Mobile: What Is the Mobile Console and How Is It Used?
Last Updated November 8, 2022
Brief Overview
The Mobile Console (log in here) is your web-based home base for WalkMe Mobile building, customization, analytics and support. In tandem with your app's Power Mode, the Console lets you create, customize and edit campaigns intelligently, keep track of your end-users' interactions with your app, campaigns, and business goals, and predict future end-user in-app activity.
Use Cases
The Mobile Console's use cases include the following:
- Build ShoutOuts and Launchers;
- Edit and customize your ShoutOuts, Launchers, and Walk-Thrus;
- Analyze end-user activity on your app, and their reactions to your campaigns;
- Filter this data by time-frame and/or audience segment.
- Manage screens and elements captured in Power Mode;
- Define and manage segments, Tracked Events (Goals) and User Attributes;
- Review and manage app settings such as Power Mode configuration, impressions capping and app activation.
Structure of the Mobile Console
The following is a breakdown of the Mobile Console's structure:
- Creation, editing, and customization of campaigns occur in the MY CAMPAIGNS tab;
- Backward-looking analytics (sorted by USERS, CAMPAIGNS, and TRACKED EVENTS analytics) are located in the DASHBOARD tab;
- A link to the Support website is located in the SUPPORT tab;
- Finally, in the SETTINGS tab, you can see a comprehensive breakdown of all the WalkMe Mobile SDK versions your end-users are using, and add to and manage your campaign media.
Pro-Tip: Currently, the console is only supported on Chrome web browsers.
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