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Mobile: Reports Glossary

Brief Overview

This article contains a list of commonly used reports and their parameters that are available when creating custom reports in the Mobile Console. Learn more about the mobile reports tab here. 

Common Mobile Reports

AB Testing Campaigns

Detailing campaign exposure and engagement among pre-determined user groups.

Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
Campaign ID The campaign ID
Campaign type The Campaign Type
Campaign name The Campaign Name
CTA The campaign's clicked action (e.g. navigate www.google.com / Never / OK...)
Total impressions Total number of times the campaign was seen
Total clicks Total number of times the campaign was interacted with
Unique impressions Number of impressions sent by unique user IDs
Unique clicks Number of clicks sent by unique user IDs
AB Test Name of the AB Testing Group

 All Tracked Events Reached Count

Counts the number of times a tracked event has been unique/reached (meaning how many times said tracked event has been reached by unique users and how many times total)

Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
Tracked Events Goal Id (e.g. user_upload_image)
Unique Reached Count Number of times tracked event was reached by unique user IDs
Total Reached Count Number of times tracked event was reached in total (including multiple counts for a single user ID, if existent)

All Walk-Thrus Steps Funnel

Detailing users' engagement for all existing SWTs in the app.

Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
Promotion ID The campaign ID
Promotion Name The Campaign Name
Step index SWT Step index
Step description SWT step name
Users who saw step Number of users who saw the step
Users who interacted with step Number of users who interacted with the step
Step completion ratio Percentage of interacting users out of the users who saw the step
Step success rate Percentage of users who have clicked the previous step and reached the current one
WT funnel ratio Number of the users who have seen the step in ratio to those who have seen the walk-thru

App Raw Data (All Events) & App Raw Data (WM Events)

  • App Raw Data (All Events): All events sent to server from the in-app activity
  • App Raw Data (WM Events): Only WalkMe events sent to server from the in-app activity
Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
App Key App Identifier (i.e. App ID Number)
UID Generated WalkMe User ID (anonymous GUID)
Promotion_ID The campaign ID
Type The Event Type (see values in the Event Types and Triggers section of this document)
AppVID The app version
DID Device model id / (e.g. iPhone 8,1)
System_Version Device OS Version
Cur_View Info about the screen shown when the event was sent to the server
Prev_View Info about the screen shown previous to when the event was sent to the server
Session_Duration Session duration at the time when the event was sent to the server
Report_Date Server date when the event was sent to the server
Report_Time Exact server time when the event was sent to the server
IP Network IP when the event was sent to the server
Country_Code Country code for the location from the event was sent to the server (e.g. Israel = IL, England = EN, United States = US).
CLK_Type The campaign's clicked action (e.g. navigate www.google.com / Never / OK...)
CTA_ID The action identifier

Deprecated attribute, not used on recent SDK versions.

User's Classification id (e.g. 4_3_345)


Deprecated attribute, not used on recent SDK versions.

How many views the current user session include (ML data)

SDK_Ver The SDK Version (e.g. 1.0.48)
Locale The device's language (en_us, en_il...)
Session_ID The WalkMe session generated identifier
API_Ver The Server API version

Deprecated attribute, not used on recent SDK versions.

Max time (in seconds) the user did not perform any movement (ML data)


Deprecated attribute, not used on recent SDK versions.

User's screens journey (ML data)

System_Name The type of the operating system (android / ios)
Is_New_User Is this the user's first session?
Is_Push_Enbaled Did the user allow the app to send notifications
Client_Date Client date when the event was sent to the server
Client_Time Exact client time when the event was sent to the server

Deprecated attribute, not used on recent SDK versions.

AT_WORK / AT_HOME (statistically deductible information)

Connectivity Wether the user is using WiFi or Cellular network
TZ User's time zone (e.g. Asia/Jerusalem)

Deprecated attribute, not used on recent SDK versions.

User movement (stand still, walk slow etc.)

Statistically deductible information


Deprecated attribute, not used on recent SDK versions.

Irreversible SALT hash of Wireless Access Point Name (e.g. Walkme Guest)


Deprecated attribute, not used on recent SDK versions.

User gender (male, female, unknown)


Deprecated attribute, not used on recent SDK versions.

What kind of element was clicked (button, view) (only on interaction events, only on buttons or views)


Deprecated attribute, not used on recent SDK versions.

Element Label (e.g. Btn) (interaction event)


Deprecated attribute, not used on recent SDK versions.

