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Work flows better with WalkMe.

Web to Workstation Permalinks

Last Updated June 19, 2024

Brief Overview

We understand that digital processes do not exclusively start and end inside the browser. To enhance your DAP ability, we've added a way to build a continuous WalkMe experience between Workstation to WalkMe Web via permalinks.

This article describes how you can launch certain actions within the Workstation with a  permalink.

How It Works

Treat this permalink mechanism as a simple URL, but with some additions. Each permalink starts with "walkme-workstation://" as a scheme, should receive the system GUID as "hostname", and URL is changed for each action:

Remove the curly brackets

In this example permalink anything in between the curly brackets {{}}, including the brackets, will get replaced with your unique content.

Use permalinks anywhere

Workstation permalinks can be used anywhere that you can add URLs within the Editor: Smart-WalkThru Action step, Shuttles, ShoutOut links, etc.

Play WalkMe Content

The following permalink opens the Workstation and plays WalkMe content automatically:


Where can I find the item ID? Learn how in the WalkMe Editor Features article.


This permalink opens Workstation to the ActionBot page:


Alternatively, you can open the ActionBot page and start a specific conversation by adding the botid and the conversation id &id={{deployableId-botId-conversationId}}


You can easily get exactly the permalink you need by copying the permalink from the Conversation's page on Console to play a Conversation.

Click here to learn where to find the bot and conversation ID...

To find the botID:

  1. Go to the Editor, click the All Items dropdown -> ActionBot
  2. Go to the Bots page
  3. The bot ID is in the first column of the table

To find the conversationID:

  1. Go to the Editor, click the All Items dropdown -> ActionBot
  2. Go to the Conversations page
  3. The conversation ID is in the first column of the table

Open Workstation Apps page

This permalink opens Workstation integrations page ("Workstation Apps"):


The "&id={{appName}}" parameter is optional. Without it, Workstation will simply open the apps page.

Click here to view the list of app names...

Use this list of app names to replace {{appName}} in the permalink:

  • google-drive
  • sharepoint
  • confluence
  • google-calendar
  • salesforce
  • github
  • zendesk
  • onedrive
  • okta
  • jira
  • servicenow
  • outlook-calendar
  • confluence-cloud
  • google-search
  • docusign
  • hubspot
  • gmail
  • slack
  • bing
  • workday
  • box
  • pocket
  • salesforce-knowledge
  • drupal
  • netsuite

Search for Content in Workstation

The following permalink opens Workstation, and automatically performs a search:


Open Resources page

You can open the Resources page by using the following permalink:


Alternatively, you can open a specific tab on the resources page by adding the tab name &t={{name}}, as follows:


Open Tasks (Onboarding) page

You can open the Tasks page (commonly used for Onboarding) by using the following permalink:


Highlight a Specific Notifications in Workstation

You can open the Notifications screen and highlight a specific notification by using the following permalink:


The "&nid={{notificationID}}" parameter is optional. Without it, Workstation will simply open the Notifications page.


Note: To get all of the account's notification IDs click Export CSV on the top right of the analytics panel in the Communication Center.

HTTP/S Schemes Support

If links without HTTP/S schemes are rejected. There's an HTTPS based permalink available for playing content:{{systemGUID}}&did={{deployableID}}

The above link will take the user to a WalkMe hosted page and from there, launch Workstation to play the content.


You can open the ChatGPT page by using the following permalink:


Alternatively, you can also open a ChatGPT conversation with pre-populated text. It will be as if the user has typed the text themselves and clicked the “send” button:


Enable/Disable Workstation Bubble

Enable the bubble by using the following permalink:


Disable the bubble by using the following permalink:


Launch Product Tour

You can launch the Product Tour by using the following permalink:


QR Code for Shuttles

You can generate a QR code that will be used for opening a link directly from the Mobile Workstation's In-App Browser (this is only available if you have purchased Workstation).

Click the three dot menu of the relevant Shuttle then click QR Code. You can download the QR code to print or add it anywhere you like!

Keep in mind:

  • The QR code can be generated also from the Shuttle editing page.
  • If the user doesn't have the Mobile Workstation installed on their device, the QR code will lead to the Play Store for downloading the Mobile Workstation App.
  • The QR code will be visible only when a Shuttle ID is available and saved, and it is connected directly to the Shuttle's ID so any future changes won't require a new QR to get generated.


Issues with sharing permalinks via email, hyperlinks, or applications

In order to share a permalink, do one of the following:

  • Add the permalink in a URL shortener like TinyURL

  • Add this HTML in the email body: <a href="[permalink]">Your message text</a>

Using slash-commands in in the Search Content permalink doesn't work

To use a slash-command as a permalink (for example /integrations-wizard), add the permalink in a URL shortener, like TinyURL

Playing Permalinks pre-login

  • Requires ws_settings.json to be placed on end user's machine (see deployment guide)

ShoutOuts are not supported in permalinks


Permalink isn't working? Read this article to get help.

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