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Support Matrix for Self-Hosting

Brief Overview 

WalkMe's Self-Hosting model allows you to store all WalkMe content files on your own servers, enhancing security and control over your data. Self-hosting is commonly used when WalkMe cannot have access to your site's information, you are unable to add WalkMe to the allowlist due to security reasons, or your devices operate on an air gapped network.

The core WalkMe end user experience can be self-hosted, providing the same functionality as the SaaS model.

WalkMe's analytics and analytics platform, Insights, however, are not available via on-premise self-hosting. To keep Insights fully functional, you can either send events directly to WalkMe servers (out-of-the-box SaaS method) or set up a Proxy Server to transmit network events. The Insights data, once it goes through the proxy server set up by the customer, will be sent to and stored on the WalkMe Analytics Server. The proxy server acts as an intermediary, ensuring that the analytics data is transmitted securely from the customer's environment to WalkMe's servers, where it can be processed and analyzed. This allows customers to maintain control over the transmission of their data while still taking advantage of WalkMe's analytics capabilities.


Several Insights features listed below are additional and not enabled by default. 

Administrative tools, such as the WalkMe editor and console, are not available for self-hosting. These tools are essential for managing and monitoring your WalkMe implementation and are only accessible via our SaaS model.

Every time a change is made to your WalkMe content, it must be re-published and the WalkMe files re-downloaded and uploaded to your content server. However, WalkMe does have an API to streamline this process and push updates directly to the content server

More advanced features, such as Workstation and TeachMe, rely on WalkMe services and therefore cannot be self-hosted. Note that both Workstation and TeachMe require additional licenses and are not included by default with WalkMe's core offerings.

Feature Support Matrix

Below is a detailed breakdown of the features. 


An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not available in the core WalkMe service and requires additional licensing.

🟢 — Full support
🟡 — Partial support
🔴 — No support

App Name / Feature Self Hosted Options Notes
Insights and Analytics Data
Discovery* 🟡 Discovery can work with self-hosted extensions and/or self-hosted extension settings, but the Discovery settings file can't be self-hosted.
Systems Overview 🟡 Proxy Server - Insights Data would be stored encrypted on WalkMe servers and accessed by admins. Data would be passed from the air gapped network to WalkMe via a proxy server. 
Insights 🟡 Proxy Server
Insights Engaged Elements 🟡 Proxy Server
Insights Reports 🟡 Reports would be generated from existing data transmitted to WalkMe
Insights Tracked Events 🟡 Proxy Server
Insights Digital Experience Analytics (DXA) 🟡 Proxy Server
Integrations 🟡 Supported in hybrid mode; makes connection to WalkMe servers
Insights Sessions Playback* 🟡 Proxy Server
Insights Session Stream* 🟡 Proxy Server
UI Intelligence* 🔴 While our end-user code can technically be self-hosted within DeepUI, this is not practical because our solution is fully SaaS-based and relies on sending data to our servers for analysis.
Admin Tools and Backoffice Sites
Accessibility 🟡 Self-hosted experiences can be configured to be accessible, but dashboards and admin tools are not.
All In One Installer 🔴
User Extension  🟡 The extension can be fully self-hosted upon request
Editor 🔴 The editor is a desktop application which creates the WalkMe content locally and shares it through AWS. Content is shared through permissions with other content developers on the same account. Upon publishing, the content is deployed to WalkMe's CDN (SaaS), where it can be downloaded and hosted on a defined server (self-hosted).
DeepUI  🟡  Partial support for on-premise self-hosted: no dynamic updates (includes elements, Lexicon, etc). Will have to republish content and download a new self-hosted package after an Assistant ticket is resolved.

A more technical breakdown of DeepUI functionality in the full (on-premise) mode can be viewed here.
Console 🔴 All related features within Console cannot be self-hosted
Admin Center 🔴 All related features within Console cannot be self-hosted
IDP Integration 🟡 Requires access to WalkMe services
Support Site 🔴
Community 🔴
WalkMe Shield 🔴
WalkMeX 🟡 An on-premise version of WalkMeX is planned for 2025; however, there is no planned support for AI Answers for this deployment method at this time.
End User in-app guidance embedded tools
Lib, Plugins, Data Files, Settings Files, Snippet Files 🟢
Multi-Language 🟢 Multi-language files will be downloaded with content file downloads.
Mobile Web  🟢
Smart Walk-Thru 🟢
Launcher 🟢
Shoutout 🟢
Onboarding Tasks 🟢 Onboarding task completion is stored locally. Therefore, if a user clears their cache and cookies, the onboarding tasks will be reset.
Shuttle 🟢
Survey 🟢
ActionBot  🟡

ActionBot app/container:

Can be self-hosted

User entries to the ActionBot:

If using privacy mode, user entries are temporarily stored locally and then deleted (not sent to WalkMe servers)

Pre-configured responses from the ActionBot:

Stored on and delivered from WalkMe servers (PostgresQL DB)

Conversation Details: 

Data is not self-hosted and is retrieved from WalkMe servers. The bot retrieves conversation lists and starts conversations from WalkMe servers, not from a file. When the user communicates with the bot, we keep the data from this dialogue and its record on our servers. These servers are exclusive to WalkMe and cannot be hosted on customer servers.

Assets Library 🟢 Assets stored in the Assets Library on WalkMe servers can be downloaded with the self-hosted package. Assets uploaded to the Assets Library are publicly accessible.
TeachMe* 🔴
Workstation* 🔴 Both Desktop and Mobile
Native Mobile* 🟡
Test Page N/A Displays connectivity with SaaS services; not relevant for self-hosted implementations

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