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WalkMe Discovery: Custom Apps

Last Updated July 17, 2024

Brief Overview

The definition of an app is subjective - what may be an app for one organization may not be an app for another. In order to accommodate custom preferences for app definitions we introduced the ability to create custom apps. Essentially, you can now split an app into several by defining a URL rule or set of URL rules.

Use Cases

  • Separate app environments
    • Prod vs Test vs UAT vs Dev…
    • Different modules/workspaces/sub-apps
      • Example:
        • Original App: **
        • New apps:
          • **
          • **
          • **
    • Different regions
      • Example
        • Original App: **
        • New apps:

How It Works

  • Create new apps from the Edit App view - hover over an app, click the three dots, and select Edit App

  • In the app creation popup:
    • View list of the domains/subdomains visited (sorted by most visited to least)
    • Domains/subdomains can be selected and edited
    • Domains/subdomains can be duplicated to create another rule with the same domain/subdomain
    • The rules used to create apps are excluded from the original app's data collection moving forward

To make any edits or reverse any app creation, please Contact WalkMe via the button in the side panel.


  • Apps created take up to 24hrs for metrics to calculate
    • Not retroactive
    • Original app maintains historical data until the following month
  • App created maintains all abilities of regular apps
    • Usage metrics, side panel, edit app, block/hide, group, license analysis, etc all maintained
    • Base app type, icon, category inherited from original app

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