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Access Requirements for WalkMe

WalkMe Access Requirements - Global/US

This document covers access requirements for WalkMe users and end-users, the term “accessible” used in the document refers specifically to access via the HTTPS protocol on port 443 (this configuration is typically handled by the IT team at your organization).

The WalkMe Player is how end-users view your published WalkMe solutions, including Workstation. The WalkMe Editor software and WalkMe Insights web portal are modules where you can manage your WalkMe solutions and view data gathered on site and WalkMe usage.

WalkMe Player End-User Access

In order to view WalkMe content as an end-user, the following domains need to be accessible:

Critical WalkMe Domains:

If these domains are blocked, core capabilities of the WalkMe Player cannot function.

Domain Purpose of Domain If Access is Blocked
*.walkme.com Load the WalkMe product WalkMe will not function
s3.walkmeusercontent.com Images in WalkMe Solutions hosted by WalkMe’s AWS Images in WalkMe Solutions that are hosted by WalkMe’s AWS will not appear

If these domains are blocked, some capabilities of the WalkMe Player cannot function.

Domain Purpose of Domain If Access is Blocked
clients2.google.com/service/update2/crx Update Chrome extensions WalkMe Chrome extensions (Player and Editor) will not be able to update
safari-extensions.apple.com/details/ Update Safari extensions WalkMe Safari extension (Player and Editor) will not be able to update

WalkMe Editor Software and WalkMe Insights Web Portal

Critical WalkMe Domains:

If these domains are blocked, core capabilities of the WalkMe Editor or Insights Portal cannot function.

Domain Purpose of Domain If Access is Blocked
*.walkme.com Load the WalkMe product WalkMe will not function
s3.walkmeusercontent.com WalkMe-hosted images Some images (including images uploaded by the user via the Editor) will not be displayed

If these domains are blocked, some capabilities of the WalkMe Editor or Insights Portal cannot function.

Domain Purpose of Domain If Access is Blocked
clients2.google.com/service/update2/crx Update Chrome extensions WalkMe Chrome extensions (Player and Editor) will not be able to update
safari-extensions.apple.com/details/ Update Safari extensions WalkMe Safari extension (Player and Editor) will not be able to update
walkme.wixanswers.com Required for WalkMe Chat Support WalkMe Chat Support will not function
frog.wix.com WalkMe Chat Support metadata collection WalkMe Chat Support will not receive metadata
fonts.googleapis.com CSS for Insights WalkMe Insights may have visual issues
fonts.gstatic.com CSS for Insights WalkMe Insights may have visual issues
*.zoom.us Zoom Support Chat Support Chat on the WalkMe Help Center will not work


If you are a WalkMe customer and would like to get detailed updates on changes to our access requirements, please make sure you are logged in and go to the detailed Access Requirements page to subscribe.

Access Requirements for WalkMe – Detailed


The WalkMe Editor requires the allowance of third-party cookies on your browser. Otherwise, it will continuously generate a "Please wait for page to load" or a "Reload the page if a long while has passed" message that does not go away even after refreshing the page.

Supported Browsers

Supported Browsers and Operating Systems

Browser settings

Please ensure your browser is set to 100% zoom level (recommended) when working with the WalkMe Editor. Anything below or above this can cause issues with the editor and player.

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