Brief Overview Frame is a designated space on the Visual Designer ShoutOut canvas which can be moved around and designed. Widgets can be added inside the frame. How to Use Styling Corner radius, border...
Brief Overview Canvas is the body of the future ShoutOut created using the Visual Designer which gives the idea of how it will look on screen. Other elements - frames and widgets - can...
Widget is an element of a ShoutOut created in the Visual Designer that can be added into the frame.
Read an overview on how ShoutOuts can automatically appear and guarantee users see your message.
Learn how to use the Visual Designer to create beautiful designs for your ShoutOuts without the need for CSS, giving you easy control.
Brief Overview A Lottie is a JSON-based animation file format that allows you to ship animations on any platform as easily as shipping static assets. They are small files that work on any device...
This article covers the key new features and capabilities of the new Dynamic layout.
Flex Layout inside the Visual Designer is an alternative to the regular Free Layout. Learn about the advantages and limitations of both — and decide which one to use.
With the ShoutOut to Notification Converter, WalkMe Editor users can toggle a Visual Editor ShoutOut between ShoutOut and a Notification in the Engagement settings or Notification audience-engagement settings.
This article will go over the best practices for using ShoutOuts once you have learned the basics.