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What Data Does WalkMe Collect?

Brief Overview

WalkMe allows you to gain insights about user behavior related to your WalkMe content and on your website itself. To provide this insight, WalkMe collects information such as which Smart Walk-Thrus are completed, and stores this information in a data center.

WalkMe Data Centers are the physical locations where we store WalkMe user data. The geographic location of each data center follows the local government's data and privacy laws. WalkMe currently has a data center in the United States and in the European Union.

Data center location

The location of your account does not always correspond with your data center. If you are unsure where your data is being stored please consult your Customer Success Manager or WalkMe contact.

Does WalkMe Collect Sensitive Information?

By default, WalkMe does not collect personally identifiable information (PII) other than IP addresses in logs for security purposes, the approximate geolocation of users (country and city in which they are located), and masked IP addresses for the ongoing operation of the WalkMe system. WalkMe assigns collected metadata to anonymous random GUID.

The user identifier, which can also contain PII, is collected and sent according to the end-user identification settings configured for the account. 

Unique User Settings (UUID)

When the user ID provider you configured in settings is not available, for instance, if the user is not logged in, a WalkMe anonymous generated ID is sent.

Examples of data that WalkMe collects:

  • Auto play rules (whether an item already played or not)
  • Smart Walk-Thru steps
  • WalkMe data (saved by the user)
  • Onboarding tasks progress
  • TeachMe course progress

Additionally, WalkMe collects and transfers environment properties such as browser and OS, page URL, and title. The collection of page URL and page title can be prevented upon customer request.

Higher tracking levels, which collect more information, can be defined upon customer request.

Analytics Parameters Example

Below is an example of an event sent by WalkMe's data recorder for WalkMe Engagement Analytics purposes:

    "oName":"Log in",
      "string":"Chrome 72.0.3626.121"
    "title":"Pink Alligator - ShopMe"

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