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My Solutions Templates

Last Updated March 21, 2024


My Solutions are user-generated templates that allow you to stay up-to-date with your organization or partner's latest brand guidelines, campaign, or content recommendations by easily sharing content between accounts. Then, using a secured distribution key, you can easily share the solution package that you've built between editor accounts.


User-generated Solution Templates can now distribute WalkMe Items connected to DeepUI elements.

How to Access

  1. Click the + icon to open the dropdown menu in the WalkMe Editor
  2. Select Solution
  3. Click the My Solutions tab

Get to Know and Use

Create a Solutions Template from the WalkMe Editor

  1. Login to the Editor
  2. Locate the desired WalkMe items folder to convert into a Solution Template
  3. Click on the folder's vertical ellipsis button to open the folder dropdown options
  4. Select Create Solution to launch the Create New popup modal from the dropdown list
  5. With the Editor's Create New Solution Template popup modal open, create your Template's metadata:
    1. Your WalkMe items folder will be pre-selected, no action required
    2. Under Template Metadata
      1. Adjust Template display name as needed
      2. Enter your Solution Template's Description (*MANDATORY)
    3. Select the Template's Privacy Setting
    4. Select the 'Template Copy Protection' to protect your templates from anti-piracy
      Template Copy Protection

      The 'Template Copy Protection' setting identifies WalkMe items downloaded from the Solutions Gallery as template-deployables. Template-deployables are restricted from being reused in new user-generated Solution Templates hosted within the My Solutions catalog of the Solutions Gallery.

    5. Select the Template's screenshot and URL Settings
    6. Select the Include Multi-Language Translations to include translations from the Admin Center.
    7. Upload a Solution Template Tile Cover Image
      • WalkMe offers a generic default cover image
    8. Click Next

Now, enter the optional metadata to enable the Solution's Overview Modal:

    1. Enter a hosted image or video URL to enable the Preview tab within the Solution's Overview Modal
      1. Click the upload icon (up arrow) to open the Assets Library
        • Choose or upload a jpg, png, or mp4 file
        • Click Save
      2. Create a preview carousel by placing a comma in between URLs or by clicking the upload icon (up arrow) to choose or upload multiple preview assets
      3. Click the View Template in Share link to generate a Preview Video.
        • To learn how to create a Preview Video from WalkMe Share, click here
    2. Enter additional details about the Solution Template with the rich text editor to enable the Description tab within the Solution's Overview Modal
      • Click the "Generate a Solution Description Template" to have WalkMe inject a pre-built description template
    3. Click to enable the Template's relevant Solution Tags
  1. Click Save
  2. Go to the My Solutions tab in the Solutions Gallery
  3. Locate the newly created Solutions Template under the Solution Gallery category, titled My Solutions
  1. Navigate to the Solutions Gallery
  2.  Click the Create New button + from within the "My Solutions" tab to launch the Solution Template metadata popup modal form
  3. With the Editor's Create New Solution Template popup modal open, create your Template's metadata:
    1. Select the WalkMe items folder or Sub Folder to templatize (*MANDATORY)

      All WalkMe items in a solution template will transfer over as non-published. (including archived and published content)

    2. Select an ActionBot to include and templatize
    3. Under Template Metadata
      1. Add Template Name (*MANDATORY)
      2. Enter your Solution Template's Description (*MANDATORY)
    4. Select the Template's Privacy Setting
    5. Select the Template's screenshot and URL Settings
    6. Select the Include Multi-Language Translations to include translations from the Admin Center.
    7. Upload a Solution Template Title Cover Image
      • WalkMe offers a generic default cover image
    8. Click Next
  4. Now, enter the optional metadata to enable the Solution's Overview Modal:
    1. Enter a hosted image or video URL to enable the Preview tab within the Solution's Overview Modal
      1. Click the upload icon (up arrow) to open the Assets Library
        • Choose or upload a jpg, png, or mp4 file
        • Click Save
      2. Create a preview carousel by placing a comma in between URLs or by clicking the upload icon (up arrow) to choose or upload multiple preview assets.
      3. Click the 'View Template in Share' link to generate a Preview Video.
        • To learn how to create a Preview Video from WalkMe Share, click here
    2. Enter additional details about the Solution Template with the rich text editor to enable the Description tab within the Solution's Overview Modal
      • Click the Generate a Solution Description Template to have WalkMe inject a pre-built description template
    3. Click to enable the Template's relevant Solution Tags
  5. Click Save

"My Solutions"

Upon saving the Solution Template, you can locate the newly created Solutions Template within the 'My Solutions' tab, within the Solutions Gallery.

