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Measuring Digital Adoption Maturity

Brief Overview

The Digital Adoption Maturity Matrix is a self-assessment tool to help understand, measure, and plan how to achieve excellence in your Digital Adoption program. Use it to set goals and evaluate priorities, guide/organize improvement efforts, and communicate progress of your scaling DAP strategy. 

The Digital Adoption Maturity Matrix contains the following elements:

  • Stages: The measurement of maturity from Emerging to Transformational
  • Categories: The grouping of dimensions by type into strategic, tactical, or technical
  • Dimensions: The focus areas relevant for scaling Digital Adoption (for example, executive sponsorship)

Using the Digital Adoption Maturity Matrix

Start with the Maturity Matrix. Then, move into defining, prioritizing, and executing on key activities related to each dimension. Finally, decide how you'll incorporate the Matrix into the set of governance tools you'll use on a recurring basis.

Step 1: Self-Assess

Self-assess with intentional discovery. Consider using a SWOT analysis to assist with this discussion.

  1. Assess Current State: Where are you now and why?
  2. Define Key Opportunities and Key Threats: Evaluate your company's environmental factors. Where is the easiest to move the needle? Where is the most difficult? 

Step 2: Identify actions

Plan out steps you can take, to elevate your maturity in each dimension.

Whether you're working as a team of one or aspire to have a Digital Adoption CoE, evolving from Emerging to Formalizing across the five Maturity Matrix dimensions will maximize the benefits you realize from a Digital Adoption Platform.

Visit the article Formalizing Your Digital Adoption Strategy for actionable steps to take (+ resources and discovery questions) to build a strong foundation.

Already have a mature Digital Adoption Program? Effective scale requires a stable core. Use the article above as a checklist to make sure the foundation of your strategy doesn't have any cracks.

Step 3: Prioritize actions

For each dimension, what are the specific activities that will advance your maturity?

See Formalizing Your Digital Adoption Strategy for recommended activities to move from the Emerging stage to Formalizing stage.

For each Activity:

  • What is the scope of the activity? 
  • What is the “definition of done”?
  • What resources/bandwidth are needed to complete this? 
  • What are the risks associated with completion of this activity? 
  • What are the dependencies for this activity? Is there a risk of dependencies delaying this activity? 
  • If completed successfully, what impact will this activity have (relative to others brainstormed) on advancing maturity? 

Step 4: Take action

Use a cost/benefit approach.

Which activities will advance maturity more than others, with the lowest cost and/or lowest risk? 

In your analysis, include cost consideration of WalkMe Professional Services, partners, contracted employees, internal hires, etc. Lean on your WalkMe team for scoping support here.

Step 5: Operationalize

A maturity model must be accompanied by an assessment protocol to ensure credibility, repeatability, and accountability of Digital Adoption Program Managers

Consider the following actions to incorporate a maturity discussion into your process:

Incorporate into a bi-annual status meeting

  • Discuss alongside value narratives and your Customer Success Plan.

Use it as a career development opportunity!

  • Invite individual contributors to “showcase” accomplishments 1-2 highlighted activities in front of executive leadership
    • e.g. Ben led creation of a quarterly cadence with two new Product Managers, defining a flowchart for proactive coordination and QA testing of WalkMe solutions prior to seasonal Salesforce & S/4 Hana release dates.

Be flexible and open to change.

  • Don't assume the prioritized focus areas from the initial assessment are still all correct. Ask, confirm, and adjust as-necessary
  • Re-run your SWOT, especially if there are new stakeholders or expanded WalkMe reach.

Pitch to Leadership

Industry trend: Executives are leaning into maturity models as a competitive differentiator. Read more here.

WalkMe recommends the Digital Adoption Maturity Matrix as a framework and a communication tool - but it's only as useful if it resonates with your leadership.

  • Work with your Customer Success Manager to integrate it into an already-scheduled conversation, such as a quarterly business review or strategic planning session
  • Pitch the industry trend of executives using maturity models as a competitive differentiator 
  • Offer the Maturity Matrix as a Best in Class example of a digital adoption-specific maturity model that can help with regulard strategic planning and alignment

Download Templates & Tools

Digital Adoption Maturity Matrix Workbook

Use this workbook to self-assess your digital adoption maturity and create a path forward.

Download here.

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