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Why do some steps have a “Back” button and others don’t?


I have noticed that some of my steps have a "Back" button that allows the user to go back to the previous step in the Smart Walk-Thru.

How can I add this to my other steps?


Back” buttons can't be added manually.

They are only available in the following scenarios:

  1. Steps with “Next” type triggers that were directly preceded by another step with a “Next” type trigger
  2. Steps with “Next” type triggers that were directly preceded by a popup step
  3. Popup steps that were directly preceded by another popup step
  4. Popup steps that were directly preceded by a step with a “Next” type trigger
"Next" step trigger

  • Steps must be sequential for the "Back" button to appear
  • If there is a Wait For, Action, or Switch to Frame step between the two steps, the "Back" button will not appear
  • If the preceding step is an Auto Step, the "Back" button will not appear
  • You will not see the "Back" button when you play the full preview in the editor, you can see it during the step preview and once published

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