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Editor DevTools Access

Last Updated February 27, 2023

Brief Overview

As of version 4.16.2, Editor users aren't able to access the DevTools by default. Described below are the ways to unlock the feature.

Gain One Time Access

Follow the instructions in order to unlock DevTools access in the Editor application:

Gain one time access via command prompt / terminal:

  • Windows: 
    1. Locate the WalkMe application, (usually located under C:\Users\*YOUR_USERNAME*\AppData\Local\Programs\walkme_editor)
    2. Alternatively, it can be found by using Windows search:
    3. Open file location, this will take you to the shortcut location
    4. Right click the icon and repeat step 2

    5. Once you get to the application folder, type cmd in the address bar and press Enter

    6. In command prompt enter WalkMe.exe - -dev -tools

  • Mac:
    1. Use Finder to open the Terminal application
    2. In Terminal enter open /Applications/ --args --dev-tools 
      • In case the WalkMe application isn't located under Applications, the path should be changed accordingly

Add the Feature

Follow the instructions below in order to access DevTools in the Editor:

  • Close the Editor in case it's currently open
  • Create a WalkMe folder under the directory as instructed below depending on the operating system:
    1. Windows: 
      • This PC > Drive C
      • Create new folder and call it WalkMe 
      • Download and save this settings file under the WalkMe folder
      • If you cannot download the file, create a file named settings.json containing the following code (note that it's case sensitive):
	"devTools": true
    1. Mac:
      • Macintosh HD > users > *your_username*
      • Create new folder and call it 'WalkMe' (without quotation marks)
      • Download and save this settings file under the WalkMe folder
      • If you cannot download the file, create a file named settings.json containing the following code (note that it's case sensitive):
	"devTools": true
  • Start the Editor
  • Open the DevTools:
    1. Windows: Ctrl+F12
    2. Mac: Cmd+F12, or use the WalkMe menu

How to Remove the Feature

In order to deactivate the feature, you can do one of the following:

  • Delete the file
  • Change the value to false
  • Remove the attribute altogether

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