Auto Play SWT based on Element in Cross-Domain iFrame
If your site utilizes Cross-Domain iFrames, you may run into scenarios where you'd like to Auto Play a Smart Walk-Thru based on an element in the Cross-Domain iFrame. The information below will help you configure this.
There are some things to consider when setting up a Smart Walk-Thru to Auto Play based on an element in a Cross-Domain iFrame
You cannot use iFrame jQuery on Cross-Domain iFrames
You must confirm WalkMe is being injected in the Cross-Domain iFrame whether the Snippet or Extension is being utilized.
If the above has been confirmed, you can follow the steps below to configure the Smart Walk-Thru:
Create your Smart Walk-Thru and select the element in the Cross Domain iFrame you would like to point to in your first step
Upon selecting the element in the step above, a Switch to Frame step will be auto created as your first step
Navigate to your Auto Play Rule under 'Initiators' and create a rule based on an On-Screen Element in the Cross-Domain iFrame being visible