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California Custom Templates


The California Template is a custom CSS template that can be applied to the WalkMe Editor's default California Balloon.

California Custom Balloon Templates can be applied globally or to an individual Smart Walk-Thru Step.

Global settings will affect the following:

  1. Balloon Steps
  2. Popup Steps
  3. Surveys

California Custom Balloon Templates include:










How to apply a California Custom Balloon Template globally

    1. Login to the WalkMe Editor
    2. Navigate to the Editor's Customize Settings (located at the footer)
    3. Select the Balloon tab
    4. Click the Change Design link
    5. Select and click from one of the available California Custom Balloon Templates
    6. Click Save

How to apply a California Custom Balloon Template to an individual Smart Walk-Thru Step

    1. Navigate to a Smart Walk-Thur Step and open the Interaction Panel
    2. Click the Change Design link

    3. Select and click one of the available California Custom Balloon Templates


      Applying a California Custom balloon Template to a step which contains preexisting:

      • Custom CSS
      • Custom BBcode

      May be overwritten by the new Custom California Template CSS

    4. Click Done to close the step's Interaction Panel
    5. Click Save

How to Reset and remove a California Custom Balloon Template

    • To globally Reset the Balloon Template back to the default California Balloon:
      1. Navigate to the Editor's Customize Settings (located at the footer)
      2. Select the Balloon tab
      3. Click the Reset Design Icon
      4. The Remove Custom Design popup modal will appear
      5. Click Continue
      6. Click Save

How to Reset an individual Smart Walk-Thru Step

      1. Navigate to a Smart Walk-Thru Step and open the Interaction Panel
      2. Click Reset Design
      3. The Confirmation popup modal will appear
      4. Click Continue
      5. Click Done
      6. Click Save

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