User's action journey (ML data)


Zack: Tracked Event operator name (e.g. Push Approved, Network, Session Time)

Current KB: Goal Id (e.g. user_upload_image)


Deprecated attribute, not used on recent SDK versions.

last 20 tracked events been made by the user (ML data)

Step_IDX SWT Step index
User_Atts User Attributes set in session / Tracked Events Attributes in Tracked Events
play_count SWT Step play counter
play_reason SWT Step play reason
trigger Campaign/Goal Trigger type [Happy Moment , Static , App]
view_duration Time in current screen
dorien The device orientation
app_user_id User identifier set by the app via the SDK API (empty if not set)
server_time Same as 'Report_Time'
bundle_id The app bundle id (iOS)
is_camera_enabled Is camera permission enabled by the user for the app
is_contacts_enabled Is contacts permission enabled by the user for the app
is_location_enabled Is location permission enabled by the user for the app
clk_reason Step click invocation reason (e.g. skippable_step / user_clk)
prev_step_idx SWT previous step index

The application session from the point the app session was started.

Basically represents the app process id

promotion_revision_id Identifier of the campaign version (every save action in console sets a new revision ID)
content_type Type of campaign
installation_id An ID generated by the SDK per app installation stored in the app's local storage
wmsdkorg The Organization ID as set by the AppConfig file (if exists)
triggering_campaign_type For linked and connected campaigns, the type of the campaign that triggered them
triggering_campaign_id For linked and connected campaigns, the ID of the campaign that triggered them / For trigger API - the API key
sub_sequence_id Carousel slide index
prev_sub_sequence_id Carousel previous slide index
mode the SDK Mode : pm , pm_simulate , pm_preview , player
multi_lang Language name when using multi language feature

App Users List

Detailing unique users activity and data gathered about the users.

Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
App User Id User identifier set by the app via the SDK API (empty if not set)
First Login Date in Timeframe Exact server time upon first login
E.g. ​​2023-07-09 11:09:30.189000
Last Login Date in Timeframe Exact server time upon last login
E.g. 2023-07-09 12:37:49.611000
App Sessions Count Number of sessions per user
Avg Session Duration (min) Average session duration per user in minutes
Total Session Duration (min) Total time spent in active sessions per user in minutes
Device Model Device Model
OS Version OS Version
User Attributes *(if existent) User Attributes set in session / Tracked Events Attributes in Tracked Events

App Users Who Tracked Event

Detailing user IDs tracked events completion data.

Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
Report Time Exact server time when the event was sent to the server
Client Time Exact client time when the event was sent to the server
Tracked Events Name of tracked event in the console
App User Id. User identifier set by the app via the SDK API (empty if not set)

 Average Time on Screen

Detailing average time per screen.

Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
Screen Name Name of captured screen in the console
AVG Time On Screen (Sec) Average time per captured screen in seconds

Campaign Actions Breakdown

Detailing users' campaign engagement data.

Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
Campaign ID The campaign ID
Campaign type The Campaign Type
Campaign name The campaign name in the console
CTA The campaign's clicked action (e.g. navigate www.google.com / Never / OK...)
Total impressions Total number of times the campaign was seen
Total clicks Total number of times the campaign was interacted with
Unique impressions Number of impressions sent by unique user IDs
Unique clicks Number of clicks sent by unique user IDs

Campaign Actions Breakdown (Raw)

Detailing users' campaign engagement data.

Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
User ID Either Generated WalkMe User ID (anonymous GUID)
App user ID
Campaign ID The campaign ID
Campaign Name The campaign name in the console
Campaign Type The Campaign Type
CTA The campaign's clicked action (e.g. navigate www.google.com / Never / OK...)
Client Time Exact client time when the event was sent to the server
UserAttributes User Attributes set in session / Tracked Events Attributes in Tracked Events

Campaign Actions Breakdown (User ID)

Detailing users' campaign engagement data.

Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
User ID Either Generated WalkMe User ID (anonymous GUID)
App user ID
Campaign ID The campaign ID
Campaign Type The Campaign Type
Campaign Name The campaign name in the console
CTA The campaign's clicked action (e.g. navigate www.google.com / Never / OK...)
Total impressions Total number of times the campaign was seen
Total clicks Total number of times the campaign was interacted with

Campaign Actions Breakdown By Date

Detailing users' campaign engagement data sorted chronologically by date.

Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
Date Client date for when the event was sent to server
Campaign ID The campaign ID
Campaign type The Campaign Type
Campaign name The Campaign Name
CTA The campaign's clicked action (e.g. navigate www.google.com / Never / OK...)
Total impressions Total number of times the campaign was seen
Total clicks Total number of times the campaign was interacted with
Unique impressions Number of impressions sent by unique user IDs
Unique clicks Number of clicks sent by unique user IDs

Survey Raw Data Response

Grouped detailing users' survey responses.

Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
Random User ID Copies app user ID if existent, if not it's “Default”
App User ID User identifier set by the app via the SDK API (empty if not set)
Client Time Exact client time when the event was sent to the server
Report Time Exact server time when the event was sent to the server
User Attributes User Attributes set in session / Tracked Events Attributes in Tracked Events
Question name Survey Question as set in the console

Survey Responses

Detailing users' survey responses elaborately.

Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
Survey ID Survey campaign ID
Survey name Survey Name as set in the console
Question Name Survey Question as set in the console
Question Type What kind of survey question it is
Value The answer the was sent to server
Total Count Total count per answer


Detailing SWTs and their respective steps information.

Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
Campaign ID The campaign ID
Campaign Name The Campaign Name
Step ID Unique step identifier
Step Name SWT step name
Step Type SWT Step Type
CTA text SWT CTA Text
CTA ID The action identifier

Time Elapsed When Campaign Was Seen

Detailing time of impression for a specific campaign per user ID.

Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
User id Either Generated WalkMe User ID (anonymous GUID)
App user ID
Client time Exact client time when the event was sent to the server
Campaign name The campaign name in the console
Session time of campaign imp Session duration upon campaign impression

Tracked Event Reached After Campaign Actions

Detailing user's conversion rate per tracked event upon campaign actions.

Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
Date Client date for when the event was sent to server
Unique users who interacted with campaign 'Name' Number of unique users who interacted with the campaign
Users Campaign CTA Actions made by user for the campaign
Unique users (out of the users on column B) who reached tracked event 'Name' Unique users (out of the users on column B) who reached the chosen tracked event 
Success Ratio Percentage of unique users who reached the chosen tracked event out of the unique users who saw the campaign

Tracked Events Funnel

Detailing tracked events success rate among unique users.

Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
Date Client date for when the event was sent to server
Unique users who interacted with campaign 'Name' Number of unique users who interacted with the campaign
Unique users (out of the users on column B) who reached tracked event 'Name' Unique users (out of the users on column B) who reached the chosen tracked event 
Success Ratio Percentage of unique users who reached the chosen tracked event out of the unique users who saw the campaign

Users Converted to New Version 

Detailing versions and campaign exposure\engagement time prior and post version update.

Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
UID Generated WalkMe User ID (anonymous GUID)
Campaign impression time Server time upon campaign impression
CTA The campaign's clicked action (e.g. navigate www.google.com / Never / OK...)
Time of first session with new app Server time upon first session with the new version
Last vid Version ID in the last session before converting to new version
New vid Version ID in the first session after converting to new version

Users Onboarding Status

Detailing users' onboarding progress.

Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
UID Generated WalkMe User ID (anonymous GUID)
Onboarding list campaign name Onboarding list campaign name as set in the console
Total number of onboarding items Total number of onboarding items (tracked events to reach)
Total number of onboarding items completed by the user Total number of onboarding items completed (tracked events reached)
Completion ratio Percentage of completed OB Items out of total OB items

Users Per App Version

Counts the number of users per app version per given date.

Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
Date Client date for when the event was sent to server
Appvid The app version
Users count Number of users (in this case per app version)

Users Permissions Status

Counts the number of users which enabled each permission per given date.

Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
Date Client date for when the event was sent to server
Unique daily users count Unique users per date
Push enabled users count How many enabled push notifications
Location enabled users count How many enabled location access permissions
Camera enabled users count How many enabled camera access permissions
Contacts enabled users count How many enabled contact access permissions

Walk-Thru Steps Funnel

Detailing users' engagement per SWT step.

Parameter Name Parameter Explanation
Promotion ID The campaign ID
Promotion Name The Campaign Name
Step index SWT Step index
Step description SWT step name
Users who saw step Number of users who saw the step
Users who interacted with step Number of users who interacted with the step
Step completion ratio Percentage of interacting users out of the users who saw the step
Step success rate Percentage of users who have clicked the previous step and reached the current one
WT funnel ratio Number of the users who have seen the step in ratio to those who have seen the walk-thru

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