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My Goals Are Not Being Reached

Last Updated February 9, 2022


When I'm testing my Goals for my Walk-Thrus or Smart Walk-Thrus, they don't show as being completed in the Flow Tracker even though I completed the relevant action. What is the issue?


There are a few reasons why a Goal may not appear to be reached despite having been completed.

Is your goal based on an action within an iFrame?

If you are basing your Goal off of an action that a user takes in an iFrame, it will not show up in the Flow Tracker even if it has been successfully reached. You will need to monitor the Goal completion in Insights to verify whether or not it was successful for your Test user.

Is your Goal based on a “Click” or “Hover” action, and your site is an SPA (single page application)?

If yes, you may need to have a specific setting enabled on your account. Reach out to Support to have this enabled.

Is your Goal based on a Click or Hover of an element that isn't immediately present at page load?

For example, does the element appear after you do something else on the page, but there isn't an accompanying page refresh (like opening a modal window)? each out to Support for a specific setting that will allow these elements to be tracked for click and hover-based Goals.

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