The Priority Lists feature is designed to enhance your management and delivery of mobile campaigns by allowing you to create and control the sequence in which campaigns are displayed to your users.
Brief Overview This article contains a list of commonly used reports and their parameters that are available when creating custom reports in the Mobile Console. Learn more about the mobile reports tab here. Common...
Brief Overview WalkMe Mobile AB testing allows you to manage any new campaigns or changes in a way that will ensure your users are getting the best experience. Having the ability to experiment with...
WalkMe Mobile now supports translating WalkMe content to multiple languages.
Custom reports allow you to follow your users’ behavior from within the app.
The MY CAMPAIGNS tab is your in-Console content creation and customization home-base.
The SETTINGS tab in the Mobile Console contains some of your most important WalkMe Mobile admin controls.
The Mobile Console is your web-based home base for WalkMe Mobile building, customization, analytics and support.