since query parameters are not stored
- The Smart Walk-Thru steps analysis cannot be viewed from the Smart Walk-Thru app page when filters with a large amount of rules are applied due to an Editor limitation.
- Menu & Search app only shows up to 100 results for URL
- The Active Users tab displays a maximum of 30k users to ensure optimal performance
Existing filters also apply to Workstation systems, except for the specified exceptions:
URL Domain
Audience filters (not supported initially)
Filters that contain conditions not applicable to Workstation systems will return zero results, be disabled, and display a message on mouse hover