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Permalink Isn’t Working


My WalkMe permalinks are not working as I expected. What's the issue?


There a few different causes that can attribute to failing permalinks:

  1. The permalink parameters are not being preserved
  2. The permalink is not set up correctly
  3. The permalink needs to be adjusted
  4. The content has not yet been published to that environment
  5. WalkMe is not loading on the site

Some sites will cancel parameters upon a redirect. For example, if you try going to https://www.yourdomain.com?walkme=12345, it may redirect you to just https://www.yourdomain.com.  
This is also common when sites prompt logging in before redirecting. This behavior is not caused by WalkMe and cannot be resolved on WalkMe's end.

If this is the scenario you are experiencing, and you are trying to use permalinks on your own application (not third-party), you may want to consult with your site developers on the possibility of modifying your site's redirect behavior so that parameters may be preserved.

Permalinks are structured differently between Smart Walk-Thrus, Classic Walk-Thrus, and ShoutOuts. The parameter must always come at the very end of the exact URL you are trying to play the content on.

  • In Classic Walk-Thrus, the correct permalink parameter can be found in Settings -> Engagement -> Permalink.
  • In Smart Walk-Thrus, the correct permalink parameter can be found in the “Initiators” tab (not Settings) -> Permalink.
  • In ShoutOuts, the correct permalink parameter can be found in the ShoutOut Options -> Engagement -> Permalink.

If there is already a question mark “?” in the URL that you are trying to add the WalkMe parameter to, you will need to modify the WalkMe parameter to use an ampersand “&” instead.

For example, if you try creating the following permalink, it will not work:


The correct way to set this up would be as follows:

The content has not been published to the environment you are testing

When testing out a permalink for the first time, you will want to confirm that you have published your Smart Walk-Thru/Classic Walk-Thru/ShoutOut to the environment you are testing in.

For example, if you are trying to use the permalink in your Test environment, you should verify that you published the relevant content to the Test environment.

WalkMe is not loading on the site

If you don't see any other WalkMe content loading on the page where your permalink is supposed to work, you should confirm that WalkMe is loading properly.

Review the article here for further troubleshooting.

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