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Work flows better with WalkMe.

WalkMe Mobile Access Requirements

Requirements for the WalkMe Mobile Console

In order to use Campaign editing and access the mobile Dashboards in the WalkMe Mobile Console, make sure to have the following domains added to your allow list by your IT team. All domains require access in port 443.



Requirements for Power Mode

In order to capture and edit content in the WalkMe Mobile SDK's Power Mode, make sure to have the following domains added to your allow list by your IT team in port 443.



Required Domains for Viewing and Playing WalkMe (End Users)

In order to view WalkMe content as an end-user, the following domains need to be added to your allow list on port 443 and port 80.



Browser Requirements for the WalkMe Mobile Console

The WalkMe Mobile Console is currently only supported in Chrome web browsers (version 30 and above), on all operating systems.

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