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How to Set Up Servers for WalkMe Self-Hosted

This article covers best practices for setting up your local server for WalkMe Self Hosted including server requirements, server configuration, and folder setup.

To learn more about Self Hosting for WalkMe, please refer to our Self Hosting Model article.


  1. Server Storage - Files can be placed on any web server with SSL support (i.e. Apache, IIS, Nginx etc.) based on Windows / Linux / MacOS.The destination server and folder where the files will be stored is accessible to all end-user machines.
  2. If using HTTPS (recommended), ensure there is a valid SSL certificate on the destination server. The server's SSL certificate must include the domains that will be used for the location of the WalkMe files.
  3. DNS Server.


If you're using a location on an existing server, the server may already be properly configured. If so, proceed to step #3.

  1. Configure your DNS server to include the new domain that holds the path for the WalkMe files.
    For example, if the path is: http://www.example.com/WalkMe. Define www.example.com in the DNS server.
  2. If using HTTPS (recommended), issue a new web server certificate with the WalkMe domain.
  3. Create a folder on the webserver where the files will be stored. If you plan to self-host the files for multiple environments (i.e. Test vs. Production), create a specific sub-folder for each environment.

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