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Work flows better with WalkMe.

Insights: Getting Started Guide

Insights Introduction

WalkMe Insights is an advanced analytics tool seamlessly integrated into the WalkMe Console. It enables you to monitor how users interact with your WalkMe content and the underlying platform. By leveraging the data collected through Insights, you can pinpoint users' pain points and develop new WalkMe solutions to address these issues.

This tool offers a range of features, including metrics widgets, enhanced filters, and the ability to create custom dashboards. Users can examine user interactions, track engagement, and export data for further analysis, all within an intuitive and user-friendly interface.

WalkMe Insights allows you to view the following:

  • Real-time analytics
  • User engagement data with WalkMe content and your underlying platform
  • Accurate re-creations of your users' in-app sessions

Systems Overview

Systems Overview is the main Insights dashboard and homepage for all accounts with more than one system.

It allows you to monitor system usage from one dashboard and then select which system you would like to view insights for independently from the Monitored Systems table.

Systems Overview

System Overview

Clicking on the name of a system in the Monitored System table on the Systems Overview page will open the System Overview page for that system. There you can see an overall summary of how users are interacting with the system directly.

It is made up of several widgets showing user analysis funnel, user analysis trends, where users access from, WalkMe interactions, top content, and top goals.

System Overview

Apps Tabs

The Apps tabs allow you to view a detailed analysis of your WalkMe items, with a dashboard available for each app type within a specific system overview.

There you can find important information to help you understand how users engage with WalkMe on a daily basis and how an existing solution can be improved for better results.

Insights Apps Tabs

Active Users tab

The Active Users tab gives you valuable insights into the user activity on your website. It provides a comprehensive list of users who visited your site while WalkMe was active, regardless of whether they interacted with a WalkMe item.

Insights Users Tab

AI Dashboards

The AI Dashboards in the Insights Console provide comprehensive visibility into the usage and adoption of AI products within your workflow. These dashboards feature up to four tabs, each dedicated to a specific WalkMe AI product: AI Answers, AI Action Bar, AI SmartTips, and AI Rules. The tabs you receive depend on your AI package.

AI Dashboards

Custom Dashboards

The Custom Dashboards page allows users to create their own personalized dashboard. With this feature, users can add metric widgets from different systems to create unique insights dashboards. This allows users to tailor their dashboard to their specific needs and preferences.

Custom Dashboards

Flow Analytics

Flow Analytics changes how organizations approach digital adoption by focusing on the business issues and outcomes at hand, allowing the ability to analyze and address friction across workflows.

By using Flow Analytics, enterprises can map, analyze, and optimize their business processes across multiple applications and multiple users. You can uncover the entire journey of users, with or without WalkMe content.

Flow Analytics

Funnels from Insights Classic

Flow Analytics is the new and enhanced version of what was previously known as Funnels in Insights Classic.

  • There are several key differences between Funnels and Flow Analytics, which can be explored in detail here: Learn more
  • Please note that Funnels is still active and available in Insights Classic: Learn more


The Events page in the WalkMe Console, helps users manage and track their Tracked Events and Engaged Elements all from one page. Users can view a global list of their events, as well as create new events via custom setup or capturing, making it easy to track user behavior and engagement on your website or application.

Insights Events Page


The Insights Reports page is a central hub, now located in the console, where you can conveniently review, export, and subscribe to Insights reports.

About Insights Reports

Report Builder

The Report Builder guides you through the process to create your own customized reports, beginning with choosing a template that best suits your needs, and then offering additional columns and filters for data enhancement.

The Insights Console report builder also allows you to create multi-system reports and view reports according to a specified environment.

Tip Tuesday Video

Insights Classic

Insights Classic, accessible at insights.walkme.com, is the original WalkMe web application and is gradually transition into the WalkMe Console. Many of Insights features are already migrated apart from a few key features:

  • Integrations: Integrations connects your Insights data with external platforms
  • Session Playback: Session Playback allows you to view a real-time recreation of your users' experience using your platform
  • Session Stream: Session stream allows you to understand your user's journeys and user experience by viewing the exact sequence of user actions and events in a single session
  • Adoption Projects: The Digital Adoption Projects Dashboard allows you to view the status and progress of digital adoption initiatives
Sunsetting Insights Classic

All Insights features will be migrated to the console by January 1, 2026. After this, Insights Classic will be deprecated. Some features will be phased out within the year to help users transition smoothly to the console.

  • The Insights Classic Report Builder and Reports page will be deprecated August 18, 2025. Existing reports, subscriptions, and 3rd party integrations will automatically transfer to the console with no action needed

Learn more about the migration from Insights Classic to Insights Console here: 

Insights Migration to WalkMe Console

🎓 Digital Adoption Institute

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