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Workflows for Shadow AI

Brief Overview

Shadow AI, a tool from Discovery, is now accessible as a workflow in the Workflows app. The Shadow AI workflow provides easier access to Shadow AI builds, eliminating the need to create an editor account. The Shadow AI workflow comprises of tasks (ShoutOut & restrictions use cases). Business users can browse through these tasks and request their implementation.

Additionally, users with Discovery can access the Shadow AI Apps dashboard as a new tab in Workflows. This dashboard is similar to the one in Discovery and enables users to select AI Apps and build shoutouts. Content created in Discovery will exist in the Workflow Tasks and vice-versa.

How It Works

There are two user views for Shadow AI in Workflows - one for users with Discovery and one for users without. Each view provides access to different pages and features. In this section, we'll explain all the available features for Shadow AI Workflows for both types of users.

With Discovery

Request Shadow AI tasks

  1. Select Enterprise Risk Management from the Business Domain dropdown
  2. Click the Shadow AI workflow tile
  3. The Shadow AI Discovery table will appear
    1. This detailed table mirrors the Shadow AI dashboard from Discovery and displays a list of all apps related to the workflow
    2. Any Shadow AI Actions created from Discovery will exist here as well under the relevant Active Task
  4. Click the Available Tasks tab
  5. Select the tasks you want to request
  6. Click Request
  7. A new popup will open with a list of all the tasks you'd like to request
  8. In the Special Instructions field, add any additional information your team should know about the task

    Tip: Tag specific team members in your instructions by using “@

  9. Click Send Request
  10. Done! The tasks will now appear in the Active Workflows tab and the Requests List page

Easy build implementation

All Shadow AI Tasks now feature an easy build option on hover, enabling instant implementation within your workflow.

  1. Click Easy Build
  2. Select an application
  3. Create your Shadow AI solution
  4. Click Save & Continue
  5. Recommended: Preview your action
  6. Click Publish

Without Discovery

Request Shadow AI tasks

  1. Select Enterprise Risk Management from the Business Domain dropdown
  2. Click the Shadow AI workflow tile
  3. The Shadow AI Discovery tab will open
    • If Discovery is not activated, a banner will appear on the Shadow AI page with a CTA to activate Discovery
  4. If you click the Available Tasks tab, you'll still be able to request Shadow AI tasks
  5. Select the tasks you want to request
  6. Click Request
  7. A new popup will open with a list of all the tasks you'd like to request
  8. In the Special Instructions field, add any additional information your team should know about the task

    Tip: Tag specific team members in your instructions by using “@

  9. Click Send Request
  10. Done! The tasks will now appear in the Active Workflows tab and the Requests List page

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