When there are multiple Solution Templates within the My Solutions tab, you can drag and drop your Templates to set their display order.

Edit Your Solution Templates

  1. Click Edit My Solution on your solution to make adjustments
  2. Click Update when you're finished editing your solution

How to Distribute “My Solutions” to a Solutions Subscriber

Providing a user Solutions Distribution Key to another WalkMe Editor user grants the user permission to access, download, and modify any Solution Templates created under the “My Solutions” category of the Solutions Gallery Content Solutions. This includes any future Solution Template created by the Solutions Provider.

Modifications made to a downloaded Solution Template's WalkMe content by a Solutions Subscriber will not modify the Provider's source Solution Template's WalkMe content.

Solution Templates downloaded by a Solution Subscriber are a duplicate instance of the Solution Provider's original content.

Standard Distribution Settings


User roles equal to Insights Access, Content Moderator, Publisher, or Translator will have permission to copy and distribute Solution Distribution Keys via the Standard Distribution Settings.

  1. From the "My Solutions" tab in the Solutions Gallery, click the Distribute Solutions button
  2. This will launch the "My Solution's Distribution Key" popup modal where you can enter the Distribution Key label:
  3. Click Copy Key
  4. Click Close to close the Distribute Solution Templates popup
  5. Paste the Distribution Key into an email to the intended WalkMe Solutions Subscriber(s)

Admin Distribution Settings


User roles equal to Workspace Owner, Admin, or Content Curator will have permission to copy and distribute Solution Distribution Keys via the Admin Distribution Settings.

  1. Login into the WalkMe Editor
  2. Navigate to the My Solutions tab in the Solutions Gallery
  3. Click the distribution button to initiate the Distribution Settings popup modal.
  4. Enter a Distributor name (as it will appear in the Shared Solution tab) to enable the "Copy Key" call-to-action
  5. Optionally
    1. Click Copy Key to copy the Distribution key
    2. Click Save
    3. Send your secure Distribution Key to other Editor users or unlock your own catalog in other Editor Systems
  6. Optionally, click Regenerate to reset the Distribution key

Clicking Regenerate will scramble your Distribution Key into a new randomized Key.

ALL Editor Systems subscribing to this Key will no longer have access to the user-generated template catalog once the Key is regenerated.

Subscribing System users will NOT be notified regarding the old Key's regeneration and the revoked template catalog permissions.

Editor Systems will be required to update the Key in order to regain access.

To quickly enable the Distribution key within an Enterprise Account:

  1. Click the Enterprise Account Connection dropdown
  2. Select available Editor Systems from the dropdown list
  3. Close the dropdown
  4. Click Save

The Enterprise Account connection can only enable/push/write the Distribution Key to other Editor Systems. The Enterprise Account connection can not remove the Distribution Key from other Editor Systems once added.


  • Web Editor content cannot be distributed to Mobile Web or Desktop and Workstation Editors
  • Mobile Web content cannot be distributed to Web or Desktop and Workstation Editors
  • Desktop and Workstation Editor content cannot be distributed to Web or Mobile Web Editors
  • When creating a Template Preview with a Vimeo URL, use the Vimeo-generated embed URL to generate a preview
    • Vimeo requires the embed URL to be used instead of the video's web address URL
  • Limited to 125 WalkMe items per Solution Template

Tip Tuesday

Solution Distribution (Copying Content from One Editor to Another)

Transfer Web Content Between Systems

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