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Workstation Mobile App Introduction

Brief Overview

The Workstation mobile app brings the power of Workstation to your mobile devices - a single touchpoint for employees to access workplace needs from anywhere. It enables enterprise mobility by helping employees connect to their workplace remotely so they can instantly find information and execute business processes via an intuitive mobile experience.

Use the Workstation mobile app on your organization's tablets and smart phones.

The benefits of using Workstation for mobile are numerous, and the impact can be felt across different industries and use cases. For example:

  • Sales representatives can use Workstation on their mobile devices to access customer data, sales metrics, and marketing materials from their mobile devices, allowing them to close deals faster and stay ahead of the competition
  • Field service technicians can use Workstation to access service tickets, work orders, and equipment manuals from their mobile devices, allowing them to diagnose and resolve issues quickly and efficiently

Get to Know

Mobile Workstation brings the power of Workstation where ever you go. It has everything you love about Workstation for desktop and more, including:

A unified mobile interface for employees to search and access business information and resources from every enterprise application anywhere.


Click the Filter icon in the search field to filter by a specific app.

Workstation Enterprise Search

Homepage widgets and apps

Homepage improves productivity by streamlining access to commonly used tools and resources. Widgets are located under My Tools, including the Most Used Apps widget that includes all end-user apps. A search function has been added for easier app initiation.

Homepage Widgets for Workstation Mobile

Notification Center

Keep employees informed and engaged with a state-of-the-art corporate communication tool.

WalkMe Communication Center

Augmented UX

Increase process engagement & completion of enterprise applications from mobile devices.

Quick Actions

Enable employees to engage with the most relevant content to them directly from their mobile.


Create a to-do-list with different tasks which the employee can go through as part of their onboarding or learning process.

  • When a user completes a task, an event indicating it is sent

  • Each completed task is indicated in the progress bar by % completed. Each task has equal weight

  • Only Onboarding Tasks leading to Shuttles are supported at the moment

Onboarding Tasks: Getting Started Guide

AI Answers

Our AI Answers chat is now available on mobile, providing quick and accurate answers using internal and external resources. Text to speech functionality has also been added for easy use while driving or listening to long messages. (Speech to text will be added in the future.)

Simply type your question in the Ask me anything field.

AI Answers

Ready to Get Started?

Getting Started with Workstation Mobile

Logging In to Mobile Workstation

Technical Notes

Lowest supported versions for Android and iOS:

  • Android - 10 
  •  iOS-13 

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