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WalkMe Items Appearing Above or Below Site Elements? Change the Layer Order (Z-Index)

Brief Overview

Z-index specifies the stack order of an element compared to other existing elements on the same webpage. An element with a greater stack order will be in front of an element with a lower stack order.

In some cases, you will wish to change the stack order, for example, when a balloon is blocking a calendar menu to which the user needs access. This article will show you how!

Steps for Changing Your Elements' Layer Orders (Z-Index)

  1. Open the WalkMe item stack order (z-index) of which you would like to adjust
    • This will reveal the Step Options menu:
  2. Click on the Appearance tab
  3. If you have not already done so, turn on Arrange Layer Order (z-index) by toggling on the switch:
  4. Now, either click Edit on Page within the Arrange Layer Order (z-index) section, or click the Edit on Page button on the bottom left of the Step Options Menu:


    The element related to the step you selected must be available on an open screen in order to complete this step.

  5. You should now see the Step you created in context, and the Editor will show your layer order arrangement options:

    • Depending on your intent, either click Bring forward (if your element is being hidden by a different website element undesirably) or Send backward (if your element is hiding a website element it shouldn't be);
  6. Click Select on-screen Element;
  7. Click on the on-screen element you want your Step's anchor element to either go in front of or move behind.
    • Once you click the element, look at the Define z-index value manually section; you should see the z-index value change automatically (if a change was necessary) to reflect the required z-index to achieve your desired effect.

Z-Index Pro-Tips

  • You can also modify the z-index value manually by entering a value under Define z-index value manually;
    • The z-index property can be set with a number value (positive, zero, or negative). Layers are displayed in numerical order, with larger numbers above smaller numbers.
    • When no z-index property is specified, elements are set to 0 (zero) by default.
    • The elements with the highest z-index property with be displayed as the top layer to end-users, while elements with the lowest z-index property will be displayed as the bottom layer.
  • Depending on your website's structure, in some cases changing the z-index won't have the desired effect. In this case, we recommend using Lock to Element in addition to z-index;
  • Salesforce Lightning does not support Arrange Layer Order (z-index).  Instead, you can adjust z-index value manually or use Lock to Element;
  • This feature is available for use in Smart Walk-Thrus, SmartTips, and Launchers.

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