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Visual Designer Dynamic Layout

Brief Overview

Dynamic layout can be used to design ShoutOuts in the Visual Designer. It offers the canvas adaptability of the flex layout, while providing more freedom and flexibility to users.

This article covers the key features and capabilities of the layout.

Key Benefits of Dynamic Layout

  • ShoutOuts automatically adapt to the size and orientation of the screen they're viewed on
  • Reduces the building time – there are content arrangements ready to use in the canvas
  • Ability to create dynamic layouts that are easy to read and navigate, regardless of the device being used
  • Improves the user experience by making popups easier to use on all devices
  • Increases the overall performance of the website by allowing popups to load faster and use fewer resources
  • Allows you to create a single design that can be easily adapted to support different languages
  • When the size of translated text exceeds the original language, the balloon will adapt accordingly

Key Features of Dynamic Layout

The Dynamic Layout canvas consists of the following layers:

  • Canvas: Body of the ShoutOut which shows how it will look on screen for a user
    • Frames and widgets can be added to the canvas
  • Frame: Designated space on the canvas which can be moved around and designed
    • Widgets can be added inside the frame
  • Widget: Element inside the frame
    • Types of widgets: Text, Image, Button, Line, Webview


Color specification

Each level of the design when selected is highlighted with a specific color:

  • Canvas: Green
  • Frame: Pink
  • Widget: Blue


  • For Canvas and Frames, a background color, corner radius, and border width can be set in the Styling tab

Background color and image

  • Select a background color to fill the canvas or frame or upload an image
  • Play with the opacity of the image to make it brighter or paler compared to the text
  • Select how the image will be inserted into the canvas or frame:
    • Fill: Image will fill the entire space. The proportions of the image will be kept, but some part of the image might be cut out.
    • Fit: Image will be resized to fit into the canvas. The entire image will be shown, but some parts of the canvas might be blank.
    • Stretch: Aspect ratio will be ignored, the image will fill the entire canvas.
    • Tile: Image will be repeated in patterns and cover the entire canvas. Use zoom scale to play with the image size and the pattern.
  • Use zoom scale to make the image bigger or smaller

  • Rotate the image - flip it vertically or horizontally
  • Change the positioning of the image (for example, if some parts are zoomed out, you can adjust the positioning to decide which part will be shown and which will be cropped out)

Did you know?

If the opacity of the image 100%, the background color isn't seen. You can create layers of color and image by making the opacity lower.

  • Breadcrumbs are available in the property bag and on the canvas
  • For example, when selecting a widget, you will see the frame it belongs to
  • Breadcrumbs can be clicked and used to navigate



  • Corner Radius, Border Width, Fill Color, and Border Color can be changed from the Styling tab

  • There is now an ability to add shadow to the canvas of the Shoutout. User can select between None, Soft, Regula, and Retro shadow predefined options.
  • Corners can be controlled individually and be different


  • The width of the ShoutOut can be changed by stretching it directly from the canvas or applying measurements in the property bag
  • The height will adjust automatically based on the amount of content
  • Only the width of the canvas can be resized by a user

Inner Spacing
  • The distance between the sides of the canvas and the frames can be adjusted in the property bag - the indication will be shown on the canvas
  • By default, the same distance is set for all the sides
  • To apply a different value to one of the sides, click on the borders icon

Close Button
  • Turning off the Show Close Button toggle will hide the Close button from the canvas
    • To make it appear again, hover over the Close button location and click on it and then turn on the Show Close Button toggle
  • The close button can be customized from the Styling tab - Icon size color, Button radius and fill, Border width and color can be changed
  • The size of the button can be changed from the canvas
  • The position can be changed (Top Right / Left corner) from the Layout tab

  • The position of the canvas on screen can be changed only from the property bag
  • Select one of the default options, or turn on the Custom position toggle and enter the preferred settings for more specific changes



  • Corner radius, border width, fill color, and border color can be changed from the Styling tab


  • The frame can be resized horizontally in relation to another frame. To do so, drag the frame you want to resize.
  • You can resize frames only from the side which is shared with another frame
  • The frame size is based on percentage of the canvas size. The frame width is displayed in percentage.
  • The frame can't be smaller than the content in the frame

Vertical Alignment
  • On the frame level, elements can be aligned horizontally or vertically
  • This option is available when the element is inside a frame that's next to another frame which has more content

Widget Spacing
  • Adjust default vertical spacing between the widgets in the frame
  • It is also possible to set different spacing for a specific widget on a widget level

Adding Frames
  • Frames can be added by duplicating existing ones, or clicking on the plus sign which appears in the highlighted area when hovering on the outside area of the canvas
  • Up to four frames can be added in one row
  • There is no limit for number of vertical frames
  • When new frames are created (or deleted), the canvas size will be divided by the number of frames so all frames are the same size
  • The minimum size of a frame is 10% of the canvas

Moving Frames
  • Frames can be moved by dragging and dropping - horizontally or vertically

Inner Spacing
  • The distance from the sides of the frame to the widgets can be adjusted in the property bag
  • Select the frame and set the default distance for all the sides, or click on the borders icon - and control each side individually
  • If you have an image that's the same size as it's frame and you need to select the frame - use the breadcrumbs to switch between the widget and the frame



The style of the widget can be changed from the property bag:

  • Image: Upload it and select corner radius, border width and border color
    • Select an action for when a user clicks on the image, it'll perform an action, for example they'll be redirected to an external URL or email address

      The URL has to include http:// or https://

    • When an action is selected, the icon indicator will change from neutral to green

  • Text: Choose the font, font size and color, alignment of the text
  • Line: Change the corner radius, border width, line color, and border color 
  • Webview: Past the URL and see the preview 
  • Button: Select the action you want the button to perform
    • When the action is selected, the red icon indicator will change to green
    • Multi-line text in a button is supported - press Enter to create a new line 

  • Color picker now has a pipette tool to capture the color already existing in the design

Adding a Widget

  • To add a widget, click on the Plus button in the property bag and drag selected widget to the canvas
  • You will see a blue indication of where that widget will be added
  • Four widgets can be added in a row inside one frame


Resizing a Widget

  • To resize a widget, select it and drag the handle bar

  • Button size can be controlled via both the outer (distance from the other widgets) and inner (distance from the text of the button to its borders) spacing

Stretching a Widget

  • A widget can be stretched by clicking on the stretch icon
  • When aspect ratio is locked, the widget will be stretched up to inserted figures
  • When aspect ratio is unlocked, the widget will take the entire horizontal space available inside the frame
  • When there are multiple widgets in a row, each of the widgets will dynamically adjust to fill the space inside the frame
    • For example, when there are two widgets each will take up 50% of the space, when there are four, each will take up 25%
  • The height if the widget can be controlled manually

Outer Spacing

  • To create space between multiple widgets, select the widget and adjust the outer spacing in the property bag
  • By default the same distance is set for all the sides
  • To apply a different value to one of the sides, click on the borders icon

Tip Tuesday Videos

Updates to the Visual Designer

Introduction to the Visual Designer - Dynamic Layout

Building with the Visual Designer

Technical Notes


  • Visual Designer can not be customized using global or custom CSS
    • We are aiming to replace all need to use global/custom CSS with “in Editor” functionality
  • Frameset sites are not supported – content cannot be drawn on them


  • Web Player: Supports ShoutOuts
  • Mobile Player: Supports ShoutOuts, Smart Walk-Thrus (limited), Surveys, and Launchers
  • Desktop Player: Supports ShoutOuts and Smart Walk-Thrus (limited)

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