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Surveys, Onboarding and ShoutOuts (5)

  • Last Update January 25, 2024

    ShoutOut Appearing Too Frequently

    Issue A ShoutOut is playing for users when it shouldn't be, either by playing more than the designated frequency settings, or in spite of any segmentation or Auto Play rules that have been applied....

  • Last Update June 25, 2024

    Can I add segmentation to ShoutOuts?

    Issue Is it possible to add segmentation to ShoutOuts?  Solution Yes, you can add segmentation to ShoutOuts by assigning segment tags to them.  To add segmentation, follow these steps: Select the ShoutOut in the...

  • Last Update June 3, 2024

    ShoutOut Not Appearing or Auto Playing

    Issue My ShoutOut isn't playing on the page where I expect to see it. Solution There are several factors that can affect a from ShoutOut appearing. This article will examine each of them below. ...

  • Last Update December 3, 2023

    Onboarding Tasks Are Not Crossing Off

    Issue Onboarding Tasks are not getting crossed off in the Menu upon completion. Solution To begin, let's review task statuses. An Onboarding Task can be incomplete or complete. An incomplete task will appear clear...

  • Last Update May 28, 2024

    Can I add a survey to a menu?

    Issue How can I add a survey to the WalkMe Menu? Solution Surveys are typically played automatically with an Auto Play rule, opened with a launcher, or started at the end of a Smart...