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Work flows better with WalkMe.

New Editor Design

Last Updated August 18, 2024

Brief Overview

The Editor now has a new design. Our goal was to transform the old interface into a visually appealing, easier to use, and intuitive experience, consistent with other WalkMe applications.

This article covers the key changes in the new design compared to the old.

What's Changed

High level changes

Editor top changes

  • Status icon, Play/Build mode, header and search all got a new design
  • Switch system was moved and redesigned
    • To switch to build on mobile web, users now click on their current system name in the upper right corner
  • Home line minor UI changes
  • "All items" dropdown removed
  • New filter option was added - by item type

Editor footer changes

  • Footer buttons removed:
    • Preview (now will appear only when items are selected)
    • Customize (now available under the Settings icon in the top right corner)
    • Solutions (relocated to the "Create" menu - under the blue plus icon)
    • Menu (now available under the Apps menu in the top right corner)
  • New look and functionality for Create + button
    • You can now use it to create folders and segments also
    • No longer filtered by item type
      • Exceptions: Shield, Engaged Element, Element Library

WalkMe Apps menu

See what's changed

The new WalkMe Apps menu offers a central place to access your WalkMe apps, divided into the following categories: Apps, Data, Admin

Previously, several of these were available from the options menu.

Create + button

See what's changed

The revamped Create + button is similar to the old one, with a few key changes:

  1. You can now create any item type using the + button, even when filtering to view specific items types
  2. Two new create options were added: "New Folder" and "Segment"
    • These additions do not replace existing creation methods from other locations
  3. The list has been simplified and certain names were changed
    • "Resources" has been replaced with more intuitive options: "Video" and "Article"
    • "ShoutOuts" has been split into "ShoutOut" and "ShoutOut Classic" for easier access without the need to hover

When selecting Shield, Engaged Elements, and Element Library, the create menu only allows to create this type of item. For example, in Shield, users can only create new tests.

Create and rename items

See what's changed

The pop ups for naming and renaming an item were updated.

Now if the name is taken an error message will be shown.

Assign segments

See what's changed

The existing pop up was updated to align with the new Editor main screen design.

A description was added, indicating that multiple segments assigned to one item will have an "Or" relationship between them.

Profile / user menu

See what's changed

The user menu is a new concept, designed to provide a more personalized experience for the builders.

Within the user menu, users can access actions and information tailored to their specific user profile.

Previously, many of these options were found in the Editor options menu.

Settings menu

See what's changed

The settings menu serves as a centralized hub for all configurations within the Editor, including global system settings.

In the previous design, these settings were found in different locations in the Editor, in the footer, header, and within the options menu. We consolidated them all in one location for improved user experience.

Several notable changes:

  1. Integrations moved from the "All items" dropdown menu to the Settings Menu. We consider them as global, system-level settings, which led to this repositioning.
  2. The feature previously known as "Customize" and located in the Editor footer has been relocated to the Settings Menu, now referred to as "Customize content style."
  3. We have removed the direct link to the Snippet screen. Instead, users can access the "System settings" from the Settings Menu and find the new Snippet tab there.
  4. Onboarding settings, previously available only through the "All items" dropdown menu when viewing Onboarding exclusively, have now been placed in the Settings Menu. This change allows users to access this system-level setting regardless of their item list filtering.


See what's changed

Filters remained the same with one major upgrade: users can now also filter by item type.

This will replace the functionality of the old “All items” dropdown.

It will also introduce a new functionality, to display more than one item type in the list.

For example, users can now choose to view only Smart Walk-Thrus and Launchers together.


See what's changed

Preview will now be displayed only when an item or multiple items are selected.

Previously, the option to preview published content was only available when no items were selected in the list. We have improved this feature by providing clearer explanations and incorporating it into the preview options that appear when items are selected.

All items menu

See what's changed

The following apps were previously only, or mainly, available from the “All items” menu:

  • ActionBot
  • Shield
  • Engaged Elements
  • Element Library
  • Search integration
  • Live Chat
  • Help Desk

These apps got a new look and will now be available from either the “WalkMe Apps” menu or the “Settings menu”.

Item setting screens

See what's changed

In this phase, we have released the new updated screens for SmartTip sets, Smart Walk-Thrus, onboarding tasks, shuttles, articles, and videos.

  • The settings tabs moved from the left-hand side to the top
  • Tabs were grouped
  • The header is now the part of item creation
  • The footer is dedicated to finalizing and troubleshooting
  • Notes used to have a tab of their own, it was replaced with the Add+ icon in the upper right corner

SmartTips Set settings



Smart Walk-Thrus settings


  • Goals have their own tab
  • Display conditions tab includes segmentation and the ability to create the menu display conditions from here
  • Search ranking has its own tab
  • Advanced Settings only include the field for entering custom data


  • Goals and milestones moved under the new Behavior tab
  • Segmentation is now done from the Appearance Conditions tab
  • Menu display conditions were moved to the Initiators panel
  • Search ranking/optimization and keywords moved to the Advanced Settings tab

Onboarding tasks


All the settings presented as toggles on a single screen

Settings are organized in separate tabs:

  • Behavior
  • Appearance Conditions
  • Advanced Settings



All the settings are done from the creation screen

Settings organized in separate tabs:

  • Behavior
  • Appearance Conditions
  • Advanced Settings (search and keywords)



All the settings are done from the creation screen


Settings organized in separate tabs:

  • Behavior
  • Appearance Conditions
  • Advanced Settings (search and keywords)



All the settings are done from the creation screen


Settings organized in separate tabs:

  • Behavior
  • Appearance Conditions
  • Advanced Settings (search and keywords)

Temporary changes

See what's changed

The following appear temporarily in the new design:

  • Open browser state
  • Upgrade now

Open browser and upgrade options have new design, but no functionality or logic change.

Editor icons

See what's changed

Item states


  1. Item icon combined with the color indicating the state of it (published / not published)
  2. Segment icon on the left


  1. Item icon and the status indicator are separated. Status icon color changed to a color from the accessible palette
  2. Segment icon moved to the right

Status indication


  1. Published: Item icon colored green
  2. Published and modified: Item icon colored green with an asterisk 
  3. Draft: Item icon colored orange
  4. Archived: Item icon colored grey


Item Icons (Old vs. New)


Smart Walk-Thru Walk-Thru (old)




Resources (Article)

Resources (Video)

Onboarding Task




Engaged Element


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